(This story is a semi-sequel to First Sleepover Between Friends, itself a sequel to Scootaloo's First Friend. But it is not required for you to read those fics to understand this fic. Featured on 9/9/2023.)
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have made a new friend in the form of fellow blank flank Apple Bloom. Naturally, the friends have decided to have a sleepover, and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom want it to be at Scootaloo's house.
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, especially since Sweetie Belle's already been there. However, Scootaloo's parents have been called out of town, so she's been left in the care of her Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty. And Scootaloo is a bit hesitant to introduce her new friends to the aunts.
But Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle persist, so it seems Scootaloo has no choice but to oblige. It means her aunts will get a chance to meet her new friends personally.