This story is a sequel to I Wrote This At the End of the Show Because I Still Exist
It's the worst day in Rainbow Dash's life, until a good friend shows up at the right time and place.
Also, be sure to get plenty of sleep before you attend a convention the next morning and blow all your money.
That is one buckin' creepy cover pic. I'm not even going to read it, but you get a thumbs up. Gah, so creepy.
Cover has nothing to do with story, it was really good, but the cover
Cover pic was weird, but I like it Explosions. Keep up the work.
A wonderful vignette, if rather sad. Poor Dashie.
Hmm. Well, the usual things that annoy me about your style are present (too many adverbs, Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, frequent dips into purple prose, some word confusion [see "colt" instead of "coat"]), but I like the concept of this. While I do feel that Applejack is rather out of character for lying like that, it made for a touching moment. I just think it could have worked better with (and I hate myself for saying this) Rarity, who would be more willing to deceive in the name of preserving a friend's feelings. She'd be less expected than Applejack, as well, which would let Rainbow Dash (and thus the reader) be more surprised by the change that happens.
Still, though, I enjoyed this, and for something written amidst insomnia, this is pretty decent. Still far and away better than most fics I see, but if you wanted to see this become something more, it could be improved a bit. Still, I know how wordy you get, so to see you be so (relatively speaking) concise is an impressive thing. The perspective of Rainbow Dash is also nicely done, but then again, it's rather in line with what I did in my own Dashie story, and some people hated that.
On the whole, nice stuff for being written at such a late hour. I won't harp on the cover image, as others seem to have that covered and I'm terrible at picking out images myself. F'naa, as you might say.
Damn good. The dialog was a tad confusing when Twilight and Pinkie showed up, and you once referd to Rainbow's "coat" as her "colt".
i tap that girl in the cover pic
i cannot unsee what i just saw
let me wallow in my own disgust at myself
that is all
The cover image...
But other than the uh... cover image... Oh God...
The story was pretty sweet. Great stuff if you actually wrote this at five in the morning.
...Just.. oh god the cover... The more I stare into it, the more it stares back! HELP! HEL-
The cover moves from horrifying to adorable once you realize it's a cat wearing a mask.
I thought it was like an inception cover picture.... with a picture of a cat with a picture of a woman's face but they eyes were cut out to replace them with something more creepy
the death of one of the mane 6 is the only way i tear up, but job well done regardless.
I miss the star system, a thumbs up just isnt the same as five shiny stars.
I work best at like 3 A.M. to 5 A.M.
Good story.
You go girl! Yay Dashie!
Really well written. It's rare that you see people being able to make it seem like Dash legitimately breaking down
Yeah, there's been sad-fics about Dash, but this right here, made it seem more possible than most of what I see sometimes; and I see a lot!
Good job. Here, have a thumbs up
Very well written. Kinda more Sad than Slice of Life.
Could tone down some of the language. It's fine when describing the setting, but when getting into the emotions and thoughts it dilutes the impact by interfering with the readers' absorption. It also detaches from characterization by making it seem the narrator is speaking directly to the reader rather than simply presenting the scenes. Made me skim a few parts, specifically: "She had no bulwark to face death with, and no courage to endure its many stings of anticlimax and ennui." That sentence is the worst offender by far. It made me stop and reread, then just skim over it and ignore it.
Also, while you are a good writer... "YEAH RIGHT" is my overall response to the entire story.
Dash in a situation where she not only fails a Wonderbolts tryout but also can NEVER AGAIN TRY OUT FOREVER!
Dash's family tragedy seemed out of nowhere and unnecessary.
AJ outright lying when she could have easily told the truth in a way that would give the same impression?
I did enjoy the portrayals of shattered self esteem, self loathing, and vulnerability. As well as the ending's theme of affirmation. But the context just leaves me wanting.
Also at one point you use the word "colt" instead of "coat".
Well. I absolutely loved the story. Quite touching. I don't know why, but...reading anything where Dash's dreams are shattered really hits me hard. There are a couple that I started, and just couldn't finish. To join the Wonderbolts is more than her sole aspiration: it's her motivation, and everything that keeps her going. All the bravado, all the's because she firmly believes that she belongs in their ranks, and has the skills to support it. To have that all yanked be told that you aren't good enough after captured my opinion of her character perfectly.
On the other yourself and everyone else a favor and get rid of that cover pic entirely. I'm serious. While the story is excellent, I just can't get past that stupid picture. It would be better not to have a picture at all.
That's just my two cents.
okay, so they won't let her join because her grades are too low? WTH?
This was a pretty good little read. My usual reaction for stories that I like but don't love is to call them "fun" but I don't think I can do that here. This story isn't fun. That's not a bad thing, that's just not the tone of it.
You are an absolute master of the claymore of sadness, but this was written in a tiny little cave where you didn't have room to swing it around. Some of your great big strokes of anguish aren't as effective as they would be in a different context.
Still, a good thing overall. Now go and spend your money. And don't worry. I once went to a convention and didn't sleep for nearly 48 hours. It does not interfere with your ability to spend money, though you may be surprised by some of your purchases.
Oh wow. This was really sad and beautiful. Your description of what makes Rainbow Dash tick was very refreshing from the usual notion that she's overcompensation for some deep insecurities. And I love how you had AJ cover for her. It might not be Honest with a capital H, but it was what a good friend would do. It was really sweet.
Loved it!!
Hmmm, wasn't too sad. Much more hopeful than sad. They really need a "hopeful" tag, that would be awesome (I suppose that's not a genre though, huh?).
I was impressed by the description you put into this story. At times it subtracted a little from the dialogue (you know, when you had so much in between the spoken lines), but in a sad fic I think it's OK to go into unnecessary detail. It's hard to get across the all the emotion one's trying to convey in a fic like this without those details. So, kudos to you SS&Explosions. *insert Pinkie Pie thumbs up*
Thank you for putting ll the effort you did into this story. For 5 in the morning, this is incredible (did you pull this off in one sitting, or did you just start it at 5? ). Thanks for writing this!
Keep on rockin'!
Very nice.
Agreeing with everyone else here: Good story, but WTF at the cover art.
I really liked it. Sad but also cute, and an adorable AppleDash not turning into a romance in a second is actually a nice change. A great story, overall
This was so sad, but I absolutely loved the ending. You've warmed my heart so much. Thanks for this.
You just made my day.
After reading that story I had two thoughts.
I'll never be able to look at cats the same way, and the End of Ponies hiatus just got a lot better.
I'm reading this at one in the morning because I cant sleep :p
I'm a sucker for a good friendship story, and this was ridiculously sweet. It's nice to see these two getting along and helping one another.
Applejack knows the value of a well-placed hat. And now, so does Rainbow Dash.
I don't even know whether to like this or dislike it. Pros: Pillow hat cake. More beautiful SS&E character exploration. Amazing writing and talent. Cons: Rainbow Dash doesn't make the Wonderbolts. There's not even a sad Dash icon over here! What is this?! Her world is crashing around her. I love the story, but.... but... Rainbow didn't make the Wonderbolts!!!
Y u no make longer AppleDash stories?
You really made me feel Dash's sadness, well done. And I was expecting Dash to tell Applejack about the letter, but the way you did it was surprising and heartwarming. Overall, awesome work
You stupid freakin' kangaroo. You just have to make AppleDash irresistible, don't you? I can't believe I'm actually starting to like the idea...
Great little story. Very visual and unusually heartwarming. I loved how AJ handled Dash's breakdown. There are as many lessons to learn in the works of SS&E as there are in FiM itself. Love your style, as always.
Dafuq is with that cover? Good story though.
That cat has some really white sclerae.
Good story but the cover scares me.
All out-of-character moments and unnecessary emphasis on the atmosphere aside, it's pretty good, especially if you count in the circumstances under which it was written. I found the title to be endlessly amusing for some reason; Pillow Hat Cake. Pillow Hat Cake
My god, this is beautiful. All it needs is a real title, you know.
And maybe less spontaneous rule 63-ing. :V
Gah, I went into this expecting a nonsensical crackfic, and you give me feels instead. Damn it, Skirts.
PS: No, this is not a complaint.
This was nice. I'm not sure that there's a better word for it than that.
Dammit, Skirts! I think you may have just converted me to the Appledash cult.
Still, better than a blue colt.
Yeah, this is definitely a story that I'd have favorited had I read it when it came out, but since I'm reading it a few weeks before season 7, the events that have occurred in the show prevent me from doing so, despite the fact that it was kind of adorable.
This comment is humorous in retrospect.
why does that thumbnail need to exist
thumbs up, my good sir
That kind of friend is the best kind of friend. Creepy pic but great story tho.