• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 36,968 Views, 2,159 Comments

Celestia's Tiny Student - CommanderX5

Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.

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Ch3 - The Dragon and the Knight ( updated )

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter 3

The Dragon and the Knight

A silent Shining Armor strode through the hallways of the castle, lead by a formal Princess Celestia.

He’d gotten the news only yesterday that his little Twiley had become the personal student of Her Highness and he was still in a state of shock about the whole reveal. He’d barely heard the princess’s offer to allow him to visit her as he dug through piles of unread letters from his parents. He was generally too tired by the end of training to even think about them, and now he was regretting that he had not read those letters when he had the chance.

“Sergeant Shining Armor,” Celestia formally began, drawing Shining Armor out of his contemplative silence. “First of all, I deeply apologize for forgetting to allow you to visit your sister until two years after I took her in as my student. I had wanted to give her enough time to adapt to her new environment and my duties as the Princess of Equestria demanded much of my attention. Although I allowed your parents to visit her anytime they wished, I did not realize that Twilight had a brother to whom I must also extend the privilege. Please accept my apologies.”

Shining Armor sighed. “I understand, Your Highness, but I feel that part of the blame is on me. I was too preoccupied with my training that I’ve completely forgotten to read through the letters that my own parents have been sending me. They were quite ecstatic about Twilight’s future as your student, and if I had known, I would have asked for your permission sooner. Please do not blame yourself for my carelessness; you already have plenty on your mind without concerning yourself with me.”

Celestia gave a small frown, “Have they told you anything else about Twilight?”

“Ummm... No, Your Highness,” Shining Armor shot a confused glance at Celestia. “I don’t know much else outside of Twilight becoming your student and a small portion of her ongoing studies, which I didn’t know until yesterday. Better late than never, I guess.”

Celestia grinned despite herself. It sounds like he doesn’t know about Twilight’s little condition. It’ll be amusing to see his reaction when he discovers how fitting the term “little sister” is. The two arrived in front of princess’s chambers and the two guards outside opened the door to allow them entrance.


Twilight waved to Calm Song as she left before levitating a few books over to the bed. As good as she was at keeping Twilight happy and occupied, Celestia decided that she needed a foalsitter that had the ability to help her student improve her magic. Cadence was still busy with the Manehattan Press, and it seemed that there were a few bumps that she had run into that she wanted to resolve, so word on that opportunity may be late in coming.

An hour and several books later, Twilight’s Serious Study Period was interrupted when the doors opened with a glow of magic.

“Hey Twiley? It’s me, your BBBFF,” Shining Armor stepped carefully into the room, though his excitement at seeing his sister quickly changed into confusion as he looked at the books piled on top of the large bed with no sign of the purple filly.

“Hey Shiny!” a small voice drew his attention to the little purple unicorn now bouncing on the bed, waving energetically at him.

Shining Armor slowly approached the bed, his eyes wide in surprise as the object of his attention crystallized into a tiny version of the little sister he had known. “Twiley? Is that really you?”

“Of course it’s me! Who else could I be?” Twilight replied, tilting her head to the side in confusion. She’d expected him to sweep her up in a warm hug, but the detached expression on his face was starting to worry her.

Shining Armor turned back to glare at Celestia. “What is the meaning of this?” he asked harshly, forgetting that he was speaking to the princess.

“I shrank her, Sergeant Armor,” Celestia replied, slightly amused. It was completely reasonable that he’d be a bit peeved that something happened to his sister that he didn’t know about. Then again, it was his fault that he didn’t read his parent’s letters very carefully.

“Yes, I can see that! But why?” Shining asked, beginning to lose his composure. The guards at the door had already begun watching him closely, and Steel Blade began to approach the officer until he was blocked by alicorn’s wing.

Celestia gave a chuckle. “So that she would not hurt anypony with her magic surges,” she replied calmly and simply.

Shining Armor let out a huff, but seemed to visibly calm down. “Magic surges? You’re going to have to explain that.”

“I’m not very good at controlling my power, Shiny,” Twilight interjected, causing her brother to face her instead, “The princess shrank me so that my surges wouldn’t be a danger to anypony. She accepted me as her student so that she could teach me to control my magic, but until I stop having surges, I will have to remain at this size.”

Shining Armor frowned, “But there has to be a better way than just shrinking you. There are too many things that could harm you when you’re so small.”

“Don’t worry, I have Princess Celestia and two of her guards to help keep me safe. The princess even casts a protection spell on me often, to compensate for my size.”

Shining Armor cast a glance at the alicorn and the two guards in question before turning back to Twilight, “Are... are you really okay with this?”

Twilight responded by nodding energetically. “Mm hmm! I can read as much as I want, I’m learning a lot about magic, and I get to spend time with the princess.”

Shining Armor continued to stare at Twilight, already relaxing. His sister seemed to be taking this well and if she was happy with the situation, well, it wasn’t his place to tell her otherwise. If anything, Princess Celestia would probably be the best choice in keeping Twilight safe.

A moment of silence passed before Shining Armor sighed and embraced the tiny filly in a careful hug, “Alright then, Twiley. If there’s anything you want to talk about or anything you need from me, just ask, alright? I’ll try to visit as often as I can. Love you, lil’ sis.”

“Love you too, BBBFF. Hey, wanna play with me for a while?” Twilight asked, beaming up at him.

“Uhhh, sure. What do you have in mind?” Shining Armor asked.

“Hide and Seek!” Twilight exclaimed, happy that her BBBFF was back to normal.


A half an hour later, the two of them, Twilight and Shining Armor, rested comfortably on the bed while Twilight began to recount the past two years under Celestia’s tutelage, telling her brother what she had studied and everything that had happened. Everything. Celestia did not fail to notice the twitch in sergeant’s eye when Twilight went through the bathroom incident and the fake smile he wore when the needle accident was mentioned, and it pained her to recall these episodes of her life. Twilight concluded on a good note with a visit to the Library, smiling as she finished her recollection.

“Wow, Twiley. You have had a very interesting time here. I’m so proud that you’ve managed to adapt so well to your difficult life.” Shining Armor forced a grin onto his face and shot a glare at Celestia, who turned red and gave a weak smile, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

“Well, it wasn’t that hard,” Twilight replied, oblivious to the discomfort of the others. “I mean, the first couple weeks were the hardest, but they’ve already passed. Now, I can even visit the library and go through the books there, though I’m not allowed to visit for very long. Brave Blade said it was because I’m a classified pony, whatever that means!” Twilight finished cheerfully, though she made a note to look up what “classified” meant later.

“That’s good, Twiley. Anyway, could you pardon me for a second? I need to have a private talk with the princess, right?” He turned to look at Celestia, who pointedly did not meet his gaze.

“No problem, BBBFF! Just don’t take too long; you still need to tell me about what you’ve done!”

Shining Armor and Celestia moved outside, leaving Twilight to return to her books. As soon as the doors shut behind them, Shining Armor cast an opaque dome around the two while Celestia soundproofed it.

Certain that everything was in place, Shining Armor dropped his false front, scowling at the princess. “I don’t believe you’ve told me about the multiple times my sister almost died,” Shining Armor growled between grit teeth. “My parents left her under your care because they trusted you to keep her safe and this is how you honor that commitment?”

Celestia gave a deep sigh. “I am truly sorry that I had allowed her to place herself in such danger,” she admitted, lowering her head in apology. “But I did everything in my power to ensure your sister’s safety.”

“Everything in your power? You raise the sun and the moon every single day and yet you can’t keep one filly from almost drowning?” Shining Armor said, his words biting and harsh, “I don’t believe you are paying enough attention to her as you should.”

Celestia straightened up, looking gravely at the stallion, “I cannot watch her all day. I am doing my best to teach her and keep her safe, but even I can make mistakes.”

“Then perhaps you need better help. Ponies that are smart enough not to let my little sister play with needles.”

“I have already hired an experienced foalsitter and I have two extremely well-trained guards keeping an eye on her at all times. I even cast a protection spell on her daily. What else can I do?” Celestia replied, stern and unwavering.

“How about actually keeping her away from danger? How about actually caring for her safety? I bet you don’t even care about her any more than you care about the other countless subjects you rule over every day,” Shining Armor snorted loudly. “I bet you left her alone, hoping that she’ll have to use her magic to save herself from some danger that you—”

Shining Armor was cut off by a solid hoof to the face by Celestia’s golden horseshoe. “Do you think that I do not care about her? That I enjoy keeping her small and vulnerable? That I enjoy keeping her in a world suddenly filled with danger wherever she goes?” Celestia shouted, her voice cracking. “Yes, she is one of my subjects, and I try to treat all of my subjects fairly, but do you have any idea how I felt when the filly that I’d promised to nurture and protect almost died while I wasn’t watching her?”

Shining Armor shrank back, his anger giving way to guilt as he realized exactly what he had just accused the princess of.

Celestia took a deep breath, calming her nerves. “It broke my heart to see her nearly die in front of me, but returning her to her original size will only make things worse. As of now, she is safe from the magic surges that would otherwise tear her apart, and that means that she’s already safe from her greatest danger.”

“Then... perhaps I can assist? I know plenty about barrier magic and protective spells. Maybe I can—”

Celestia cut him off, her voice returning to its former calm tone. “And what would you do? Resign from the guard and spend every day and hour looking after your little sister? You can’t keep her in a bubble, and she won’t be happy that you’re interfering with her study of magic.”

Shining Armor turned away, and Celestia continued, “I encourage you to keep visiting; she needs the company. But don’t throw your own future away. She is in good hooves now.”

Shining Armor gave a nod, dispelling his shield after multiple reassurances that his words would not affect his life in the Royal Guard. They were greeted by a smiling Twilight Sparkle, who was perched on the head of a similarly grinning Overwatch and accompanied by a slightly surprised Steel Blade.

“See?” Overwatch commented to Twilight. “Told you everything would be fine. Call it a mare’s intuition.”

Twilight nodded and turned to look at the puzzled faces of Celestia and Shining Armor, “She said that there were a lot of bad feelings between you two, but it looks like it all worked out!”

Shining Armor breathed a sigh of relief and the group re-entered Celestia’s chambers, “Indeed they have. C’mon Twiley, I still have to tell you about my time in the guard!”

A year later, Calm Song returned from another fruitful day in the Royal Library with her charge safely tucked into a book-filled saddlebag. It may not have been fruitful for the foalsitter, but it had certainly been fruitful for Twilight.

A distant sound of running hooves echoed down to them as they trotted through the corridor. A baby dragon hurtled around the corner at top speed, closely pursued by a multitude of older unicorns. Calm Song stopped suddenly, blinking. Dragons were not exactly common fare, but as a foalsitter with plenty of experience working with others, it was clear that this little creature looked terrified, not terrifying. The dragon collided with her forehoof while it was looking backwards, knocking Calm Song out of her stupor. She looked down at the little dragon and asked kindly, “I’m sorry, little one. Are you alright?”

“We have you now, you little menace,” shouted one of the adult unicorns, a note of triumph in his voice as he dashed up and wrapped the little dragon in a magical spell. The little dragon fought against his magical bonds, but no avail, going limp as he looked up at the foalsitter with tears in his eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing to that poor baby?” asked Calm Song, sounding anything but calm as she tried to wedge herself in between the unicorn and his captured dragon.

A second older unicorn came panting up and shoved her aside, adding his magic to the little dragon’s magical bonds. “Look, miss,” he began, straightening up and catching his breath, “We’re the university’s experts on draconic culture here, and Princess Celestia put this dragon into our care because of that fact. We treat him properly, but he refuses to stay put, scurrying away whenever our backs are turned. Quite ungrateful, if you ask me.” He shot an irritated glare at the little dragon, to which the dragon responded by sticking out his long forked tongue and hissing.

As Calm Song and the unicorns argued bitterly over the proper treatment of the draconic youth, Twilight peeked out from her foalsitter’s saddlebags, instantly recognizing the baby dragon.

“Hey, it’s you! I remember you!” shouted Twilight as she tried to attract the dragon’s attention. Surrounded by the unicorn’s magical bonds, the little dragon stopped struggling and turned to the source of the new voice, his eyes alighting with a glimmer of recognition as Twilight climbed out of the saddlebags onto Calm Song, beginning her precipitous ascent up her foalsitter’s mane.

The unicorn professors went silent as they noticed the tiny unicorn climbing across Calm Song’s back, up her mane, and to her nose. Their fascinated gaze alternated between the tiny filly and the little dragon being levitated between them.

“It’s you!” the second unicorn gasped and staggered back, pointing a shaky hoof at Twilight. It wasn’t easy to forget the filly that had shown such a display of raw power during her entrance exam.

Twilight Sparkle looked over at the speaker and recognized him as one of the evaluators she had unwittingly assaulted during her entrance exam, although now, he looked terrifyingly huge. She blushed with embarrassment and, finding nothing to hide behind on her foalsitter’s nose, she settled for a timid wave and a meek, “H-hello?”

She quickly retreated to her foalsitter’s saddlebags as more of the university’s professors showed up, hiding away from the barrage of questions that quickly ensued. Despite Calm Song’s best efforts, the university professors hauled away the little dragon, still struggling and screaming inside his magical bonds until his voice faded into the distance. Twilight’s guards, aided by a few other guards who had heard the commotion, quickly dispersed the crowd of curious professors from interfering with Calm Song and her tiny charge, and they all went their separate ways.

Later that evening, Twilight recounted the events on the way back from the library to her mentor. Princess Celestia, concerned about the exposure of her faithful student, made a special note to visit the professors in question to remind them about their promise to keep Twilight’s condition secret.

However, Twilight’s questions about the baby dragon bothered her more. The little filly was very concerned about him, asking how he was being taken care of, what he was being fed, and if he had enough playtime to assure adequate physiological and psychological development in the critical formative years of draconic youth. Her reading quickly included several books on the subject, and after seeing how the university’s professors treated the little dragon, she was quite adamant about assisting with his proper care. After all, he had recognized her and calmed down in her presence in the hallway. She reasoned that a reassuring presence should make him much happier.

Celestia began to mull over the situation. It was Twilight’s magic that hatched his egg, and since she was the first living creature he saw after being hatched, he may even think of her as his mother. Now that he’s seen her again, it will be even more difficult to keep them separated, and the last thing I need is a baby dragon crawling into our bed in the middle of the night.

Perhaps I should visit his caretakers and make it certain that they are to take their important task seriously. If they can assure me he will behave, I shall allow him to visit Twilight under my close supervision.

Her plan of action set, Celestia gave her ruling on the subject. “I’m afraid you cannot raise a baby dragon by yourself. You are far too young and far too small. He could easily injure you by accident,” she began, trying to ignore the pleading expression on her student’s face. “However, I believe I can permit him to visit when I will be around to ensure your safety.”

“Huzzah!” Twilight bounced happily around the bed, doing the occasional flip as she hit a particularly springy spot. She jumped back over to the princess and wrapped the royal muzzle in her tiny hooves, bringing a welcome smile to Celestia’s face.

“You are very welcome, Twilight,” Celestia responded, waiting patiently for the filly to stop hugging her nose. Once the little filly had returned to her happy bouncing around the bed, she asked, “Are you hungry?”

Twilight suddenly stopped. ”Maybe a little,” she admitted as she trotted over to the edge of the bed and looked at the food spread around the endtable, brought in only moments before when she was distracted by her glee. Before Celestia could levitate the food over to her, Twilight quickly called out, “Wait, could I try?”

Celestia blinked in surprise, but quickly realized her student’s intention. “You want to eat on your own, don’t you, Twilight?” With an energetic nod from her faithful student, Celestia smiled and nodded back. “Go ahead, but please be careful.”

She watched carefully as Twilight prepared to use her magic. It had been three years since she had taken up Twilight Sparkle as her personal student, and her magical control had advanced greatly as she matured into the extraordinary ten-year old filly she was now. That said, Celestia still kept an eye on her faithful student, hoping to prevent another accident before it could even think of occurring.

It was not a problem for Twilight to levitate each part of the meal individually; she certainly had the strength behind her telekinesis. Her main problem was control, and the teacup to the side of the meal represented her ultimate challenge in telekinetic finesse.

The heavy porcelain teacup levitated slowly over to Twilight before stopping an inch in front of her. Seeing an impending disaster about to occur, Celestia quickly cast a chilling spell on the boiling hot tea, cooling it down to room temperature. It tipped slowly in Twilight’s direction as she stood on the tips of her hooves, sweat dripping from her brow as she leaned in farther and farther.

She stumbled, and the cup quickly upended over her. She gave a quick yelp before the cup dropped down, completely trapping her beneath it.

Celestia burst out laughing as she quickly grasped the teacup in her magic, revealing a dripping wet unicorn filly trying to hide her reddened face under her hooves. Celestia levitated Twilight up from the wet spot on the bed up to her face, grinning dastardly as she stopped her laughing.

"Twilight, while I admire your rather novel approach to bathing, I believe that tea is not quite as effective as good old soap and water,” Celestia stated. “Which is what I think we’re going to need more of.”

Twilight’s embarrassment had threatened to turn to depression, but she soon perked up. “Bathtime?” Her heart started to beat faster at the very thought of that dreadful activity. Celestia sighed as she carefully lifted the filly’s little head with her bare hoof, giving her a warm smile while looking into those little terrified eyes. "If it will help calm you down, why don't we try taking a bath together. It could be fun."

Twilight flinched, falling on her back and quickly grabbing her tail with her forelegs before holding it tightly against her shivering body. ‘N-no, please…”

The princess’s enthusiasm didn’t leave her as she carefully nuzzled Twilight’s belly, tickling it as the filly giggled despite herself. “I promise nothing bad will happen. You have my word.”

Twilight stopped giggling, her shivering gone as she look into her mentor’s soft eyes, staring for seconds without blinking. “You won’t… you promise?”

Celestia nod her head as Twilight stand, her forelegs straightened upwards as if trying to reach her, “Just… don’t leave me…”

The filly’s fear of the terrible bathtub slowly faded once Celestia allowed the little unicorn to share the bathtub with her, turning the once-dreaded ordeal into another time to play. In a few short minutes, the princess had run a nice, warm tub of soapy water and climbed in, levitating her little student into its sudsy embrace. With an expansive wing on either side to keep Twilight from sinking and a little yellow rubber duck as large as the filly was, Twilight splashed and played on a giggling alicorn’s barrel until she was forcibly removed and dried with a fluffy towel.

After a final magical training session while the two waited for their coats to dry, Celestia tucked her exhausted student into bed, smiling.

The tiny filly lay curled up the pillow like a kitten with her knees touching her muzzle and her tail covering her face. She had sunk into the pillow's soft surface without a single complaint, preferring it to her sleeping spot in the dollhouse. It was hard to believe that this was the same student who had caused so much damage during her entry exam, nearly ruining the examination hall and smashing a giant hole in the roof.

Celestia suddenly perked up, “I almost forgot, Twilight. Since you were the one who hatched the baby dragon, perhaps you should be the one to name him. What do you think?”

Twilight raised her head and blinked sleepily. “Spike,” she declared after a few minutes thought, “His name should be Spike.”

“Spike. That’s a nice name for a dragon,” Celestia smiled and gave Twilight a gentle kiss before turning down the lights and leaving to raise the moon. The warmth that filled her heart was a strong reminder of the times she had spent with Luna, especially now that her hopes for the safe return of her little sister seemed closer than ever.

Author's Note:

Sub author:
Kydois (Audience <3!)


Art "A cup of Twiley" made by: Neko-me

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