Chapter 2 I really should start making names for these chapters instead of just chapter 1 and so on. Anyway if I haven't already said this is my first fic (sorry if I have said) so tell me what I'm doing right and what I am sucking at to make future chapters and stories better. Thanks. Stupid pointless info: I thought of these names while walking in a valley in the isle of Arran, Scotland while on holiday there. Yeah, I don't know why I told you this. Also, the next chapters will be more interesting.
"Vlak nakka draal!" Spat Kantall Draam.
"Flel en dey sek." Agreed Fellen Re.
"Wuul un hey drum?" I asked them.
"Nat tam par krest! Day hark!" Kantall informed me with astonishment.
"Bludder!? Seey ulm suley." I departed my realm, and sent a jolt to wake my body. I had arrived in the land of Equestria, and as Kantall told me, the elements of harmony were here to greet me. It had been so long, this would be interesting indeed...
A stallion. More specifically, an earth pony. It didn't take long for the girls to realise that this was no ordinary stallion either he was a pony of average hight yes, but his mane was transparent, with the edges being a light grey. It was styled in a wavy way, with smooth points on top. It swayed slowly, almost mesmerising, in the pleasant breeze. There was only two words to describe with which to describe his appearance, one being calm, he had amazing blue eyes, which almost seemed to look through the six ponies as he surveyed the surrounding area with surprising coolness, as if he fell from space on a regular basis.
The other word was blue. His eyes, small oceans in themselves, it was easy to get lost in them, his coat, a dark blue which rivalled the evening sky itself. His tail, strangely long for a male, was ruffled and stopped just short of the rocky ground. It was two shades of blue, it was a dark as his coat with an icy blue stripe down the middle. Even his muzzle and small beard under his chin were ice coloured.
But, the strangest thing about him, the feature that aroused the most suspicion, was his cutie mark. Well, if it was a cutie mark. It consisted of strange, curved symbols, the likes of which none had ever seen before,that glowed a chilly blue.
With a gasp Twilight noticed that the symbols were moving across his flanks and forming into different symbols, cutie marks don't move! And they sure as hay never change! They symbolise what your special talent is, something that can't be changed. Ever.
Then he spoke,
"Greetings to you, ponies. Am I correct in that you six wield the elements of harmony?"
The girls were stunned. His voice... it was as if each word was wrapped in the finest silk before leaving his mouth and gently entering their ears. Like wrapping their heads in cotton. It was so calming, so relaxing, that it actually worried Twilight, not that she would show it.
"Who are you?" She questioned, regaining her steely determination. "And how the hay did you get here!?"
Switching to a first person p.o.v now, the point of view of the new arrival.
The six ponies looked upon me in awe, something that actually quite annoyed me, but I suppose I am a little different looking. Or maybe it's due to the fact that I fell from the sky. Quite possibly that option.I spoke, and this awe seemed to grow even bigger. Strange, I thought, I had no idea my voice left this kind of effect on ponies, on another note it has been so long since the creating of this world... so long. And this is my first time coming here. The first time any of us has walked these lands. This could be very, very interesting, maybe-
"Who are you?" It was the purple unicorn that broke my train of thought. "And how the hay did you get here!?"
I chuckled, a sound which seemed to have a peculiar effect on the ponies before me, I saw their eyes and they looked as if they were dreaming, yet wide awake at the same time. They must get used to my voice. Or we could have communication problems.
"She said, who are you!?" A rainbow maned pegasus shouted at me, her voice laced with courage. Kantall's work. Most definitely.
"Oh Rainbow Dash, don't shout, you might make him mad!" This came from a yellow, timid looking pegasus. Could she be? Kindness? There was no doubt that these were the element bearers, I could sense the energy they gave off. Powerful, but not as strong as me, or my fellows. Just as they were supposed to be. Good to know they worked as they were intended. I would have to tell the others when I get the chance.
I responded,
"My name is Lucel Dreym and I will explain everything in a short amount of time, but we must go to the nearest town. It would not do to stay out here after dark."
"Loosel draim?" Asked an orange mare wearing a strange style of hat. It suited her. "That sure is a funny name, how is that spelt?"
" L U C E L, space, D R E Y M."
"Well mister Dreym... as curious as I am to find out about you, and rest assured, I will be getting answers. You are right, we have to get back to Ponyville before night falls." Spoke the purple one.
Ponyville. Not the most creative name, but is was nice all the same.
"I still don't trust you buddy!" Snarled the Rainbow coloured blur.
"I mean none of you any harm" I assured them "I will hurt not one of you and am curious about you as well, but now let's walk."
And we did, we walked quickly in the fading sunlight for exactly 6 minutes when The rainbow one had an idea
"I know, how about I pick each of you up one at a time and fly you to the bottom of the mountain! It's quicker that walking!"
That is exactly what she did, and she did it fast, she would pick up one of her friends, making sure she had a firm grip and zip down to the mountain base, then zoom back up for the next one. She left me till last and I could tell she was apprehensive about picking me up.
"I won't do anything stupid, I assure you." I told her
"Well... okay, I can't leave you here on your own can I?" She said with a little smile on her face. She was warming up to me, this was great news.
"Hold on tight!" She yelled. A rush of air, then I was at the bottom. She was fast.
"Ponyville is right there, can you see it?" Asked the purple unicorn. In the distance about 2 miles from our current location was a small town. That had to be it. We set off and it took two minutes for it to hit me.
"Terribly sorry, I never asked your names. How rude of me." I mentally berated myself I couldn't believe I hadn't asked.
"Oh no the fault is all ours!" Said the white one,"Let me introduce myself, I am Rarity!" Got it Rarity. I thought to myself.
"And this is Rainbow Dash" She pointed to the rainbow maned one. How fitting... I thought.
"This is Pinkie Pie," She motioned to the pink one with the crazy, yet heart warming smile.
"Hiya Lucel! Oh can I call you Lucy?! This is so exciting! You fell from the sky and lit the whole thing up! You were going so fast! Well, according to Twilight, she saw it, we didn't because we were sleeping!" She squealed in my ear as an explosion of confetti burst from... nowhere... what?
I looked at the others, they smiled and gave me a look as if to say,"Don't try to figure it out, just go with it." I gladly took their advice.
"No, you cannot call me Lucy." I told her with a snicker.
"Oh, well Lucel's fine." That grin. How is this possible? You know what? Fuul it, I'm not going to ask.
"And this is Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack." She pointed to the three left over. Fluttershy? It seemed to be a fitting name, come to think of it, they all had fitting names.
"A pleasure to meet you." I said, then we set off for Ponyville.
The journey did not take long, and when we entered the village I was saddened to see ponies either look at me with wonder or hide indoors. Well, they'll get used to me I suppose.
"Don't sweat it sugarcube." The pony named Applejack spoke. "Once they realise you're a nice guy, then they'll warm up to you fer sure!" I nodded and kept walking.
"Here we are everypony! Lucel, this is the library, also my home."
"You live in a library? That is magnificent! All that knowledge just a few feet away and available at all times!" I exclaimed.
This seemed to brighten Twilight up significantly.
"I am happy you see things as I do. Anyway, this is where you will be staying for now and also where you will be answering all of my questions!" She almost sung the last part cheerfully.
"After you answer mine." Her face fell a bit. " My explanation will take a lot longer, so I would like to get the shorter ones out of the way if you don't mind."
"Fine, what do you want to know?"
"Just what elements you represent and what you have done with them."
"Oh that's all? Okay, I myself am the element of magic." Should have guessed that. "Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty."
Kantall's work! I knew it! "Rarity is the element of generosity." Oh really? This is interesting. "Applejack is the element of honesty." Yes. I can see that now. "Pinkie Pie is the element of laughter." Fin Zek would approve. "And Fluttershy is the element of kindness." I guessed correctly. I will be looking forward to talking to her. "As for what we've done with them... I assume you mean what we have accomplished with them?"
"No, I already know what you've accomplished. You turned Nightmare Moon back into princess Luna, an act which I am infinitely grateful for."
"What do you-" I held a hoof up to silence her.
"Sorry to interrupt but you will get all these answers shortly. And you turned Discord back into stone. Sool created a monster when she turned." I told them sadly. When I saw they were about to question what I had just said I motioned for them to be silent once again.
"No, where are they would be a more suitable question."
"In the royal palace in Canterlot. In a room guarded so well only the princesses can open it, the spells are so-"
"Saying , in Canterlot would suffice. Very well you six, it seems I have some explaining to do." I prepared myself for the oncoming questions. What I would tell them was going to open their eyes and maybe they wouldn't believe me. Well, I would have to prove it. Doing that won't be difficult.
"okay, ask away."
I would like feed back :/
But meh. Ponies.