
Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results

Question · 11:26pm Feb 10th, 2020

Which one should I finish writing first, then publish? I shall do both.
1. Story where Luna is on the moon, and blames herself
2. My OC's first diary


Things that i'm doing right now. · 6:46pm Feb 24th, 2018

Playing sword art online: Fatal Bullet. "Oh yea!!!!!!!!!" chapter three is going to be release in March - October sometime between there.


What to do, what to do... · 6:03am Feb 18th, 2019

Watch netflix?
Pull myself out of my half a week (and counting) - long writing hiatus?
Panic about the fact that I'm gonna be adult-ing within the next two years?


I'm probably gonna watch some Netflix. I rarely do that anyway, and I've got a long weekend to enjoy.

Report TheMajorTechie · 274 views · #idk #what to do

The Rewrite of The Queen of the North · 10:37pm Jan 11th, 2021

I am at a cross-roads here so im giving you a choise.

Should I either

A: Make a new story containing the Rewrite and remove the old one. going with B
B: keep the current story up but change it to the rewrite version.

I dont know what to do so im leaving it up to you guys

Report LSTS Connor · 214 views · #What to do #rewrite

Back to scho.... I mean wor.... Umm. · 1:07am Mar 11th, 2017

So I just went to go check out a Job Corps building. I wanna join to get my high school diploma and get a head start on my trade. Sadly, where I'm going doesn't have the exactly what I want. I might have to go to a different city but I wanna stay where I am. Its time to make grown women decision. I do need advice though. What should I do?


Uhhhggggghh!!! · 3:20am Jun 3rd, 2022

I wanna introduce my oc to Equestria in a way that makes sense to me, but I can't decide on which direction to take it! It does not help that my very first story already does this, but in a "This is my very first story" type of way. I've been been debating taking that story down and redoing it, but I think that would be taking the cowards way out. Ugh, I am stuck on this one.


5 days until my Birthday. · 10:40pm January 22nd

I want everyone to know my Birthday is coming up in five days.


A change of plans/heads up · 10:14pm Nov 3rd, 2024

To anyone who read/enjoyed this story, Due to creative differences, this story shall undergo an edit of characters, though as yet, i am still unsure how it will go, so you best download or save the original if you liked it.

Originally, Tybalt was never to be designed to be like this by my friend Patch, thus he requested this change but it would include all other characters and background, apart from Candy, her superior, Amber and Lucky as well.

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Story is up! · 3:53am Jul 15th, 2015

First story is live, heck yeah :yay:

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How I get my Military fix · 2:59pm Sep 12th, 2020

(If it starts automatically at 20min something I didn't do that on purpose xd)


A Crafter's Hallelujah (Parody) · 4:28am Mar 4th, 2020

*This is a parody of the song, 'Hallelujah,' and is no way mine. I only own the time spent making this into a parody.*
*Also, it may be a bit rough around the edges, but I wrote it in, like an hour. Sue me.*

You know I've been to the secret place,
Where Notch came down to help our race,
But you don't really care about that, do ya?
It went like this:
the sounds of war, my people they fell, by the score
I was there, whispering Hallelujah


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200 blog posts! · 2:43am Apr 7th, 2018

It's a number!

A nice round number!

If I ever post again, it'll ruin everything!

But then I can't rant about stuff... that won't do either.

Perhaps if I post two times next time it'll be ok, cuz 202 is palindromic.

But then eventually I'll post again which will make the number the scary prime, 203.

Prime numbers are evil, because they refuse to be divided by anything other than 1 and themselves.

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Love · 2:04pm Aug 20th, 2016

It's a funny thing, isn't it. Love. I've heard it's great. But I don't know that. I read stories about love and write so many hoping to gain knowledge about love. But noting comes out. All it is... is my interpretation of love, which is probably wrong. I don't know, what it feels like to love someone. That's why most of my stories consist of romance.

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AGAIN? · 7:47pm Dec 1st, 2024

[you've got to find something better to do with your time.]

Practice what you preach, Mr. "I have to insult people to feel better about myself, because I'm a toxic incel."

Glass House!

[well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized]

Like you're one to talk for being a stuck-up faggot? I don't know what your mom smoked, but your dad could've had the sense to use a condom.

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Four Possibilitys A.K.A. If I actually Get Off my Butt, What Story Seems Most Intresting? · 3:12am Mar 9th, 2016

So, I've had some things rattling in my head.

No promise on anything, but you never know, question is what seems the most interesting?

So, the four possibility's for stories.

First off: Shadowrun EQG, should seem like a simple enough thing, Equestria Girls but the mirror lead to the Sixth World.

We got Sunset as a burned out mage (she didn't understand the cost of essince before it was too late), AJ the troll street sam, you know the things you'd expect.

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Discord Server · 8:52pm Mar 2nd, 2017

All right guys. I have almost no idea what I'm doing with Discord, since I only just recently got involved with this program after finding a friend here on FiMFiction who lives in the same city as me.

Still, you can thank ReformedNightmare for setting this up and for convincing me it would be a good idea.

If you want to talk to me, ask me questions, or anything like that, go ahead and join up at the link below.

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The ups and downs of writing "blind" · 8:05am Feb 26th, 2019

Like, winging it the entire way through the story, without any idea of what'll happen or where you're going.

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Stop asking about my stories. · 6:08pm Apr 22nd, 2018

Yeah, I'm sorry to say this people but as of right now I'm doing something else. Something I made very clear with several posts this past month. Yes, I'm taking on St Elmo's Fire and Farla to stop their destruction of the Pokemon Fandom.

So unless anyone willing to help I can't really focus on anything else right now. Sorry.


wow... I haven't done.. anything! · 6:37am Aug 21st, 2015

I swear I have ideas! I just don't write them down..

You won't BELIEVE how many concepts I have laid out and have done Nothing with because I can't seem to get started.
Perhaps I'm just not much of a fanfic writer.. I want to be.. I certainly have the imagination for it. Maybe I'm just more of an artist... I don't know.. It would take me too long to draw them all down before I get bored and it probably wouldn't get the whole story across. If I even thought it all the way through..

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What. · 8:34pm Nov 17th, 2019

That's the non-mature feature box. What. The. Actual. Crap.

Edit: It's in the full feature box now too. Sonuvabitch, now I'm going to have to continue it because enough people like it and I know the pain of enjoying a story that the author gives up on.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 61 results