• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
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Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


It's Father's Day, and Diamond Tiara has decided to make her father Filthy Rich the greatest breakfast-in-bed he's ever tasted!

Written for the Equestria Daily Flash Fanfiction Event #3.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

What a nice, heartwarming tale. May his stomach recover in piece.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I usually hate these ponies but this.... this was *gag* sweet

mmm, eggs. I'm hungry now :pinkiesad2:

Ah, the torture adults subject themselves to for their kids.

On the bright side, at least she didn't liquify any solids, like some ponies have :unsuresweetie:

And yay for more Filthy Rich.

Ah that's so sweet, even Diamond Tiara has a soft spot. :heart:

What I wouldn't give to see someone animate this wonderful one-shot. :pinkiehappy:

d'aww and also :facehoof:

Also, they were down to their last box of FlimFlam Sugar Bites, and she didn’t want to share it.

Yep, that's Diamond Tiara all right.

Aww. Her heart was in the right place, at least. :twilightsmile:

Even bad fillies love their daddies. :twilightsmile:

"Eh, he'll be fine with just one egg."
Completely ignoring the fact she just plastered a wall with one.

That final moment made me recall a certain anime where something cute happens and the much scarfing down of unedibles ensues. The things we do to spare the feelings of others... *SIGH*

Nice one Yuki

What's this? Diamond Tiara not treated as a pathetic alpha bitch undeserving of life? What is this madness?!

:unsuresweetie:: Diamond Tiara made better breakfast than me!?!?!?

Why, this gave me a lot of feels...
thanks for the story.

Comment posted by thesnyphur deleted Jun 17th, 2013

2732570 madness?:rainbowhuh:
THIS. IS. SPARTA!:flutterrage:

Sorry, couldn't resist:twilightsheepish:

Awwwwwwww! I did this with my dad! Except I didn't burn it :D

Or burn the orange juice. There's bad cooking, and there's completely breaking the laws of physics.

Wait- d'you mean Filthy Rich? Diamond Tiara I can understand, but what did Filthy do to deserve that?

*Grins and applauds* Very cute fun. I love seeing DT's kinder side. Spotted a couple typos:twistnerd:
but the shear amount made her groan. - sheer
and she then smiled contently as she turned to the toaster. - contentedly
knocking over a small tub of wooden spoon and other implements on the way. - wooden spoons or knocking over a small tub containing a wooden spoon and other implements on the way.

Also, they were down to their last box of FlimFlam Sugar Bites, and she didn’t want to share it.

I LOVED this line. :heart:

But this was quickly overridden by a warm feeling on his chest, and he looked down to see his daughter nuzzling against him.
“I love you, daddy,” she said quietly.
Filthy Rich smiled and wrapped a hoof around his daughter. “I love you too, Princess.”

So sweet, I can't even deal. Well done. :eeyup:

And so after losing the bet, Silver had to ask Snips out on a date, and the alternate universe retelling of Pride and Prejudice and Snails was sent on its way. Good use of compiling chaos on top of chaos. It gave the cooking scene a very frenetic feel to it.

Has she a soul!?! :twilightoops::twilightoops::twilightoops:

P.s. very cute :twilightsmile:

I loved this. I loved Diamond's honesty and playfulness and her heart in this.

I loved how she admitted to herself that she didn't want to share her cereal.

I loved all the effort and love she put into making breakfast, and every detail was well described.

I laughed at the throwing the eggs, I was thrilled by her quick thinking handling the fire and I flinched when she burned herself out of genuine concern.

You wrote a character that was both lovable and believable.:duck::twilightsmile:

I was routing for DT all the way!:yay:

I think I know why there were bags under Filthy Rich's eyes now...

The D'aaaaaws.... Too much! Too mach d'aaaaaaws!

:unsuresweetie: Diamond you're really bad at cooking. Next time, let me help!

Filthy Rich let out a light chuckle as he looked back down at his food. “Y-You don’t say…” With a gulp, he picked up a slice of toast and brought it to his mouth. ‘ Thank Celestia my wife is a nurse. ’

Whelp, that aged like milk

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