LTUE Video Archive · 8:09pm Jan 23rd, 2019
Quick post here, once again extolling and reminding everyone of the awesomeness that is LTUE! The advance sign-up ends soon, so if you’re going to go, get your ticket now!
Quick post here, once again extolling and reminding everyone of the awesomeness that is LTUE! The advance sign-up ends soon, so if you’re going to go, get your ticket now!
So, what's new on this fine overcast (here near Seattle) Friday afternoon?
Hey, guys. How you doing?
I’m going to try something a little different in this blog, which is attempt instruction on a thing. That thing in question in this thing is writing a thing.
Anywho, let’s get this show on the road.
In my defense, I didn’t say when this post would be up today. But readers! Do you have your list ready!? Topics you want to hear about? The get commenting below!
For those of you who need a bit more context, I’ll assume that you are familiar with this site’s weekly feature, Being a Better Writer, all about—What else?—how to improve one’s writing. Pretty much the most popular bit of this site, and referenced in a lot of places.
So, years ago I actually started writing out a guide of random but mostly useless information about Asylum and Broadhoof after I received permission from folks to write fan-fiction based on my fan-fiction. It was a humbling but invigorating experience. So in my exuberance, I decided that I should craft something that would help provide the reader a more coherent world for their shared narrative. It was filled with schedules and codes and even some history of the hospital.
Wait? Could it be? Is this a new post? A new Being a Better Writer post, back on its Monday schedule?
It is! Your eyes do not deceive you! I am writing!
Welcome back readers! And welcome to the year 2019! Which, as we all know, is either infested with replicants or about to become the battleground once again between that blue robot known as Megaman and his nemisis, Dr. Wily.
Hello readers, and welcome back after another weekend (and week)! How are things going on your side of the keyboard? Well, I hope?
Welcome back writers. We’re back with another Being a Better Writer post on exactly that topic, and aside from a small news blurb to stick in front of it, we’re going to get right down to things!
Welcome back, readers! And sorry for the delay. Life … finds a way. That isn’t always to one’s benefit! This week is just looking crazy.
Which means it’s probably best if I dive right in, given my ticking clock today. So, historical fiction …
Hello writers!
You know, if I’m honest it feels like it’s been more than a week since the last Being a Better Writer. That’s probably because I had numerous days last week where I was up well past midnight on account of editing Starforge. One week kind of stretched into two.
Welcome back writers! Monday is here, and with it, a new installment of Being a Better Writer!
Welcome back readers, to another Monday! Apologies for the lateness of today’s post; I was up late last night desperately trying to secure a Series X console before the hands of scalpers.
Hello readers! We’re back with another Monday installment of Being a Better Writer! And we’ve got an interesting topic to cover today. One that can be a little contentious depending on your audience.
Hey readers! Welcome back!
I know. It’s been a slow week from your perspective. The last major post here was another Being a Better Writer post last Monday. I said nothing else all week.
Welcome back, writers! It’s another sunny day here—at least, I hope it is, since I write these in advance, but in Utah that’s a pretty good bet—and I hope the weather of your choice is on display wherever you’re residing at the moment.