• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I exist! Maybe.


The natural order of the night sky has been corrupted, and only two unicorns in all of Equestria seem to notice. They set out for Canterlot to seek an audience with the Princesses, but somepony always seems to be in their way.

A very loose adaptation of the Touhou game of the same name - a story told in six stages. Imported from Gensokyo: Spellcards, banter.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 48 )

Awesome I love Touhou I've been dreaming for the past days of making a Touhou/MLP game. Thought I know nothing of programming. Anyways, this pleases me.
Reimu= Twilight.
Marisa= Trixie.
I can dig it.

Man Twilight and Trixie must be good. One of the harder Last Words and they barely seemed phased by it.
Wriggle Nightbug's (Or Fluttershy, in this storie's case) Last Word: Unseasonable Butterfly Storm

Haha, Malice Cannon. Funny thing about that, Mokou's survival card can be captured by damage by abusing the Malice Cannon.

Definitely tracking this one. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the Extra stage.

I don't have any idea what a "Touhou" is, or what's up with these cards and spell names.

This story, though.... It's ridiculous, goofy, hilarious, fun. I love it! :pinkiehappy:

I especially like the way Trixie is portrayed. A lot of people writing about Trixie could take a look at this story and see how it's done.

You put in my favourite Marisa line.


She's still a Stage 1 boss, though, and it's such a perfect thematic fit given her cutie mark story.
Thanks! There's a lot of "Redeemed Lover with Tragic History" Trixie out there, and plenty of "Evil Con Artist" Trixie too. I wanted to do something in between.

actually, in this story Twilight seems to be taking the role of Alice (or maybe Suika, judging by her card), and in general I'd say Twilight is more like a slightly more social Patchouli Knowledge. She is simply not lazy enough to be Reimu:trollestia:

so, next up: stage final. wonder if they'll get the real ending.

in unrelated news, I managed to complete Ten Desires on Normal, first touhou game I managed to do that in (other than Mountain of Faith, using Marisa B and the associated glitch).

Yeah, Ten Desires is one of the easier Touhou games, next to Imperishable Night (Glorious Border Team master race!). Imperishable Night is the only Touhou game i have any chance of success in. I did manage to beat Perfect Cherry Blossom once, but only when I was rather trashed...

1: ahh rarity and her romantic mind... :raritystarry:
2: >.> if this turns into a ship fic, I'll nevr forgive you :raritywink:
3: so far, this seems like a "luna wanted to change things up a bit" fic. can't wait to see what you do with this. :moustache:

I looked up Touhou, and wow, if I don't know what the fuck I saw. Cool fic, though. If the above comment is accurate, I am a little sad for the next chapter to be the last.

well, even if the next chapter is the "final stage", even then there might be a second "last chapter". Imperishable Night featured two different endings. the first time you play the game with any given team, you get ending A. the second time, if you did well enough, you get a harder bossfight, followed by ending B.

And even if this fic will directly go to ending B (the "real" end), the Touhou series has one tradition: the Extra stage, which unlocks when you complete the game on Normal or higher, without using continues, so that might be another chapter as well.

I'm currently planning on a six and an Extra stage. Depending on how long the midboss scene lasts I might split it into a 6a and 6b, but they'll be sequential, not alternate endings.

250498 True, I was comparing them main character and made that comment before I even read the story. Twi is definitely more like Patchouli them and their books. Reimu is most likely like Rainbow Dash. Can't really compare the others of the top of my head at the second, ze.

Aya: "Illusionary Dominance"
Suika: "Missing Power"
Suika: "Well, you lost somehow."

I love insta-breaking I.D. like that.

Has Trixie stolen the precious thing yet?

Bonus points for referencing Mima. Got a kick out of Twilight/Reimu trying to use Marisa's last spell. Didn't seem to go to well.

That's a n ice twist! I expected Mystia Lorelei, not Cirno! Ah, well. Fits the scene.

This line alone would have been enough to make this worth reading:

"You are an assassin!" Luna exclaimed, in the same tone of voice a young foal might exclaim, 'There is a tooth fairy!' upon finding a bit under her pillow.

Of course, it's not alone.

Aww, no extra stage?
Still, great story otherwise. Gotta love them Touhou crossovers.


remember this is inspired by IN. First you find Eirin, and in the next playthrough you go beyond Eirin

Anyway! Pretty nice fic! I enjoyed it all, sorry for not reviewing before. Any plans for other adaptations?

And yet Icicle Fall is so easy... I cannot help but think Trixie had intended for Sweetie to succeed...

And Sweetie promptly pulled a nineball.


And then Kaguya sends you into the middle of the bamboo forest for a "Trial of Guts", which involves killing a certain immortal extra boss...
Also the author did mention an extra stage/chapter planned. Hopefully,.

I currently don't know what I want to do with the Extra Stage. If I come up with something, I'll write it and it will be an Extra, but for now I'm okay with the completion of the main story.

Interesting beginning. That's Twilight down cold, too. :D


An actually good Touhou crossover?

Aww, poor Flutters. :fluttershyouch: But impressive by Trixie!

That was rather magnanimous of Trixie at the end, there. :trixieshiftleft:

Actually, Dash, at worst the Ursa was indirectly Trixie's fault. the vast blame goes to Snips, Snails and Spike.

Okay, finished this. And rather loved it, too. :trixieshiftleft::twilightsmile: Good ending? No, great ending.


I'm in love with this fanfiction.... HAVE ALL OF MY FEELS:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


iT JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER!!! my god I'm melting....:pinkiecrazy:



Mima and endings.... :heart:


1703515 how about an extra stage about the Doctor/Tim Turner or Sunset Shimmers?

Maybe about Cadance/Shinning Armor?


For an Ex. boss, I'm thinking either Mima or Chrysalis. Either seems appropriate.

Fluttershy should've given them a what-for with her 'Flutter Kick'

1701915 nah man, Icicle Falls is easy, but it's only on Easy Mode that it's ludicrously so. Normal and up it doesn't have a blind spot anymore.

I can just imagine Twilight going to try learn from Mima only to get called a dork several times over

Is Mima human in this story?
Or as I should say, A Ghost?

You referenced mima-sama! This is now officially the best story ever! MIMA!

6901285 Icicle Fall is replaced by Hailstorm after Normal.

a story told in six stages

But doesn't Touhou shoot 'em up games usually have seven stages?

What's a "Flutter Kick"?

A reference to wriggle kick

A joke from imperishable night where the character "wriggle nightbug" is introduced divebombing onto the screen, looking like she dive kicking. Leading to the joke

Yes but most extra stage level are not related to the main story with very few exceptions (UFO, LOLK and UM are the ones that pop into my mind)

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