
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

4... · 2:47pm Jun 25th, 2019

The days are slowly creeping closer to the big day. Today's story continues where yesterday's leaves off...

How is Twilight handling her situation now that she's home from the hospital?

EThe Long Road: Spiral
After my car accident, I begin my road to recovery.
pabrony · 2.9k words  ·  53  6 · 2.3k views

Tomorrow: The Long Road: Longing

Report pabrony · 214 views · #Countdown

When You Know... · 4:43pm Mar 27th, 2019

It's amazing what your subconscious will do when you're writing a certain genre for an extended period of time. Twice in two days I woke up from my afternoon nap crying due to some of the odd dreams I was having. While I don't remember the specifics, what did stick in my mind about those dreams is that I was crying in them just before I woke up.

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