What looks like a secret midnight snack is much, much more than it seems. Love can exist in all forms. Even in a sugary, fattening kind.
Thanks for the help from my pre-readers Denim_Blue and WIL_I_ZIN.
Are you ready, kids? Also a thingy so my pizza funds don't run out anytime soon.
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....man, now I want some cake too. Or to BE that cake.

Oh god...
This made me LOL so hard!!!
Your story has brought a smile apon my face. You did good, sir
Oh Dear Celestia... I would say Luna, but that is my daughters name, so it might be creepy.
That title...
Instantly faved XD
Still a better love story than My Roommate's a Vampire
2805452 no its a better love story than twilight
I laughed so hard when Luna caught Discord hahahaha, awesome, this is going to the featured box!
2805464 ANYTHING, ANYTHING is a better love story than Twilight. So you really aren't setting standards, just degrading the story....why isn't there a trollestia stephanie meyer story yet?
2805521i don't care I just wanted to say it everything is better than twilight
2805528 ME too

Short, sweet, and awesome!
~Skeeter The Lurker
A delicious story!!!
No you do not have any shame, but that is why we are all here
"And what the hell is this sticky liquid everywhere?!"
I...I think I just fell out of my chair....
I....I....I....have the weirdest boner right now
Oh I gotta read this
Now we need a Celestia-Cake-Twilight threesome.
How did this get to the feature box? I thought there was an unofficial rule that a fic had to be over 4,000 words to be featured.
Not anymore! So I am abusing the system while I can!
Oh, well then... abuse away.
Damn it.
You did it again did you.
Damn it Bob, if you make a mess in the feature box yet again, atleast have the dece- nah i'l just stop right there.
Great fic man, great fic.
Although i do like the saying; Oh no, Rainbow made a no no in the feature box again.
*slowly takes off glasses*
You've done it again.
That ending.
Erhm... what... I... what?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat did I just read?
Bob, this will have some serious repercussions for me.... A 40 hour day lies ahead of me, and I will now spend six of those wishing I had cake.
Oh, and you're now
aboveequal to the Joker on the Insane-O-Meter.HOW?!
I do believe that liquid is known as smegma.
I kinda wanna know what other odd things Celestia does when she thinks no other pony is looking.
Well, shit.
Im a big fat guy, so i really love cake. But not that much.........yet.....hmmmmmm? Hey wife! Bake me a cake and then go away for a while!
Very fun. BTW, you're missing a word: start looking for the missing princess.
I...forgive me, I've lost my words. I'm dying of laughter at the Luna and Discord part, and I'm so glad I followed you!

And we are so glad you don't

Call me a racist, but I first imagined the cake to be white-frosted angel food cake with coconut shavings?
I demand to know that sort of cake this is. I've had it with generic cakes (insert here) !
That was hilarious!
Great job!
ThAT was the funniest and most insane story i have ever read!!

i am littlealy laughing my head off at the moment! this is so going in my favorites!!! GOOD JOB,GOOD SIR!!!

I salute you
That was quite possibly the best romance fic I have ever read!
Aaaah jeez I enjoyed that! I'll admit that at first I thought their love making would simply be Celestia eating the cake, and that the camera was put there by Luna. So even in that short span you surprised me twice!
Oh dear God have mercy. So much ridiculousness. I just can't handle it...
Pretty decently written! I noticed a couple grammatical mistakes (which I thought I'd point out), but other than those, all seemed in order!
–The only sound in Canterlot castle was the soft pitter-patter of hooves.
If "Canterlot castle" is intended to be the name of said castle in Canterlot, then I believe that the word "castle" should be capitalized.
–The floor and countertops were all scrubbed clean , while the kitchen tools were organized for the next day’s duties.
Whoops, there's a space before the comma here.
–“They don’t have to think anything of it,” she assured him, lifting him closer so she can stare him in the eyes.
Since this story is on ye olde past-tense, "can" is incorrect.
Aaaaand I think that's all I have to say for this story! Good day, sir! (or madam!)