• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2014

The Gunny


The 007 of Plain Field New Jersey ends up in Equestria. Hilarity Ensues as well as a good bit of explosions.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Well, there were some pretty big errors in spelling there, not to mention some seriously cliche fan fiction usuals (Such as Twilight-study-the-Alien.) and a (At least to me) massively out of character John McClane.
So unless it's supposed to be a 'hugely over the top' fic, I can't see good things without adding in some more pacing/description.
Still, worth the first pass read and was entertaining enough premise.

Fun but sloppy all around. All the characterizations are cliched and arguably OOC and there are tons of errors.
All it has going for it is entertainment value which appears to be invested solely in John swearing a lot.
Good and fun concept but work on it a bit more.


I am currently working off of two pots of coffee, a granola bar, some year old gum I found in my desk and a very very small amount of sleep. To say that I am in my element for writing would be false, to say I am bored out of my skull at working the night shift would be more accurate. Thank you for your input and as a friend of mine once said. "i'll take it under advisement".


Gave it a thumbs up because I think this has potential for hilarity, but you need to pull it off right.

explosions? immediately thought of this:

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