In a world cursed by fate itself, he defends unbreakable tenets.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Three.

When Atlas, Apollo and Artemis were transported to Equestria by mysterious portal eight months ago, they knew that their lives would never be the same.

And they were right. Now they have great careers, wonderful romantic relationships, and a lot of new friends. They’re also heroes for their actions during the changelings invasion. And their future is looking bright.

What does this new year have in store for them?

Your guess is as good as mine.

(This story takes place in season three and the beginning of season four. This series is inspired by the Hearts of iron four mod Equestria at war and TNO the last days of Europe.)

Chapters (16)

Princess Twilight, meet the Twilight Princess!

In this story, Princess Twilight meets Midna from The Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess. Unfortunately, it's not under very good circumstances.

cover art: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Febotizer%2Fart%2FTwilight-and-Midna-My-Little-Pony-Legend-of-Zelda-978563881&psig=AOvVaw0veoy-qZr9unVlUAtXftuA&ust=1702270871508000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCOijlqmLhIMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAH

btw: In this story, the comics are considered to be canon :)

Chapters (1)

As part of the School of Friendship's upcoming Charity Bake Sale, the Student Six were asked to help with getting everything ready. Sandbar, Gallus, and Smolder were working on decorating the gymnasium, while the others helped make brownies in the Home Ec room. While cooking, Ocellus and Silverstream asked Yona to go into town and buy some extra ingredients.

Yona does indeed find the items they need, but not in town. In fact, the yak found plant-based alternatives for all the necessary ingredients hidden in Sandbar's hiking bag. If only she knew Equestrian Botany a little better...

Chapters (5)

Rove Hummel was in a rut. Every day was the same; wake up, go to school, go home, and go to sleep. What he wouldn't give for something to break up the monotony.

But when he spontaneously turns into a Changeling during Biology Class, he begins to regret ever thinking that.

Rated T for usage of the F-bomb, as well as heavy innuendo, mature themes, and a single instance of off-screen sex. There is also mention of what essentially amounts to a drug in Chapter 21, but none is actually seen or used.

The sequel is here!

Chapters (26)

In the city of Maretropolis, superheroes and supervillains aren't that uncommon. In fact, it's expected of the average resident to encounter some super-powered maniac at least once per month. Many of these villains have their reasons. Whether it's greed or to exact revenge, their motives are perfectly understandable.

Enter Pink Scorch. She has been in the anti-hero game for a while, only choosing to fight crime when she crosses paths with it. She's even had a few rundowns with villains, all of which she could relate to to some degree or another.

This newest villain, however, has her stumped. They spray juice everywhere, complain about poor dieting choices, and cause problems among taxpayers—all in the name of good health.

Her name is Juice Mare, and nothing about her makes any sense.

Now with a sequel.

Special thanks to NorristhePony, semillon, and Petrichord for proofreading! Also, thanks to Flutterpriest and Bandy for helping with the bonus chapter.

Chapters (6)

[Displaced Story]

[I own only the plotline of this story]

My name is Roronoa Zoro, but most know me as the Green Demon. Fifteen hundred years ago I was the most wanted creature on Equus. Armies attempted to stop me, only for me to crush them. At one point, they got in a lucky shot and turned me into another trophy from an era best left forgotten.


I am a type of ally, helping to stop or hinder the coming storm that will shake this very world to its foundations. And they can't find anyone better, much to their dismay.

I have Haki. I have companions. And I've got common sense. Get ready for this demon’s return.

Crossovers (in order) with:

The Mighty Warrior of Epicness/
For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!

The Price of Power

I’ll Get the Job Done

A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Chapters (15)

On a whim, Rarity runs off to see Zecora about a certain variety of tea. En route she happens across Aengus Meagher, a Pokémon trainer with questionable morals who has hit his wall, unable to defeat Bruno of the Indigo League's Elite Four. Aengus is on a journey, traveling far from his home region on a quest to find something, anything that could help him overcome this stumbling block. Somehow he slips into Equestria for a few minutes, and out in the Everfree happens across a certain white unicorn, and, well...

Rarity gets caught.

These are their adventures.

So...the new tag thing complicates how I’m gonna put this out there. The story doesn’t start needing a Dark tag, but it will grow Dark as it goes on. There are at least two other “tags” that will spoil major plot points later on, and thus are left off.

Not your typical Pony-Pokémon crossover, although you will get exactly what it says on the tin. Some chapters are more about the comedy, others about the drama, though most will have some of each. Sex tag for innuendo.

Now with suggested music for a given section; look for the itty-bitty hyperlinked text. Most of these tracks are from the Pokémon series and side games, appropriate to where they are (but not all of them...sometimes I was looking for a certain vibe I couldn't find in the OSTs); it's just what I thought would fit best in a given area.

Names chosen were based off of common given and family names of selected nationalities in combinations where I know no one personally with either. Any likeness to any person, real or in a different fictional story, is purely coincidental (hooray, C.Y.A. disclaimers).

Chapters (39)

When a game becomes a sport it tends to pick up with a lot of people from all around the world and soon schools pick it up as a sport to teach kids how to play and compete. This is a story about one guy who is on Canterlot High's first Yu-Gi-Oh team with some unfamiliar faces and someone from his class. Will he be able to stand up to the top duelists from every part of the town? His first challenge the friendship games and the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Big Switcharoo

A/N: It is very important that you read the prequel before reading this story; otherwise, some of the tags will not make any sense. Also, while this story is rated T for now, there's a chance it could become much more than that. Depending on how I feel about things, I might make this story get into M rating content.

Since the effects of "The Big Switcharoo" spell were permanent, Dragon Spike finds himself in an altnernate reality, where Dragons were the majority race, ponies were hostile, and the nation was called "Brimstone". Join the purple dragon we all know and love, as he manovours through countless obsicles, all while dealing with a dragon princess who's smitten with him beyond all belief. Strange thing is, he's smitten with her too.

Welp, here it is: My actual long-term side project, and what the smaller side-project was leading up to. This story is going to be a huge undertaking in more ways than one. The first part of that, is that nothing in this story will have a direct tie in with some episode from the MLP:FiM universe. But the second part and the bigger reason this will be such a huge undertaking, is that after the first chapter, I plan on every chapter having a word goal of twenty-five hundred. You read that correctly: For the first time, one of my story projects is going to be pushed beyond my ordinary limits and I'll be aiming for 2500 words per chapter. This story is an experiment to see if I can actually do something like this, and if people will actually enjoy the fact that I'm finally pushing past my comfort zone. If this story becomes well liked, you may just see future story projects from me having this same twenty-five-hundred-word goal. So...if you enjoy this attempt to make stories more in-depth, make sure you hit the like button. I'm setting a like goal of twenty-five likes, meaning if this story can get twenty-five green thumbs up, then twenty-five hundred words will be a standard moving forward.

Chapters (2)