Celestia’s Tiny Student
Chapter 2
Twilight yawned, spreading her legs to all four sides as a weak thumping sound reached her ear. The little unicorn rubbed her eyes before opening them, her blurry vision slowly sharpening. With a few quick blinks she looked at the floor before sighing and flapping her ears. Another night and she had once again knocked the toy lamp onto the floor. With a quick roll, she hopped from the bed, already missing the giant pillow on her mentor’s bed with its soft touch. The pillow had always felt a little as if she were pressing herself against the princess’s wing, the sensation of her body sinking in the comfy surface as if it was a waterbed full of jelly.
She turned her attention to the left, looking at the mirror on the wall which was right above a table with all kind of doll toys on it: tiny toothbrush, manebrush and other instruments of a daily morning routine. There was even a bottle cap filled with water for refreshment. Twilight slowed as she approached the table, fighting the tremble that wanted to spread upwards from her hooves at the simple act of merely looking at the water.
Half a year had passed since Twilight’s life-threatening experience in the bathroom.
It was no surprise that she had developed a fear of the place, to the point where Celestia had begun to bathe her regularly in her own bedchamber with a bowl of warm water. Afraid of another incident occurring without her mentor’s supervision, the very sight of water was terrifying without her mentor’s presence. The filly instead immersed herself in the vast world of books whenever the princess left for her royal duties, although that immersion did little to keep her clean.
When Celestia was present, however, the two trained Twilight’s magic. Power surges became common occurrences, yet the filly barely seemed to mind, her determination seeing her through their discomfort.
Over time, Twilight had become quite close to the princess, placing her unconditional trust in the giant alicorn. The habits of earlier times had almost died out.
That terrifying incident in the bathroom was kept as secret as that of Twilight’s condition. Only her parents, who visited every week, the two Royal Guards constantly at her side whenever the princess was gone, the doctors, who repaired the internal damage from the surges, and a few castle servants, who regularly cleaned Celestia bedchamber, knew about the tiny filly living with the Royal Princess, and all of them were sworn to absolute secrecy.
Twilight licked her lips as she put back a half-eaten strawberry and walked away from another bottle cap, this one serving as a table. Fed and refreshed, the tiny filly walked towards the door, pushing it open with one firm shove of her hoof before looking outside her safe sanctuary into a jungle called a royal bedchamber. With one quick hop, she left the wooden surface of the dollhouse and stepped out on the soft surface of an eiderdown blanket, her attention focused on a precious gift her mentor had left for her. With her horn lit, the tiny filly galloped, her magic slowly lifting the humongous tome.
For a few minutes, the happy student sat on her mentor's bed, so absorbed in the giant book propped up by her pillow in front of her that she failed to notice the door of the bedchamber open.
A middle-aged unicorn servant carrying a collection of cleaning implements in her magic peeked into the room, slipping inside with the rest of her tools following soon after. A deftly-operated mop began swishing across the floor in broad strokes while the feather duster was darting from bookshelf to bookshelf, eliminating every single fleck of dust detectable.
Twilight had continued turning pages with her magic, easily flipping over the light paper of her book before a noise from behind the literature captured her attention. The filly's eyes widened in an instant as her legs trembled and her heart pounded rapidly. Out of reflex, she dashed to the nearest hideout she could find.
Once the last shelf was spotless and gleaming in the sunlight cascading through the open windows, the maid took one last look around the room only to find a certain tiny unicorn was missing. The maid rolled her eyes before shaking her head in amusement. She called out cheerfully, "It's me, Clean Room. You can come out now."
A few seconds passed before Twilight emerged from behind the pillow, plopping down at the edge of the bed with her head low, “I uhh… I’m sorry.”
The maid gave her a warm smile, “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure your size gives you enough problems without me adding to them.”
Twilight flinched as Clean Room began to approach the bed, but quickly regained her composure.
She looked warily at the approaching giant, all her instincts calling for her to run, to hide, to scream, but she fought against them. Her legs remained motionless, her eyes not daring to blink. It was annoying enough that she let her fears force her to hide from servants she met almost everyday and she was getting tired of it.
The maid took a look at the filly before examining the bed, frowning. “Again?” she sighed and shook her head a few times, “What am I going to do with you?”
Twilight blushed as she looked down at the small holes peppering the eiderdown bedding and pillow, rubbing the back of her head. “Sorry.”
Clean Room simply levitated a thread and needle out, well prepared for the common event. “How many times must I tell you? Practice your magic on the floor,” she said, already beginning her work.
Despite the shrinking spell keeping her surges fairly manageable, Twilight still felt she was having an unreasonable number of them, especially when she was practicing by herself. Even if the power surges were no longer a threat to her health and more of a nuisance than a hazard, they still wreaked havoc on the soft bed.
She watched silently as the needle swung all over the bed with Clean Room's magic tying the attached thread in tiny knots with fascinating speed. Twilight rested her head on her forelegs, before taking a breath and squeaking out, “Could you teach me?”
“Could you speak a bit louder, dear?” Clean Room did not shift her focus from the substantial rip in front of her.
“Could you please teach me!” Twilight yelled, ignoring all of the volume levels in between.
The surprised maid’s telekinetic grip on her needle faltered for just a moment before she recovered and looked at the filly, “Teach you? Teach you what?”
“How to sew!” Twilight replied with an enthusiastic jump.
Clean Room’s eyes widened, “I must refuse, my dear! Sewing requires a lot of concentration and precision. Even with magic, needlework is no walk in the park.”
“But it can’t be that hard! The needle is half as tall as I am and the holes you’re patching are easily the size of my head; I won't even need help because I can see what I'm working on so well!”
The maid frowned. “You have a point, but wouldn’t the needle be too large and unwieldy to—” Clean Room resisted the urge to facehoof as a needle and thread floated easily to Twilight’s side, wrapped in a light purple aura. Of course. How did I forget that she’s the Princess’s personal student.
”See? It’s not hard at all! I can do this easily, so can you teach me? Pleeeeaase?” Twilight looked up at Clean Room with the best puppy-dog eyes that she could manage.
“B-b-but it could be dangerous! I’ve been doing this for a while and I still prick myself sometimes. Who knows what it could do to you?” the maid stammered out, sweat dripping from her desperate face.
“I promise I’ll be careful! The princess says I need to adapt to my new life, and sewing would be perfect for that. And I can practice focusing on controlling my magic! You’ll be here the whole time, so please please please please pleeeaase?” Twilight curled her forelegs again, now standing on her hind legs as she gave the maid a puppy stare capable of breaking a stone wall.
Clean Room looked desperately to the two Royal Guards flanking the door for backup, but both of the heavily-muscled guards continued staring straight ahead, like statues, although the charcoal mare looked like she was suppressing a grin.
The maid turned back to the filly and sighed, her head down in defeat, “All right, you win. I’ll have to ask the princess for permission later, but I’ll teach you a few of the very basics now. But nothing more! I'm not letting you even think about touching a needle until I hear it straight from Princess Celestia."
Clean Room looked on with a sense of growing pride as Twilight began on a new hole. It had only been an hour since they had begun, but the filly was an exceptionally fast learner, already fixing holes with extremely high precision.
The maid frowned, suddenly worried as Twilight leaned closer to a particularly difficult tear. "Dear, I think you're getting a bit close to the needle. Perhaps you should back up a little.”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry,” Twilight reassured her, still concentrating on the hole in front of her as the needle continued working its way through the fabric under her close supervision, darting back and forth between her guiding hooves.
The filly’s eyes suddenly widened. “AAAAAAAAHHHH!” Twilight swung her hoof, flinging the needle that had pierced it aside and revealing a large, profusely-bleeding gash. Her screams startled the pegasus guard, who took one look at the bleeding filly before darting out of the room at high speed to summon medical assistance.
Clean Room's face was a frozen picture of shock and horror for only a moment before she quickly wrenched over the closest first aid kit, quickly extracting disinfectant and a roll of bandages from its depths.
“Ssshhh... Everything is going to be all right,” the maid cooed uncertainly as she attempted to calm the filly down.
Twilight kept her bleeding leg held out awkwardly, now bawling as she attempted to stay upright. Clean Room straightened out the leg with a golden glow of magic, resisting Twilight’s renewed attempts to yank her leg back as she began to disinfect the wound.
Twilight’s screams began anew as the disinfectant bubbled against the blood around the puncture point, but they quickly petered out as the maid swiftly wrapped a bandage around the leg, using her telekinetic hold to keep Twilight’s leg straight.
A stressed Clean Room began to cradle Twilight in her translucent yellow magic, unable to ease her pain. She began to trot in panic as the situation set in, fluctuating between reassuring Twilight and looking to the remaining guard mare at the door, who was desperately scanning for any sign that help would soon be arriving.
Princess Celestia lumbered back to her chambers, exhausted from a day of dealing with bothersome, self-serving nobles and from raising the moon. She pushed open the double doors and passed the two nervous-looking guards to see the little purple filly perched in front of a thick open book. The princess opened her mouth as soon as she entered, but her greeting died on her lips when she noticed the bandage wrapped tightly around her student’s foreleg.
It didn’t take long before Celestia managed to get the whole story from Twilight, who had threatened to break down into tears before the princess wrapped her up in a warm embrace. She made a mental note to punish her guards and the maid for such reckless behaviour, but after a moment’s thought, decided to leave them with warning and a lecture as the memory of her own mistake flashed through her mind.
"Shhh... It's all right. You're going to be fine and that's most important.” Celestia stated, nuzzling the blushing filly, “I am sure your hoof will heal in time, and while I can hardly imagine how traumatising your experience was, I am sure such an accident won’t happen again,” her half-lidded gaze now a mix of a firm teacher and worried mother. “Right?
“No. It. Won’t. Because I’m never try sewing ever again,” Twilight responded, sounding every inch like an impetuous child. She poked her bandages lightly and yelped.
Celestia sighed. “No, my faithful student. It won’t happen again because you will be careful in the future when dealing with needles. It does not mean that you should be scared of needles and it does not mean you should never try sewing again. You can’t stop trying just because of a few setbacks.”
Twilight looked up confused at her mentor’s words as she was set back down on her pillow, her hind legs sinking in its soft surface. “What do you mean?”
“Twilight, half a year ago, you nearly drowned trying to clean yourself in my bathtub, but you cannot avoid the bathroom for the rest of your life because of that. Today, you caused a serious injury to yourself because you were too hasty with your needle in an art that requires patience, but you can’t isolate yourself from danger your whole life.”
“Yes I can…” the little unicorn murmured quietly to herself, the princess ignoring it as she continued.
“I won’t always be here to bathe you or to protect you, so you will need to overcome your fears. I’m sure you’ll be great at sewing when you grow up, so don’t quit now just because of what happened today.”
“Sooo... I shouldn’t be scared of bathrooms and needles?” Twilight cocked her head to the side, still confused.
Celestia gave another sigh, “I’m just saying that you should learn from your mistakes rather than let them take over your life. I can teach you how to sew and how to use the bathroom, but that means you’ll have to confront them, one way or another.”
Twilight looked down meaningfully and nodded. It wasn’t long before Celestia put a drowsy Twilight to bed, deciding to hold off on the magic lesson originally planned for the evening. She’d already learned her lesson for the night.
Two years had passed since Twilight became the student of Equestria’s beloved princess. While she continued to improve her magic and occasionally constructed fortresses of books on Celestia’s bed, she had begun to open up to the ponies around her. She conversed often with the servants and even succeeded in starting a conversation with the stoic guards at the door. Partially. Twilight learned that the muscular pegasus stallion was named Steel Blade, who bore a cutie mark of a single intricately-decorated sword, while the lean charcoal unicorn mare was named Overwatch, whose cutie mark was, strangely enough, a single apricot with a leaf. Overwatch, who also wore a non-regulatory heavy scarf patterned with wide stripes of gold and scarlet along with her armor, seemed to have no issues with conversing openly with Twilight while Celestia was not around. Steel Blade, on the other hoof, seemed flustered whenever Twilight tried to talk to him and instead preferred to remain silent and listen, despite his co-worker’s teasing.
It became fairly obvious to Celestia that Twilight could handle having a foalsitter to keep her company, but she was disappointed to find that her trusted friend, Cadence, was already busy working disguised as a unicorn in the Manehattan Press. Despite that setback, Celestia soon found her another foalsitter that she could trust to keep a secret, even if she was not as special as Cadence.
“Now Twilight, my faithful student, I’ve found a foalsitter to take care of you while I’m away on royal business. I hope you’ll be able to get along with her, alright?” Celestia stated encouragingly to Twilight, smiling softly.
“Alright then! But why couldn’t you have found my BBBFF? Couldn’t he help take care of me?” Twilight asked to the apparent confusion of her mentor.
“B-B-B-F-F?” Celestia replied slowly, trying to decipher her student’s meaning.
“Big Brother Best Friend Forever?” Twilight explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Celestia took a step back in shock. “Your… big brother?”
Twilight nodded energetically, “Yep! He joined the Royal Guard about uhhh... four years ago, I think. It was about two years before you took me up as your student.”
The princess blinked, “I-I’ll look into it. In the meantime, be nice for your foalsitter, alright?” She walked past the foalsitter at the door, only to spread her wings the moment she left the room and took flight, moving straight for the nearby barracks.
The baby-blue earth pony mare at the door entered and sat, exchanging an awkward stare with the little purple filly sitting on the pillow.
“I uhhh... Hello?” she began, giving a hesitant smile.
“H-hello,” Twilight replied quietly, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.
A few more awkward moments passed.
Twilight began squirming nervously under the mare’s astounded gaze until the foalsitter broke the silence, “My name is Calm Song. Nice to meet you.”
“My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s nice to meet you too,” Twilight replied, relieved that the awkward moment had passed.
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that, dear?” Calm Song took a few steps closer, her ears pointed towards Twilight.
“My name is Twilight Sparkle! Nice to meet you!” Twilight yelled at the sitter, cranking up her volume to far above an inside voice.
Calm Song reeled back stunned, but quickly reasserted herself, “Errr... I’m sorry; the princess has already informed me about your condition, but I still find it hard to believe. It must be a terrifying life for a filly as young as you are.” She had watched over a wide variety of fillies and colts, but this one took the cake. She knew magic could do some impressive things, but this was the first she’d heard of a shrinking spell being used on a filly.
Twilight shook her head. “It’s not that bad. I’ve had a few accidents in the past, but I’m used to it now! I spend most of my time reading books anyways, and it’s not that dangerous to read books! I don’t even need to squint at the tiny words anymore with my size!” Twilight responded cheerfully and sincerely.
Calm Song looked pitifully at the little unicorn. Awwww, poor thing. Hiding her fears like that and staying cooped up in this room all the time. She really needs to have fun. Calm Song considered her approach. “I understand that reading books is really fun for such a curious, young filly,” she started. “But I’m sure we can find something else to do.”
Steel Blade, with the encouragement of Overwatch, approached Calm Song upon hearing those words and began whispering into her ear. Calm Song listened, confused, before her eyes widened in horror.
Twilight barely had time to react as she was swept up in a carefully not-quite-bone-crushing hug. “Oh you poooor thing, getting pricked in the leg like that!” Calm Song cried. “It must have been horrible!”
“I’m fine! I’m fine! Really!” Twilight attempted to push herself out of the embrace. It was a futile effort, as her face was pressed against the soft fur on the foal-sitter's neck with the soft part of Calm Song’s hoof pressing against her back.
It took ten minutes of seemingly never-ending foalsitter drama before Twilight was able to convince Calm Song to release her. Still worried for the filly’s safety, Calm Song spent the next few hours playing ‘safe’ games with Twilight, such as glue-the-tail-on-the-pony, hide-and-seek, and several rounds of checkers.
After a long day and a bit flustered with her nearly continuous losing streak, Calm Song tried to keep her temper under control as she asked the filly, “Are you tired, Twilight?”
“Nope!” Twilight yelled, not wanting to be sent to bed quite yet, “Best out of seventy-five?”
“Please no,” Calm Song plead quietly before resuming more cheerful tone of voice, “I mean, perhaps we should go out and explore for a bit?”
“B-but what if I get hurt?” Twilight stammered, suddenly a bit frightened.
Calm Song paused momentarily, thinking of a response to convince the filly to leave her gilded cage. She took a look around and noticed the guards at the door, “I’m sure it’ll be safe. After all, you’ll have these two strong guards here to ensure your safety.” Steel Blade shifted uncomfortably in his stoic stance. The blush blossoming across his face did not escape the notice of the mare next to him, who gave him a wry grin.
Calm Song smiled and continued, “Now then, Twilight, is there anywhere that you’ve always wanted to visit, but never had the chance to?”
Twilight responded quickly, a wide smile across her face, “THE LIBRARY!”
Calm Song’s hoof swiftly met her face, This filly really needs to find a hobby outside of reading, but at least she won’t be in Celestia’s bedroom all the time.
Steel Blade flew swiftly to the barracks where Princess Celestia was scheduled to make some sort of inspection, returning with permission from the princess to visit the library under the condition that Twilight’s size be kept secret and her safety certain.
And so, Twilight sat comfortably in Calm Song’s saddlebags as they were escorted to the Royal Library. Curious, the little filly peeked out of a small opening at the top of her hiding place, noticing as they passed pockets of disinterested nobles, busy servants, and statuesque guards.
Twilight’s brow furrowed as something caught her attention. All of the pegasus guards had white coats and sported dark-blue manes, exactly like Steel Blade, while the unicorn guards had grey coats and bleached manes, exactly unlike Overwatch, whose amber mane and golden eyes contrasted greatly with her dark coat.
When the group arrived at the library and Calm Song approached the librarian to explain the situation, Twilight poked her head out and called quietly for Steel Blade. Once she had his attention, she asked, “Why are all the guards the same color?”
Steel Blade thought for a moment before tapping his armor with a hoof. “Enchantments on the armor. They change our appearance as soon as we put them on,” he smiled, sounding much more confident than his other interactions with the little filly. “The uniform of the Royal Guards goes beyond just the fancy dress.”
Twilight glanced over at Overwatch, “So why is she a different color?”
Steel Blade shrugged, “No one really knows. Transformative magic just washes off of her. Hasn’t stopped her from being an exceptional guard.”
Twilight gave him an innocent smile, “Like you, right?”
A blushing Steel Blade was saved from responding when Calm Song turned back to them, stating that the library would be closed as long as the Princess’s Student wished to stay. The mint green librarian with a blonde mane gave them a warm smile, reaffirming the foalsitter’s words before trotting to herd the rest of the ponies in the library out and placing a “Closed” sign on the massive doors.
It took the good part of the hour before the group maneuvered through all of the rows, looking over the contents of most of the shelves. When Calm Song asked Twilight where she wanted to begin reading, the tiny filly guided them into the aisle devoted entirely to books about magic.
Twilight scanned the shelf in front of her quickly from her new perch on Calm Song’s head. It wasn’t long before she found what she was looking for, and with a surge of pink magic, she selected the thickest, heaviest tome from the top shelf and dropped it roughly on the table with a loud thump.
Twilight hopped down to her prize, an encyclopedia of nearly every subject in magic, and popped it open to the table of contents. It took a moment of complete silence before the filly looked up and into the astonished face of Calm Song.
“How did you do that?” Calm Song asked, clearly still impressed, “Most of the unicorns I know can barely lift their own body weight.”
“Um... Practice? Princess Celestia makes me levitate heavy objects a lot. This book isn’t really that bad.”
Calm Song looked at Twilight in amazement. If Twilight was the same size as a regular pony, she’d probably have no problems levitating a giant brown bear. Slightly embarrassed at the attention, the tiny filly turned back to the book in question, flipping rapidly through the pages on Transformation and Transfiguration. She turned back to the shelf and attempted to float out a large mass of books on the same topic, but was soon stopped when her field of vision was blocked.
“Only one book at a time, miss,” Steel Blade stated. “You know what happens when you try to carry too much.”
Twilight huffed and put back the books, selecting only one to begin flipping through. The librarian was nice enough to reserve the entire library for her, and she didn’t need to have a magic surge next to all those precious, vulnerable books.
For the next few hours, Twilight spent her time reading books she had picked out. Calm Song felt more than a little bored as she watched the little filly reading the literature with an impressive speed, although her boredom was replaced with awe every time Twilight seemed to effortlessly float a book through the air with her magic. After all, if she were as small as the tiny filly, such a feat of strength would be well beyond her abilities.
To the relief of Twilight’s companions, no accidents occurred throughout the reading session outside of the one minor incident where Twilight had lost her focus over her magic, causing a book she was levitating to land on her instead of the table that Twilight had annexed. Thankfully, neither Twilight nor the traitorous book were harmed outside of a scuffed cover and a bruised pride. The guards had never felt so grateful for Celestia’s protection spell as they had then.
It was not long before the moon was raised. Calm Song returned the book that Twilight was currently reading to its correct spot and tucked the filly back into her saddlebags, motioning for the guards that they were ready to return to the princess’s bedchambers. Twilight gave little more than a soft whine, already lost in magical dreams of the adventures of Fort Book.
Ah, the rewrite I assume? Not bad, I'd say.
I assume that after the rewrites and edits to the current chapters are done we'll see a new one?
~Skeeter The Lurker
Yes, in next update, I will upload chapter 3, and also add edited version of chapter 4.
Don't hope for a quick update though. It's taking quite a bit of time for me to go through the chapters since I plan on doing a thorough job, but I'm gonna get there eventually. I hope.
2786906 Theres a Fanfic that goes by the name of "The Battle Of Fort Book" so i think you should change
To Fort Book... You know REFRENCES! :P
Yay book fort! And at her size, she could actually make a fort her size out of books.
I quite like the new guard characters - hope we see more of them!
A magical flying hardcover book ride oddly comes to mind....
2788119 2787808 Since you both like the idea of book fort, you will love bonus chapter what take place after chapter 5 and before chapter 6. The only think what prevent me from releasing is that I want to upload them alongside with more edited chapter 6 and 7, so please, be patient, and trust me, next update is worth waiting for.
D'awww! *So much adorableness!* *Takes Insulin Shot* I think you almost gave me type 47 Diabetes. So Calm Song ... OC?
Other than that. Much better than the original. More stuff happening, but much better played. It's nice to see Twilight growing in this fic.
That was the point of adding those extra chapters, I felt that the story go to fast and does not give Twilight chance to grown.
The side effect is that changing number of chapters and adding new ones in between probably annoyed or confused many writers, I hope that with next update I will be able to solve this problem once again for all.
As for OC, she is just temporary. The only OCs what I will use often are the guards.
Beep Beep, remember that i've warned you on these comments. Some can get so long, i can have up to do reactions in one comment. And that was on a story called: Nyx's Family. It's quite a nice story, 'Nyx' is an OC of PenStrokePony, and PenStroke has written many fics, his most famous one is called: Past Sins. Im sure you've heard of him and the fic.
Ok, wow, 75?
You like libraries, dont you Twiley?
Book Fort, as it is in that one comic. [I wish i had enough books to make a book fort...]
Did I read it, of course I did, I read past sins, sequels to it, and all Reality Check Nyx related stories, those are my favourites
The only think I do not like about it is that Nyx was made a defenceless filly unable to cast any strong spells, and it kind of get in the way of her special talent ( her special talent is to protect others, but she often end up unable to protect anypony ), outside of this one flaw, I enjoy those stories and still keep track on them.
She is one playful filly.
Considering that reading is the only activity she can do without any disadvantages from her small size, I am sure she do. Also, for tiny Twilight, royal library is a giant maze ready to be explored.
I did not read any comics about Fort Book, but I often saw a few arts where filly Twilight made small book fort around herself, and since Twilight is now tiny filly, her dream may turn reality one day.
2983221 2787808
Special reply for those who hoped to read about Fort Book.
Chapter 5 and bonus chapter has been uploaded, I am sure you both will enjoy bonus chapter.
Nice chapter. Personally having Twilight learn to sew is interesting.
True, but she learn it the hard and painful way.
4430436 Hufflepuff
“I spend most of my time reading books anyways, and it’s not that dangerous to read books! I don’t even need to squint at the tiny words anymore with my size!” Twilight responded cheerfully and sincerely.”
Wait, how can she read them so well? The books most be at least 10 times bigger than her and you had described her reading habit as being less than 2cm away from the pages. That would be like a man reading a 100m tall book at 3 feet from it. Or reading in PDF at 600% zoom
“Twilight barely had time to react as she was swept up in a carefully not-quite-bone-crushing hug. “Oh you poooor thing, getting pricked in the leg like that!” Calm Song cried. “It must have been horrible!”
Twilight attempted to push herself out of the embrace. It was a futile effort, as her face was pressed against the soft fur on the foal-sitter's neck with the soft part of Calm Song’s hoof pressing against her back."
Maybe I’m wrong in here, but isn’t Twilight around the size of a lady-bug?. How can she be hugged when the object is a round, hard-ish bone that is pressing her without becoming a cute stain?. This is the first time Calm song has seeing a phenomenon like this and only known her charge for about less than 5 minutes, she couldn’t have already known the level of force and necessary control to not hurt twilight. You had pointed out that even Celestia with Telekinesis was hard pressed to not hurt twilight while cleaning her the first time/days. Another thing, having twilight pressed into a forest of fur could asphyxiate her.
“After a long day and a bit flustered with her nearly continuous losing streak, Calm Song tried to keep her temper under control as she asked the filly”
“NO!” Calm Song nearly shouted before resuming in a calmer, more cheerful tone of voice,”
“Calm Song’s hoof swiftly met her face”
Seriously, THAT was it took for the supposed great foalsitter to be taxed to the max? Less than a day with a polite, shy, not quite traumatized bookworm foal that keep beating her in silly games. I think Celestia REALLY need to up her standards in the hiring help.
“Condition that Twilight’s size be kept secret and her safety certain”
You know, this has keep bugging me a little. Why is Celestia maintaining such a level of “need to know basis” with Twilight. Besides being tremendously harming in the social aspect of a foal, what is the political need of this. Yes, she nearly blow the room, but as in canon, this was only an accident, so I don’t think she will be lynched by a mob. Would she be kidnapped? Is Celestia afraid that the other ponies will hurt her? Is she embarrassed of Twilight? After two years, what is the reason besides, I think, plot point. In the Elements of Harmony, they gave an entire good, political sound reason of why Twilight and her peers needed a personal guard and even this resulted to be false and that fic I thik was far more Dark and Action packed than this. It’s just a little shallow with the exposition so far, that’s all.
She is small, but not that small. At this point she should be 0.3-0.4 kg heavy mare. And it is Twilight we are talking about. She probably swim over the words like a train over the tracks.
The same way as one can press a candy against a neck, lightly enough not to squash it. Twilight is just pressed very lightly by the soft part of a hoof from one side, and against soft fur in front. It is not Pinkie hug where both legs are pressed against her.
She is a profesional foalsitter who learned how to be delicate while taking care of filies and colts. Even if Twilight is shrunken filly, Celestia would not choice her if she was not sure that the caretaker would be able to restrain herself. As for Celestia. She is an alicorn, and you saw how much power Twilight had when she had power of 4 alicorns in battle against Tirek, so she need to be extra careful with her magic (it is like comparing elephant to a cat).
Also, Twilight was not pressed hard enough be cut off the oxigen.
On one side, she got bored, on another side, she not wanted Twilight to live like in a golden cage.I feel that you are exaggerating, making a careful hug sounds like attempt of assasination. After all, it is not that easy to hurt a mouse, and ponies with afinity to magic are far more powerful (Rainbow Dash can smash into solid rock and get right back up, so I am sure that as tiny as she is, shrunken filly is not made of paper).
4430436 ravenclaw
4430436 Slitheran!!!!

Join the dark side! We have cookies!
Are you surprised we lied about the cookies? 

4480982 Here's the author's replies to your questions as well as the questions themselves.
Wait, how can she read them so well? The books most be at least 10 times bigger than her
and you had described her reading habit as being less than 2cm away from the pages. That
would be like a man reading a 100m tall book at 3 feet from it. Or reading in PDF at 600%
She is small, but not that small. At this point she should be 0.3-0.4 kg heavy mare. And it is
Twilight we are talking about. She probably swim over the words like a train over the tracks.
Maybe I’m wrong in here, but isn’t Twilight around the size of a lady-bug?
The same way as one can press a candy against a neck, lightly enough not to squash it.
Twilight is just pressed very lightly by the soft part of a hoof from one side, and against soft fur
in front. It is not Pinkie hug where both legs are pressed against her.
It was a futile effort, as her face was pressed against the soft fur on the foal-sitter's neck
with the soft part of Calm Song’s hoof pressing against her back.
This is the first time Calm song has seeing a phenomenon like this and only known her
charge for about less than 5 minutes, she couldn’t have already known the level of force and
necessary control to not hurt twilight. You had pointed out that even Celestia with
Telekinesis was hard pressed to not hurt twilight while cleaning her the first time/days.
Another thing, having twilight pressed into a forest of fur could asphyxiate her.
She is a profesional foalsitter who learned how to be delicate while taking care of filies and
colts. Even if Twilight is shrunken filly, Celestia would not choice her if she was not sure that
the caretaker would be able to restrain herself. As for Celestia. She is an alicorn, and you saw
how much power Twilight had when she had power of 4 alicorns in battle against Tirek, so she
need to be extra careful with her magic (it is like comparing elephant to a cat).
Also, Twilight was not pressed hard enough be cut off the oxigen.
Seriously, THAT was it took for the supposed great foalsitter to be taxed to the max? Less
than a day with a polite, shy, not quite traumatized bookworm foal that keep beating her in
silly games. I think Celestia REALLY need to up her standards in the hiring help.
On one side, she got bored, on another side, she not wanted Twilight to live like in a golden
cage.I feel that you are exaggerating, making a careful hug sounds like attempt of assasination.
After all, it is not that easy to hurt a mouse, and ponies with afinity to magic are far more
powerful (Rainbow Dash can smash into solid rock and get right back up, so I am sure that as
tiny as she is, shrunken filly is not made of paper).

And oh my god the puppy pout from hell!?! I think I'm about to fall into a sugar coma!
4481207 I'm impressed. Your grammar is getting pretty good. Considering I can't speak any second languages, i must say that you truly are much better at language skills then me.
If you think that means I'll stop making fun of you, though, you are so, so wrong. I make fun of everything. It doesn't mean I'm being a bully, it just means I'm being a big tease.
But yeah, good job, old bean!
Twi is going to absolutely own at that game now.
6881294 *Pinkie pie still finds her in like 30 secs.*
I think hide and seek would be a bit dangerous for her
That's kinda funny that Twilight was crushed by a book
How did you make me giggle I NEVER. laugh
was that book arrested for tresion
I was thinking the same thing.
Its pinkie 5seconds is all she rlly needs those extra 25 is just to give twi a headstart lol
Also the idea of Fort Book? ... I think its a novel idea
Am I the only one picturing Twilight riding one of Fluttershy's rats wielding a one of Rarity's sewing needles as a sword 🗡️ a button as a shield 🛡️ and a thimble as a helmet? Or maybe larping with Fluttershy as DM and Fluttershy's animal friends as other players?