• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 14,622 Views, 1,349 Comments

A Trusted Friend in Science and Ponies - Rethkir

A sequel to Better Living Through Science and Ponies

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Chapter 08: Borderworld

“Well, this has been the most excruciating day of my life.” GLaDOS paced around the floor of the large chamber as she spoke to Atlas and P-body, who were in the bodies of Fido and Spot, respectively. “So, you’ve mastered breathing, and you figured out that whole thing about ingesting organic materials for their caloric and nutritional value. Now, I’d rather not speak about those other things you had to learn about ever again. That will haunt me for the rest of my life. I can’t understand the purpose of organic life. It’s disgusting! All it ever accomplishes is converting oxygen into carbon dioxide and converting food into… well, I’m sorry you had to find out about that the hard way.”

Atlas and P-Body were still getting accustomed to functioning in their organic bodies. They had access to all the senses that their bodies experienced, and they had full control as well. The sensations, though, were entirely new. They were now exposed to things such as hunger, itching, heat, cold, stress, fatigue, and sleepiness. Although GLaDOS did not feel any of these, she knew enough about them to explain what they were. They could also feel pain, but that wasn’t anything new to them. Everything built by Aperture Science was capable of feeling pain, even the cubes.

After seeing them struggling in their new bodies, she felt bad about bringing them back like this. She didn’t wish for anyone to suffer life as a biological being. But there just weren’t enough resources to build them, yet. Everything she found went into the machine, and that was after months of gathering and shaping the materials. It took top priority because it was crucial for her plan. Then, she would have access to unlimited technology. She would be able to mass-produce thousands of backup bodies for the bots, just like the good old days. Had the Diamond Dogs not failed her so miserably, the bots would not yet be needed, But once they learned how to function in their fleshy bodies, they would be able to get the job done.

“I’m so sorry to put you two through this. And no, doggies, I’m not talking you. Oh, Orange, Blue, how hurt I am to have done this to you. I’m so grateful that you two saved me from the cold, murky depths of that miserable lake, and how do I repay you? By salvaging your bodies to rebuild myself. I never even bothered to bring you back until I needed you. And then, I put you into these disgusting, mutant canine bodies. You must think I’m a terrible person, don’t you? Such an utter disregard for my own creations.” GLaDOS was strangely genuine in her words. She felt utter remorse for her testing bots, her… children.

“I would perform a Pressurized Affectionatory Constricted Embracing Squeeze on the two of you, but you have not yet met the minimum required hours of sanitation in order to justify contacting your bodies. It would also extend to those ungrateful degenerates as well, who are far from deserving of it. I will consider it if my love for you is stronger than my hate for them by at least 60 kilohearts, or 20%.”

“Glee-o, kulunk!” Atlas vocalized. It was strange hearing his voice being so high-pitched from the body of the smaller Diamond Dog.

“Peelallocahooo!” P-Body grunted. Again, her voice being low pitched from the larger, more masculine Diamond Dog’s body just sounded wrong. Hearing them speak made GLaDOS regret the combination she chose.

The bodies I chose for them makes no sense. What was I thinking? She thought to herself. At the time, she was thinking about punishing the Diamond Dogs more-so than bringing back the bots. She figured she’d put P-Body in the taller one since she was taller, and have Atlas in the shorter one since he was shorter, but upon hearing their voices, she thought that they should be switched.

She approached the bots, two of the black cables that comprised her mane lifting like mechanical arms, attaching themselves to the metallic devices on the tops of their heads. The LED lights deactivated for about three seconds before reactivating, their colors switched. Now, orange was blue and blue was orange. GLaDOS detached the cables, letting her mane return to normal. The bots reexamined themselves, getting used to how their new body was different from the other.”

“That’s better… I think. Wait… actually, that looks worse… but, then again, they’re both pretty bad options. Oh, well. When life gives you lemons…”

“Fwheeelowi-patool!” P-Body shrieked.

“Hraggul-knauk!” Atlas replied.

“Yes, I know. But don’t worry. You’ll get your mechanical bodies back soon, just after you get something for me.”

In the months since the destruction of Aperture, GLaDOS had tasked The Diamond Dog grunts with installing cameras outside the mountain. Although many miles away from Ponyville, the mountain was tall enough that Ponyville could be seen from near the top. The cameras had a sufficiently advanced optical zoom, and were able to observe almost anything that transpired in Ponyville or the surrounding area. The events in the Everfree Forest particularly pleased her.

“Yes… I think that will do.” GLaDOS turned her attention to the Diamond Dogs. “The failure of those idiots has sent the entire kingdom on alert. Surely, they will soon take measures to protect Twilight Sparkle. But I have a feeling that she will be staying in town for just a little while longer. Capturing her will not be as easy as before, since she will likely be on guard, but we will lose this opportunity if we delay, so you two will give her to me before the night is over. I have a pretty good idea where she will be. You two were built for missions like this, so I have much more confidence in you. But just in case, let me explain your mission…”

The testing bots stood up straight, and saluted, despite the poor postures of their bodies.

“You will not fail me…”

“I simply cannot believe that we missed out on what’s been happening in Ponyville today,” Rarity mused after crossing the portal into Ponyville.

“It’s alright,” Chell said. “We just need to find the others and get everything sorted out. Applejack and Twilight went to see Fluttershy, but considering what’s been going on today, they could be anywhere by now.”

As soon as the group of four had a chance to view their surroundings, it was clear that all of Ponyville knew that something was going on. The ponies of town were moving around frantically, chattering amongst themselves worriedly. A large conglomeration was gathered in the town square. There was a noticeable lack of pegasi among the crowd.

“Maybe these ponies know what’s going on,” Ditzy offered.

“Ooh, let me ask, let me ask!” Pinkie exclaimed. Before anypony could say anything, the pink pony bounced around from pony to pony, asking them if they had seen Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, or Rainbow Dash. She popped from location to location before any of them had a chance to respond.

The other three ran up to one of the ponies who Pinkie Pie asked.

“Terribly sorry about her,” Rarity told a unicorn stallion. “Have you seen any of them around?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash was organizing the effort to put out the fire. Fluttershy was one of the pegasi that went with her. I haven’t seen the other two you mentioned, though,” he told her.

Rarity was glad that Chell had told her about the forest fire, or she would have been completely lost. But her elation of knowing what was going on was subsided by the mention of Fluttershy helping with the fire. Oh, I do hope Fluttershy’s alright, she thought. I can’t imagine her being in that type of situation.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Pinkie calling from the distance. “Found them! Found them! I found them! They’re over here!”

Rarity quickly thanked the stallion, and then she and the others ran to where Pinkie was. She was still on the edge of the crowd, but towards the other side of the square. The other ponies ran along the perimeter of the square to get there. Ditzy, being the only pegasus in the group, flew over the crowd to get to where Pinkie was, where she saw Twilight, Applejack, and Dinky.

“Mommy!” the unicorn filly cried at the sight of the gray mare. The sight of her mother made her feel ecstatic. It did not make her forget how angry she was that she left her that morning, but she decided to let that go for now. Ditzy swooped down and lifted her daughter off the ground, holding her in her hooves.

Chell and Rarity reconvened with the group a few moments later.

“It’s so good to see you guys!” Twilight exclaimed. She was surprised to see Pinkie and Rarity with Ditzy and Chell, but was happy to see everypony together. It would provide them with a good opportunity to finally get everything sorted out. Judging by how fast they ran, she figured Chell would provide the same news that she already figured out, and it was likely that Rarity and Pinkie Pie knew as well. Pinkie, even in her usual silliness, seemed to have something grim on her mind. Just from the looks in everypony’s eyes and their stern faces, Twilight could tell that they all knew what was going on. “I suppose you all know as well, right?”

Even with all of them knowing of GLaDOS’s return, none of them felt comfortable breaking the ice again, except maybe Pinkie. But even she knew that the time was not appropriate to go on a long-winded rant.

Ditzy decided that she would be the one to say it. She gathered her strength, taking a deep breath. “GLaDOS is responsible for all of this.” This news surprised no one, and yet it was still strange for them all to think about.

“We… know, too…” Twilight seconded. “We… figured it out…”

“The whole town knows by now,” Applejack said. “All this crazy stuff that’s been goin’ on… the portals, the fires… there’s no way it can’t be her. Twilight said it could’ve only been caused by that laser of hers, and Zecora said the same thing about the forest. How did you gals figure it out? That crazy Doctor pony tell ya?”

Chell and Ditzy had both completely forgotten about him. Chell decided to summarize how she found out as concisely as possible. “Actually… he led us to… a turret in the vault in Canterlot Castle.” The other ponies were shocked when they heard the word turret, but Chell continued, “It doesn’t shoot, but it knows many things… strange things… secrets… How it knows this stuff, I have no idea, but everything it has said before has come true. It told me… that she’s still alive, and whatever she’s up to, this is just beginning.”

“We actually spoke with her in person,” Rarity added, “or at least we spoke with her over long distance. You see, there was this Diamond Dog, one of the ones that tried to kidnap me in fact…” The thought of her and Twilight sharing that in common made her feel uneasy. “…and it was wearing this collar which GLaDOS spoke through. She was… punishing him with it. They were the ones who were trying to kidnap you, Twilight.”

Rarity hit her forehead upon realizing that she forgot to comfort Twilight about that. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I forgot about all about that.” She ran up to Twilight, giving her a strong sincere hug that lasted a few seconds. “I’m so sorry about what happened to you last night. That must’ve been an awful experience. I wish I could have been around earlier for you.”

“Oh, that’s all right, Rarity. I’m okay now,” Twilight told her. “They didn’t lay a paw on me, so I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“So it was those filthy varmin’ Diamond Dogs. Ah say we oughta go over there and teach ’em a lesson,” Applejack said.

“That won’t do any good,” Rarity said. “GLaDOS was the one making them do it, after all.”

Pinkie gasped. “Ghuh! What if that meanie BaDOS was in that collar the whole time? We should have stopped her then! Hey, how come Diamond Dogs can talk, when Applejack’s dog Winona can’t? And how come they stand upright, anyway?”

“Upright?” Chell asked in confusion.

“Maybe their collars allow the dogs to speak like Chell’s necklace does. Oh, we should so try putting it on Winona. No, wait! Gummy! Gummy!”

“Um… you do remember that he was talking to us with his mouth, right?” Rarity said, again confused by Pinkie's craziness.

“Oh, I know, but it would still be really cool to try it out. Ple-ple-please, Chell?”

“Pinkie,” Applejack said with a sigh, “Ah think we have more important issues to worry about right now.”

“Right!” Twilight confirmed. “Now that we all know who’s behind this all this, it’s of the utmost importance that we speak with Princess Celestia again.”

“She knows as well,” Chell told her. “Last I saw, she and her sister were going to speak to each other regarding the threat. She speculated that GLaDOS may want to use you for your magical ability.”

“That’s impossible,” Twilight scoffed. “Using magic like I do requires much more than raw magical power. It requires an intuitive understanding as well, meaning that I am in full control of my abilities.”

Applejack placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Sugarcube, that GLaDOS is capable of some pretty strange things, like that freaky mind-scanning thing of hers.” Applejack shuddered at the thought of her mind being probed. “And what was up with those crazy rectangles with the moving pictures on them?”

Chell had to resist putting her hoof to her face, remembering that ponies don’t have TV’s. But the point was still there. “Applejack’s right. GLaDOS is as resourceful as she is insane. She will do anything in her power to get her way, and considering that we don’t even know what it is she’s planning, we can’t be too cautious.”

“What is the mean pony gonna do, Mommy? Are we gonna be alright?” Dinky asked her mother.

Ditzy wrapped a wing around the filly. She felt bad about leaving her behind that morning so she decided to be honest with her. “I don’t know, Muffin, I’ll try keep you safe from her.”

There was something on Twilight’s mind, but she didn’t want to say it. However, seeing as there was no getting around the issue anymore, she let out a long, tired sigh. “As long as GLaDOS is searching for me, it’ll probably be best that I leave Ponyville.”

Pinkie Pie gasped almost as loud as the first time she ever met Twilight. “Guuuahh! Twilight! You can’t go! We’ll miss you! What am I going to do when I can’t remember the 28th digit of Pi, of the square root of a bajillion, or the pH of lemon juice, or if I need to write an essay on Machiapony?”

Twilight began, “Pinkie, why would you need—?”

“You can’t leave us. You are the keystone of the arc of our friendship. We could never be the same without you!” Pinkie protested.

“Isn’t there another way? We could all go with you?” Rarity pleaded.

“No, you all have your lives here. I haven’t even figured out where I could go. Maybe Celestia will let me stay in the castle.” Twilight gave a big grin at the thought of being around her mentor every day, but her smile slowly faded into a frown when she realized that she realized that her life would be the same as it was before she moved to Ponyville: friendless. Dejected, she spoke, “I can’t go there. It just won’t feel right being there without you guys.”

“Well, ah’m sure wherever you go, it won’t be long before Chell can whip that ol’ nasty inta shape, and we can all get back to our normal lives,” Applejack said enthusiastically.

The pressure of having to save her friends was more than Chell could bear. She began feeling nervous, shyly backing away. But after taking a moment to regain her composure she spoke. “I’ll do what I can to stop her, but I honestly don’t know how I’ll do that. In the meantime, why don’t we get back to Twilight’s so she can write to the princess? I hope we can see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy soon. I’m worried about them.”

The others agreed, and soon they were heading back to the library.

As Fluttershy lay on the ground, the flames were slowly advancing as they hungered to consume her tender flesh. The fire was searing hot, burning anything that came to close, and eating the forest alive. The pouring rain only made the fire angry, like throwing water on a cat. Fluttershy was no longer breathing, but she had not yet passed on. As fire raged around, her light was slowly being extinguished.

Strangely, the yellow pegasus looked serene among the flames. There was no regret upon her face, only peace. She was well aware of the risk she took when she decided to save those trapped animals. She knew that she would not likely make it back. All her life, she was afraid of even her own shadow, but it was her responsibility to care for those who could not care for themselves. She cared about animals more than anything, and in a heartbeat, would give her life to fight for them. But there was one thing that mattered more to her…

Her friends…

Fluttershy’s spirit passed through a surreal, ghostly realm. The light of the fires contrasted against the darkness of nothing. The very forest around her danced slowly and majestically. She slowly rose above her own body, her wings flapping on their own. She looked above, seeing an infinitely bright light. All around her, rain poured from the sky, but she and her body remained dry, a small circle that the rain did not touch. As she began to leave the earth behind, she saw her friends below standing in a clearing in the fire, looking at down on her body with sad mournful eyes. She was almost glad that they were looking at her lifeless body and not her, for she wouldn’t be able to bear looking at their solemn, somber eyes, asking her why she’s leaving. Their heavy hearts weighed Fluttershy down. She tried to reach towards them, but they were unaware of their presence.

In the center of her friends stood Rainbow Dash, trying unsuccessfully to fight against her tears. “She promised me… she promised…” The others tried to comfort her, but she collapsed onto Fluttershy’s body, tightly squeezing her lifeless friend. The others, too, were unable to hold back their tears. It was then that Fluttershy realized that Pinkie’s mane was down, as was her face. Her bright pink coat was faded as well. Rarity was crying an endless stream of tears, and Applejack took her hat off, trying to appear stoic, but unable to hold back a few tears. Twilight merely whispered “Fluttershy,” and sank to the ground. Ditzy and Chell stood there as well, mourning their fallen friend.

Dash was gently nuzzling Fluttershy’s cheek, which was still warm. “You promised…”

“Wait!” Fluttershy called out to her friends down below. “I had to save them! They would have died if I didn’t! Somepony needed to protect them!” Her words went unnoticed by the others. Fluttershy tried to fly back down, however, it merely slowed her ascent. “Plea— please forgive me.”

Among the intense rain, Fluttershy shed a single tear, which fell through the ethereal air and landed on top of the forehead of her still body, which hadn’t been touched by the tears of rain. Somehow, Dash noticed and looked up. “Fluttershy?”

She tried looking away, unable to stand the guilt of abandoning her friends, but she couldn’t, and was forced to look into Rainbow’s mournful stare. The others looked up as well, and the feeling of guilt was overwhelming. They didn’t speak, but the way they looked at her said everything. Fluttershy was abandoning them. She didn’t even think about her friends when she decided to risk her life, and now she couldn’t take it back. Part of her reminded herself that there was no going back, but another part told her to keep fighting… for them.

For an eternity, Fluttershy hovered on the border between worlds, unwilling to leave her friends. But as Death slowly pulled her upwards, she began to lose sight of them, as they became engulfed in the mystical blaze. Fluttershy finally gave up fighting and closed her eyes, preparing to enter the light to the beyond.

“Fluuuuuuthershyyyyyyy!” She heard Rainbow Dash calling her name, as if she were looking for her. Wait, why was Dash looking for her? She perked her ears, carefully listening to where the call came from. “Fluuuthershyyyyy!” Dash called again. She could hear the voices of three other mares searching as well, but they were muffled and faded. Dash’s was the only voice she could make out clearly. “Fluttershy! Where are you?!” She opened her eyes, seeing nothing but a sea of endless multicolored clouds in every direction. The clouds seemed to be burning, a gentle cool fire that only created light. The rain continued to fall around her.

“Fluttershy, why’d you have to do that, you stupid, stupid pony!?” Rainbow Dash was crying. “Please… Just let me know that you’re alright! I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you!”

Fluttershy wanted to respond, but she had no voice. Dash’s lonely, desperate cry held Fluttershy from leaving into the beyond. It gave her hope that she would be found. More than anything, Fluttershy wanted to see her friend and tell her how sorry she was. It pained her to hear Dash blaming herself, knowing that her death was her own fault. She wanted to tell her not to worry, but knew that her friend would never do such a thing. Fluttershy didn’t deserve to have a friend like Rainbow Dash.

She looked across the ethereal sky to see where Rainbow Dash was, but couldn’t see her. She couldn’t cry out for help, but softly whispered, “I’m so sorry, Dashie…”

Rainbow peaked her head out from one of the multi-colored clouds. “Fluttershy?” Rather than the joy Fluttershy expected, Dash was heartbroken to see her. Her smiling, optimistic face turned to pure fright. It was a sight that broke Fluttershy’s heart. Her wings faded, and she fell through the eternal flames like a broken angel. “OH MY GOSH! FLUTTERSHY!” Rainbow dove straight down towards Fluttershy’s spirit as she continued falling through the eternity of emptiness. She raced through the void, slowly catching up to the fallen pegasus. The break in the rain disappeared as well, along with the light.

When Dash finally reached Fluttershy, she wrapped all four hooves around her, holding her as tightly as she could. “Wake up, Fluttershy! Wake up!” she urged. It was no use. Fluttershy had no way of communicating to her friend. She merely hugged her back affectionately, nuzzling her tear-soaked face. Dash didn’t feel it, and instead flew away with Fluttershy wrapped tightly in her hooves. “I found her!” she cried to the others. She looked back down at Fluttershy, unable to stop her tears. “Why, Fluttershy? Why did you have to sacrifice yourself like that? We need you… I need you… Please… don’t leave me…”

Fluttershy, too, was crying. “I’m so sorry… Dashie… I don’t deserve you as a friend…”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t have heard, but somehow, it made her cry harder. She tried to ignore her feelings and focus on flying, determined to get Fluttershy to safety. As they soared past the speed of sound, the sky exploded in a multitude of color, and Dash left a tail of rainbow behind her. She didn’t care, though, because only one thing mattered to her at that moment.

The fires faded, leaving only a swirl of wind and rain. Eventually, the rain stopped as well. Fluttershy felt safe in Dash’s hooves, but she knew that she would never be able to repay her, if she ever woke up again. “Thanks, Dashie,” she whispered. “Please… Can you ever forgive me?” Fluttershy drifted off, as the world around her slowly faded. Eventually, even Rainbow faded as well, and so did Fluttershy.

Author's Note:

This chapter was originally going to be longer, but this was the perfect point to stop. They don't all need to be over 5,000 words. Ah, Fluttershy, you're perfect for creating cliffhangers, aren't you? She's not out of the woods yet. Well, she is, but only literally.