Dimir Charm · 2:58am Feb 21st, 2018
I have something planned.
Something... floral.
October’s rolling around, and that has certain implications for me. Especially given certain upcoming milestones. So, given that, who thinks they'll be available to read some stories in a few months?
Your lucky numbers are 4, 7, 10, 13, 50, 82
I'm nearly finished with my next story—more coronation aftermath, though in an area no one seems to have considered yet—but if you'll look at my story count, you'll notice that will be number 99. For the big one-oh-oh, I wanted to do something... special.
Firstly, my apologies for ruining the nice "divisible by fifty" thing I had going with my story, blog, and follower counts. Still, it was either now or Sunday.
Then Goes the Neighborhood has gone off to the editors. In the meantime, I found something on my Google Drive. It's inspired by Estee's The Elements of Elements collection. I think you can guess which periodic element it's using as its prompt. The thing is, it's... kind of dumb.
Like, really dumb. One-gag story dumb.
Also, it's barely over a thousand words.
If you haven't already, you may want to give the survey linked here a look. Certain people are making certain plans, and your input would be appreciated.
Quick status report: I've actually been getting some decent progress on my Season 9 Bingo entry, though the revisions have seen a few bits hit the cutting room floor already. I'm presenting some as contextless dialogue. See if you can guess what might happen from here!
What I learned while looking for viable cover images for an upcoming stories:
• Searching for "higher dimensional spaces" will mostly get you wireframes and exotic geometry.
• Searching for "higher dimensions" will mostly get you the stuff the later parts of expanding brain memes are made of.
In any case, I think we're in business:
Hey all. I got an idea for a story just a bit ago, but I need some input from those who know the subject better and more intimately.
To wit: What, in your opinion, is the worst thing someone can do when preparing a cup of tea?
I have plans for next weekend. Given that I'm one of my father's go-to sous chefs for Thanksgiving, I may not be able to fulfill them. However, with this blog setting expectations and what may be the most motivating image I've ever seen on Derpibooru driving me forward, I'm going to at least give it a try.
I've entered Estee's Swift Selections contest, having picked the Crossover genre, and am currently working on my idea for it. The nature of the crossover should come as no surprise—they can't all be superhero origin stories—but I'm not sure which of two potential cover images will work better. Thus, I'm asking for an outside opinion. Which of the following
I should probably do a piece on the show’s impact on my life at some point; all the cool kids are doing one. For right now, though, I’m playing with the new data available. Here are some discarded ideas for why Spike isn’t available in an upcoming story, tentatively titled Momento Morerunt.
Coming tomorrow...
Just letting you all know that with Discord's Therapy Visit up on YouTube, the last Unconventional Paneling short is up as well.
Also, apropos of nothing, would anyone be interested in helping me judge a contest?
A few days ago, I asked for your input with the cover image of an upcoming story, then reveled in the ensuing confusion.
Got a new story coming up in the next day or two relating to peculiarities of EqG humanoid biology. All I can tell you beyond that is that it definitely isn't the following:
Firstly, I'm planning on opening a contest this Friday. There's a hint as to the theme below the fold:
Past and future are intersecting in this blog. Firstly, AShadowOfCygnus surprised me with a reading of one of my very first stories on the site. If you ever wanted to hear what Featherweight sounded like after puberty, listen below:
You know, I was thinking of announcing something, but between the Sunflower contest, the Optimalverse contest, and this thing, we're a bit oversaturated right now. (Not the Godhead Shimmer kind.)
"I'm telling you, Lyra, there have been multiple credible eyewitness accounts of the Arimaspi in the Hyperboreans."
"I thought I was supposed to be the crazy one in this relationship."