
Viewing 1 - 20 of 71 results

Random Thought · 12:42am Jun 10th, 2019

Does anyone remember Poison Joke? If you do, you ever wonder what would happen if the young/student six got infected by it? Let me know what you think.


Nanowrimo Day 10 (Redesigning the Young Six) · 5:34pm Nov 10th, 2022

Yesterday’s Writing Stats:
Novel: 1,680
Species Swap Contest: 341
Thanksgiving Collab: 401
Other: 74
Total Words Written: 2,496


Wow is it getting harder. Every day I finish writing and I’m like YES booya! But then it’s like 8pm so I just go to bed and have to write again seemingly immediately. Thankfully, I feel like I’m almost done with the Thanksgiving Collab (even though I just started it. It turned out shorter than expected) so that might ease the pressure off a bit.

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What Lies Beneath · 2:19am Jan 29th, 2023


The Young Six Element Match-up · 12:18am May 24th, 2019

It's clear that the Tree of Harmony has a special connection to the Young Six, but it's debatable which Element goes with which character. This makes me wonder if the Elements evolved into new virtues, similar to the way the Elements developed from the Pillars of Light. Just for fun, though, I'm going to attempt to pair the students with the current Elements. Two of the choices seem to be universally accepted among bronies, but my other four picks might be controversial.

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Report Maran · 341 views · #young six #student six

The young six siblings · 8:32pm Oct 7th, 2020

Just visiting there brothers and sisters


Being Othered [ School Raze ] · 7:04pm Feb 6th, 2023


Young Six's Parents · 12:27pm Jan 8th, 2023

So as my first post of 2023, I wanted to discuss something I thought of recently; the parents of the Young Six. At first, I didn't think too deeply about this, but I was considering the idea of some of them interacting. After all, the students six are good friends with each other, so it would be fun to see how their parents would interact with each other.

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On Writing "Have you seen my brother?" · 4:31pm Aug 2nd, 2020

This was a nice short story to work on a Sunday, unlike my previous stories I didn't need to plan out this one as much (I often write summaries for each section I do before working on what gets uploaded), mostly because I had the idea set out in my head. Have to give some credit to QueenCold's dragon universe on DeviantART for the inspiration, particularly this one since even if Garble was forced to hug his

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Take your Pick · 4:30am Aug 13th, 2019

Okay so I have two ideas I'd like to write, but I can't pick which one. So, I'm going to let you guys pick it. Here they are.

Snow on Sandbar
Sandbar wants to spend more time with Yona, but he can't figure out what they should do together. When they hear about the hike in Yakyakistan, Sandbar decides to join his yak friend in the hike. However, even Pinkie Pie keeping charge things start going wrong.

Silver and Smokey

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A Kingdom Hearts story · 12:29am Apr 22nd, 2023

I've always been a fan of the Kingdom Hearts games since I played the very first one on the PS3. I've seen a few stories based on the game and with the new trailer about Kingdom Hearts 4, I want to make one of my very own.

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On Writing "Ocellus' Family" · 12:07am Jul 2nd, 2020

When I wrote this story, I honestly wasn't sure about finishing it or posting it. When I did on Sunday night, I just thought I'd just sleep on it and see what the reaction would be. I did not expect it to be featured the following Monday and Tuesday, nor did I expect it to end up being a forum discussion on Changeling headcanons, but thank you so much for the feedback and reception. It was nice to see some readers comment on errors and room for improvement, as well as say how much they liked

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Bluebird: It has begun... · 7:07pm Mar 4th, 2021

Finally, the first chapter is out. Many thanks to Mix-Up for the brilliant cover art, a really talented and detailed artist and a pleasure to work with.

Hope you like the opening chapter, and the whole Young Six gang is in it! Hopefully, it'll nicely set up what everyone has gotten up to having graduated from the school of friendship.

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Young Six Rewrites (Updated) · 7:16am Dec 21st, 2021

And the most requested episode is
A tie between Yakety Sax & 2 4 6 Great

I don't know if I'll write these in the future, but it's something that I might enjoy.


New fic and what's on the horizon · 6:15pm Aug 9th, 2023

I just posted my newest oneshot fic, 'The Chain'. I had been sitting on this idea since last year and I had finished it much earlier in the year, but I commissioned a friend for the fanfic poster. They had some real life stuff happen so I just figured I would wait. As you can see from the artwork, it was easily worth the wait.

Hope y'all enjoy the shenanigans that I keep putting Gallus and Smolder in. 'The Chain' was a fun fic to write and I'm stoked to finally publish it.

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Hearth's Warming Club, Pt. 2 - Holiday Sacrifice · 2:28am Jan 1st, 2021

Most of Hearth's Warming Club is spent exploring the wonderful traditions of the various creatures of Equestria and beyond, but where it really shines is its character development. 

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BlueBird: Winter Progress · 10:21pm Jul 27th, 2021

Just a quick heads up that more time is gonna be needed for the next chapter, so there won't be a new chapter tomorrow. Also, with restrictions being mostly lifted and my day job moving back to working in an office full time, releasing of new chapters may no longer be weekly, but we'll see.

The next chapter is gonna have more of Gallus and two of his other friends from the School of Friendship, a bit more discussion in this one.


Random Art Dump: Young Love · 4:51am Feb 3rd, 2020

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

I've been staring at this for the past three hours. Not sure why...

Now then...

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A hoof punches out of the grave · 3:09am Feb 6th, 2019

Mother BUCKER it has been too long. So yeah... I'm back, for the .2 guys who remember and care. Due to me losing cable and Netflix being a year behind, I kind of fell out of the fandom for a while. However, I have officially gotten caught up, and was struck with inspiration. It's time I dug up an old idea, but on a brand new campus...


On Writing "Sandbar's Essay" · 11:59am Feb 15th, 2020

So this is already a weird start of the year for me. I've never written fanfiction before, MLP was a show I've known since it started but never got into until late-2018, and yet last month I submit a story for a writing contest on this website. I'm interested to see how I did, but at the moment I'm still surprised at the reception I've gotten from the upvotes and the comments I've gotten already.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Hearth's Warming Club, Pt 1. Diversity · 12:36am Jan 1st, 2021

Over the years, the show has had a lot of Hearth's Warming specials. From the revolutionary politics of the friendocracy established by The Founding Sisters on the first Hearth's Warming, to...well, a whole lot of other stuff. 

Hearth's Warming Club is different. I re-watched it recently on a whim - it being the only holiday special I had never seen twice. 

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 71 results