
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Episode Re-Review: The Beginning of the End Parts 1 and 2 · 7:57pm Jul 7th, 2021

Thus we come to Season 9, the season that some say was even worse than Season 8 which is no easy feat considering how much Season 8 seemed to drop the ball when it came to writing. It almost felt like self sabotage with how bad the School of Friendship was and how underutilized so many of its concepts were.

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Episode Re-Review: Daring Done? · 5:48pm Jun 16th, 2021

Though not the seventeenth episode to air (that was "To Change A Changeling") this episode was seventeenth in production order. And what may be most noticeable is that Josh Haber was returning to the story editor's position here and would stay in it through the rest of Season 7, at first sharing the role with Lewis and Songco but eventually taking over completely. Considering Season 7 had been stuck in the mud up to this point under Lewis and Songco, unable to shake off the bad writing of "Fame

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Episode Re-Review: Twilight's Kingdom Parts 1 and 2 · 6:59pm Apr 16th, 2021

If you thought my opinions on "The Return of Harmony" and "Luna Eclipsed" were unpopular, just wait until you see my opinion on this two parter. So many people still hold it in high regard, I daresay there's not a two parter more popular than it or more highly praised than it (the only one that comes close is "Shadow Play"). Happening to coincide with the MLP franchise's 30th anniversary, many still say this is where the show reached it peak and where it should've stopped. And this is despite

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Episode Re-Review: Too Many Pinkie Pies · 6:23pm Mar 12th, 2021

Season 3 had a bit of a writing shake up occur when Amy Keating Rogers did not return (and neither did Charlotte Fullerton) but Dave Polsky did after having been absent during the enterity of Season 2. Dave had written two rather funny but really controversial episodes, though "Over A Barrel" at least had kind of faded away as Season 2's missteps took center stage. Polsky was in charge of a Pinkie Pie episode, and his handling of Pinkie Pie in "Over A Barrel" was far from the best. But was

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results