When Rainbow Dash acquired a Daring Do costume when Berry Punch moved away, she figured she'd only be using it on Nightmare Night. But when Rarity is in dire need of emeralds for a special dress suit for Soarin', Rainbow Dash and Soarin' venture forth to retrieve them from the paparazzi infested Canterlot and are in need of disguises. While they're gone, Twilight learns that it's better to let your feelings out, rather than bottle them up. But are the feelings what she thinks they are?
Disclaimer: Despite the cover art, this is NOT a blind Dash story.
Written for the Twidash group's contest, Abandoned Fic Challenge. Anything before the first page break was not written by me.
Pre-read/edited by Rainbow Skywalker.
Cover art used with permission courtesy of MadHotaru.
Twilight defaced a book? Does not compute.
Cute fic, the whole mention of the book and nothing happening felt a bit confusing and Soarin really doesn't completely explain his feeling. It's just two small plot threads you just seem to forget about that kinda dragged it down for me. The stuff abut Daring and Rosetta especially could've been used to good effect that you seemed to forget as well.
Still a cute fun fic.
Nice job on this one.
Since no one else has commented on this:
I spy with my little eye a Ferris Bueler reference. +10 Respect and win.
Great fic
That was a very cute, well-written story! You know, I'm not much for TwiDash, but since you kept the plot interesting and the writing stellar and warm, I had to read the rest. Fantastic work!
This was a nice story
would have been funny if the paparazzi got a pic of Soarin and RD kissing and put it on the front page
would love to see how spitfire reacted to that kind of news
>Her and Soarin’ flew up to the office
should be "She and Soarin'..."
is a plural form, singular paparazzi are paparazzo (male/unknown/nonspecific) or paparazza (female). While "paparazzi" has occasionally been used to refer to single photographers, this is not common usage.
2831776 Thank you for those. I had no idea there were different versions of paparazzi. I'll make the changes as soon as possible.
Edit: I fixed it. I believe I fixed every instance where it shouldn't be plural. I didn't change any dialogue where Rainbow Dash or Soarin' said paparazzi, because she doesn't have the best vocabulary, and he probably doesn't.
A partner in crime, if you will.
Is that a Bobby Yarsulik reference? He has made a song named Partner in Crime...
2839241 No, it isn't. Partner in crime is just an expression. Thank you for reading, though.
Dawwwww....very nicely done
Ferris Bueler is best reference!
That was a fun read
I liked the way you integrated the Daring Do-like adventure into this, complete with hordes of enemies, a treasure, traps, and heroic rescues.
And I liked the role reversal to Twilight being confronted with and opposed to the "Daring" - "Silver" romance and all for the "Daring" - "Rosetta" ship.
Oh and good luck in the contest!
2874155 Thanks and good luck to you, too!
A very fun read. I really liked the role reversal as well, with Twilight being thrust into the emotional storm first. Wish I had thought of something similar! :)
Good luck with the contest!
2874964 Thanks! Good luck with the contest yourself!
This was very nice and light-hearted. I especially enjoyed this little Tom Swifty (which I'm pretty sure was intentional):
Good luck in the contest!
2876998 ...Actually, it wasn't intentional. Wow, I didn't even notice that before... Thanks for the good luck and good luck to you too.
Thanks! :)
A very nice story. Only one question I have.
What did Twilight write in the book?
3194454 I failed utterly in giving you a thumbs up... NVM, I fixed the thumbs down.
Good job but I like Soarindash more than you now twilight and rainbow.But anyways this story is good.
Tell that to the shippers. LyraBon, one of the 2 OTPs the entire fandom more or less agrees on started due to the two being next to each other and SITTING ON BENCHES. And VinylTavia, well, for most of the show, they weren't even in the same SHOT. It took till Rainbow Rocks for them both to be around in the same movie, a split second where they were in the same shot, and until Episode 100 for them to actually interact. Yeah. Shippers are like the Smooze in G1. Unstoppable. Wow that got ranty.
Gonna go on a mini rant here. Iron Will wasn't that bad, yes his methods were a bit, aggressive, but he overall did mean well, it's FLUTTERSHY that took his lessons to the extreme, besides, for all we know, being very energetic/aggressive could just be how all minotaurs are, or he's considered calm for a minotaur. Now that would be entertaining.