With the recent premiere of the Equestria Girls movie in Equestria, everyone is overjoyed at its success. Except for Spike, who doesn't like that fact he was the only character to be a dog instead of a human in the movie. Which leads to him calling upon a revolution for change on Equestria. Yeah... things blow out of proportion really fast.
Thanks to Bass21, Linkerman, and LDSocrates for pre-reading it! And thanks to jlm123hi for making the cover image!

Well...that was a lot of hype for nothing.
But it was sure was funny.
Though I agree with Spike. I say equality for all races and if they turn Spike into a dog we will bust down Hasbro's doors and rain green fire down from the heavens.
Rise up Spike fan and help protect the best Dragon and or Pony. WHO'S WITH ME.

As a black kid living is rural wisconsin. I can't tell you how hard I laughed at the "I have a dream" part...
LOL That was great.... Hilarious! You should really write more!
>That feel when Hasbro slapped humanized SpaRity shippers in the face.
I was wondering how long it would be before someone took a stab at dealing with the inevitable fallout of Spike in EqG. Damn straight, I say. I find offensive on pretty much every level and the worst form of character assassination.
So, for my two pence, nice work!
I thought meta was banned. Isn't this a meta concept?
With a sufficient amount of lubricant!

Only in the movie. If he tries it in reality, he'll have to answer to me and a high-powered rifle!
FU, Spike! You sell out! Viva Revolution!
Pfft, the cover I made had Bill Cosby.
I really expected this to go deep and a civil war to break out, and spike would lead the charge, of course there would be a time skip of like a decade where equestria is in ruins and spike is trying to lead an army to crush the resistance...All I got was Ponies are racist...Nevertheless it was awesome anyway
This good sir.
Is brilliant.
Love it man, love it.
This story should be sent to Hasbro. I doubt they noticed all of the racism they've implied...

I didn't even notice half of it!
Cute story!
Well, fucking played. I had to face palm when you went off on the 'I have a dream' speech, and was wearing a legitimate tard-grin throughout my read.
Your Antagonist
Why thank you my good sir.
The all hype for nothing thing is where the humor is at.
Gotta be racist at the best of times, am I right?
Will do, mochacho!
That is a lot of feel.
I shall accept your two pence graciously, my good sir!
It got accept, so I don't give a damn!

Gotta beat up on the Spike man, huh?
He got what he wanted.
But I don't wanna add the human tag!
Go deep? You don't know my writing style, do you?
Why thank you! lad you enjoyed it!
And I love you!
And knowing is half the battle!
Your profile pic is cute!
Glad you enjoyed it. Makes my day when I get one of my favorite authors on the site to like one of my stories. So thanks for that, my good sir.
I feel like this:
And for the record, you are an awesome writer yourself.
well that just made my day.
It was funny, but it left a sour taste in my mouth... like ha ha ha
then Oh... 
I'm not sure if this show is even watchable anymore at this point. First Twilight turns herself into an immortal Alicorn because she understands friendship (Twilight has to be inmmortal cause if she isn't all she is is a unicorn with permanent wings) and now everypony goes to the human world as humans? What the hell is that Equestria Girls even about? I saw the teaser/trailer/whatever and all i could do is cringe and had to resist the urge to throw myself infront of a semi after watching 10 seconds of it.
I'm so damn happy someone finally wrote on Hasbro's most horrible decision to date. The first half was stirring up my righteous anger, but it got silly after that (which is fine). Ya gotta clean this story up and submit it to Equestria Daily. They are sorely lacking in Spike material, and I'm pretty sure most of the admins are (heaven forbid) indifferent to the dog issue.
2596080 There was also this, but it was more poking fun at the concept.
This story was awesome. Hasbro doesn't seem to notice how racist the show seems at times, even if they don't mean it on purpose and it's not mean in that way. If Spike is a kid, why doesn't he go to school? Also, Spike is the most kicked around and least valued character by the community and the other characters in the show pretty much ignore him. So this story was awesome, And hilarious too, great job dude.
I'm racist towards Unicorns and Dragons.
and then they looked at the signature and saw something along the lines of, "you're going to have to do better than that" and he spread the word that it was only for show, and obvious that Celestia is never going to comply without extreme measures, making the need for underground tactics...
at least that's what came to my mind imediately afterward, because Spike is my favorite pony
Well, you're as strong as a black man and hoard money like a Jew.
Seriously, this was hysterical. Especially for someone like myself that isn't entirely happy with the whole EQG idea, especially with Spike being a dog.
Have a 'stache
... Well played my good sir.
Well played. 
You pointed out a lot of good points. Celestia's reaction near the end was unexpected and hilarious.
The story looked like it was going to be fairly average, but Celestia's last line was hysterical, and made the entire story brilliant.
2597776 Here's a more relevant version:
Spike could just use Voodoo.
but i did't like the spike made fluttershy cry
so not cool man i do have say though the way you quoting Martin Luther King was really inspirational .
but the next time you decide to write a fic like that with fluttershy as one as the bad guy I WILL BREAK YOU GOT THAT
The fact: cows, pigs and sheeps have been proved intelligents and able to speak, but farmers like Applejack still treats them like cattle, in canon.
Call if you want a .... good time.
It's good, but it's got that weird white American thing where calling someone a racist is seen on the same level as calling someone a pedo; something damning that can only be uttered with iron proof. Which seems weird, since Americans are usually fine with both racists and racism. It makes the whole 'never, EVER call me a racist' thing seem like protesting too much.
Unless that was the intention, for Spike to have honest complaints of racism and the others to just hijack the conversation towards how offensive it is to call someone 'racist' rather than his actual issues.
Amazing, just amazing XD
No I didn't, but seeing as this seems to be the best of your work, you have gained a new watch
I'm really surprised Twilight didn't realize this due to the mule hate. Almost makes me wanna do a MulexDiamond Tiara fic for that reason but I'm already on a full plate.
That moment when you realize it's all true...
Wow... This was really accurate. I mean really accurate.
The first EQG fanfic...This is not how I expected it to happen.
Spike the dog:
-How most of us react:
-How it may turn out: