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Found 4 stories in 40ms

Total Words: 13,454
Estimated Reading: 53 minutes


Man, a lot of stuff happens in this story. Spike ODs on cocaine, Twilight has to revive him, somepony gets murdered, Gilda is a baker now I think, the CMC beat up Diamond Tiara, and there's a gryphon pimp named Pussycat McGee. Oh also Rick Sanchez briefly shows up for some reason. An exceedingly dumb collab with TheRedBrony, created after a drunk/high agreement to create such a monstrosity at BronyCon.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, TheRedBrony wrote a story I really liked.

Chapters (1)

AU: Morty's family died and he gets sent with Rick to start a new life. High school is not easy and being bullied sucks, but sometimes you make friends in times of conflict. Updated at least twice a week.

Chapters (10)

Pinkie Pie finds a mysterious box, which summons a mysterious entity when the button on top is pressed...

That's right. It's a Meeseeks Box. From Rick and Morty. I've had this sitting around in my files and decided to toss it up onto the Internet for the approval (or disdain) of the masses. Woe

Rated Teen for violence between aliens, alien blood, swearing, alcohol use, general unpleasant/insulting language (Rick Sanchez being himself basically), and references to sex.

Made it to the featured box as of 06 April 2022?? Wow! Thank you for enabling my nonsense. This was posted to AO3 as well, if anyone wants to drop a kudos there, here's a link.

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Chapters (1)

After another failed attempt at getting the ponies of Maretime Bay to consider making friends with the other pony races, Sunny gets depressed and goes home.

Until she encounters a talking pickle that claims to be a unicorn that turned herself into a pickle.

Chapters (1)