
Equestria has been saved, and the space pirate menace is no more. Now all that is left for Samus is to wait for the federation diplomats, and enjoy her impromptu vacation. Provided no one touches her helmet.

Chapters (1)

An interlude between Flammenwerfer's fics Metroid: Equis and its sequel, Metroid Equis II: Duality.

The war is over. Equis has survived the dual threats of Phazon and Space Pirate invasion. A new era of peace and prosperity covers the planet, as new trade routes between Equis and the Federation - centered in the country of Equestria - bring new technology and wealth to the nation, and the world.

But these thoughts are far from Fluttershy's mind. Her thoughts are focused on her friends - especially Samus, far distant from the world - her daily life, and her animals.

In particular, a new one... One she's never seen before. But she calls Fluttershy Mama, so of course she'll care for the little flying jellyfish, whatever she is.

What could go wrong?

Edit: It isn't required to read Metroid: Equis to enjoy this story...but it's highly recommended to read it anyway. It's a really good story.

Chapters (10)

Jake Feldsparr, a college student and gamer, had a decent life. His family has always gave him support, but decides to do things on his own as he goes to college, but still keeps in touch with them. As for his friends, he hangs out with them at a college café, where they spend time playing, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His main character is, Ridley, and so far, he is the best.

Until one day, after the semester ends and beating a Smash Tournament, held at his school, he heads back to his dorm, and once he entered, an explosion erupted in his room.

After a painful fate, a bright light shined in his unconcious state, has awoken at a rocky land full of lava and dragons. But, there is something very different that, Jake noticed. No longer a human he once was, but a familiar purple space dragon.

Disclaimer: Ridley belongs to Nintendo.

Note: Tags will be updated in further chapters.

Chapters (7)

A Metroid Crossover

A meteor, resistant to magical manipulation, crashes in Equestria, Planet Equis, and soon spreads an unknown poison throughout the land. Containment is all but failing and the Princesses have little power to stop the spread of the Great Poison. The Elements of Harmony are of little use as no knowledge exists of this threat that consumes all life. Help comes from a certain Hunter, clad in metal.

Samus Aran will not only fight for her life as always, but her own sanity as well as these ponies that she begrudgingly starts seeing as allies. New horrors and abilities await her as a reason to fight slowly festers within her, possibly unlocking something she had been denied for so long: Friendship.

Notes and Resources:

This takes place after Echoes. The events of Corruption will have not happened yet. In terms of MLP, consider everything up to and including the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight does not exist here, etc. The official Metroid Timeline can be found here.

As well, this story references the manga in many places. Reading of it is not required and I try my best to explain the context, but if you're interested, both volumes can be found here.

EDIT: This story was written over two and a half years, beginning in 2013. You'll probably notice the difference in writing as the chapters progress.

Chapters (59)

After Planet Aether has been brought to peace and stabilized, Samus Aran doesn't get much rest when she's sent to reconnoiter a nameless planet on the edge of Galactic Federation space. Ostensibly, she was supposed to determine the size of a Space Pirate operation that was mining Phazon on this planet... and mark the place for a quick strike by Federation forces if it came down to it.

But when things become much more complicated beyond what her mission brief had stated, she may find that her fate and those of some unlikely allies may be intertwined. The battle that rages on the ground in a fight for survival and duty may have Samus questioning herself when a new front in an undeclared, nameless war is opened... in her mind.

-This is in no way related to Metroid Equis. No required reading, no relation, nothing. Pretend it does not exist.
-Takes place between Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Prime 3. Metroid Timeline can be found here.
-Art by Pridark, sourced to her DA. Full picture is there.
-Story assumes very basic knowledge of Metroid universe, but I'll be doing my damndest to make this as accessible as possible.

Chapters (21)

After a month of being missing after a magical mishap, Spike has returned to Ponyville. However, he's not the adorable baby dragon everyone remembers.

Now a well fleshed out drake, and garbed in armor the likes of which ponies have never seen, he walks with caution, grace, and absolute confidence. His eyes show wisdom beyond his years, but he has trouble remembering details about his friends. But he returned with a purpose.

He also didn't return alone.

One thing is certain though...he has a story to tell. That is this story.


MLP/Metroid crossover.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by DavieRocket.

Chapters (141)