Just Business
This is a story based around an idea I've had knocking around in my head for a while. Not sure if I should have wrote it.
But, anyways, I hope you all enjoy it and, whether or not you do, please leave your comments here! I love any feedback you can give!
Google Docs Mirror: Here.
Shame AJ......but its business so its alright.
And we don't want Pinkie losing her job know do we?
227702 Indeed, we don't. 'Twould be a shame.
Thanks for commenting. Means a lot to me.
227718: Don't worry bout it.
Business........now i know how to deal with others.
Wow I thought it was pretty good. Something about Strictly Business I like a lot, it was pretty well written and who knows maybe there will be a sequel where apple jack pulls teeth. Or makes some pony an offer they can't refuse.
227725 Hmm. I did enjoy writing this, so I may write up a couple related stories. Maybe a prequel or two to explain the background differences...
Anyways, thanks for commenting. It means a lot to me.
227753 Ah. Thank you. I shall be sure to check yours.
And, of course, thank you for commenting. It really means a lot to me.
Potential. You haz it.
Now tracking.
227824 I'm glad you think so.
Thanks for commenting. It really does mean a lot.
Business is business. Plus you don't screw with the Elements of Harmony in any way.
227870 Oh, yes. I'm trying to maintain that.
Anyways, thank you so much for commenting. It does mean a lot to me.
227887 Well, I can't really think of any other way to describe turning the Apple Family into a mafia family. Sure, this ain't gonna be any Cupcakes, but it isn't going to be bright, either, all things considered. Also, I'll have to check it out.
Anyways, thank you for commenting at such length. Means a lot to me.
227922 Ah, I'm glad you were!
Thank you for commenting! It means much to me.
I could see this as just dark, but grimdarks are usually... Well, extremely over the top, like Cupcakes or Rainbow Factory. This, on the other hand, is more of an... Extremely enjoyable piece of dark fiction. It's short, but I think that works for it. I'd be all for a second one, detailing the Apple Family's 'business' a little more.
So, I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse. I'm going to watch you, and you just write more good fiction. Deal? Good. lol
I am a relatively new brony, but I have to say, I like where this is going. The uniqueness earns you points as well. I wish you well in your caper to write stories.
228179 Hmm. You make a good point. But, for the moment, the term will have to do. Just call it a "light grimdark." And, considering the amount of ponies saying they'd like to see more, well...I can hardly refuse, can I?
And, also, thank you for commenting. It does mean a lot.
228244 Thank you for that, and I'm glad you liked it.
Thanks for commenting, too. It means a lot to me.
Applejack IS agent 47.