look at this completely unrelated blog post unrelated to any currently published stories and stuff · 8:03am Jan 4th, 2020
The Kingdom of Storms
The Kingdom of Storms
Although Stormy's Story is finished (endings being worked on right now), Im feeling kinda down today, hate to say this but it might take a while to make the endings come just right, sorry if i get a slight delay on them, i would like to avoid getting into details about what caused the feeling down feeling.
So, i will write a little "upcoming" stories i had in mind, hope you would like them
Two OCs of mine will make a return
The alicorn amulet will be a major part of the plot
Side characters get the spotlight
Trixie and Zecora will be present
Griffon villain
Kirin character
A part of the current description: (Changes will be made before release, not final)
A thief had been running around. Looking for one treasure they want to own, for their own use. Nope! It’s not the unity crystals or Sunny’s alicorn magic. Or cutiemarks either!
I'm still filling it out during time between classes still, but when I say "realistic", obviously there's a limit, considering how we're still dealing with technicolor tiny horses and "magic", along with a bit of sci-fi.
Also, let's just say that a horridly dark side of Equestria's ruling figures and government will be revealed...
Hmm... what could it possibly be?
The 100 follower special's already out...
Space Horse isn't exactly finished yet...
Twilight's still freaking out in Generation 1...
I have several stories going and ideas for new ones all the time.
But these are those that I will do for various reasons.
An AppleDash story for Tchernobog with the AppleDash kids as per their comment from Crystal. Just got to decide an age range for the kids.
Hey, y'all.
I haven't got too much to say this month, except that I'm very tired, very cold, and very ready for spring break. Story-wise, we're moving into the last chapters of Fall of the Doctor, and will wrap up completely on the eighth. On the eleventh, I'll start publishing The Prodigal Daughter, a story about Sunset Shimmer.
"How do you plea?" The Judge boomed once more.
"Oh fine, I'm guilty as charged." The Prisoner chuckled.
"The punishment for treason to the throne is death." The Judge declared. "Take him-"
"Oh, but my dear Judge, death for who?" The Prisoner laughed darkly. The Judge made eye contact with the convicted, and crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth.
The Empress stood and shouted, "Kill him!"
I had a bit of a rush of inspiration over the last week or so and have been writing another hypnofetish story.
It's weirdly sweet while still being extremely horny. It's a particular bit of wish fulfillment for me.
I'm almost finished with it, it'll come some time this week.
Edit: Chapter 1 is out now!
As I mentioned previously, I have been very busy with school and coming up with new story ideas. I am no longer busy with school. On a related note, I feel very strongly that snow has absolutely no place in spring break. Not only did my car get stuck in a ditch, but the tractor that tried to pull it out got stuck as well.
I know I haven't been posting in a while. I've been juggling writing, music, and drawing and I've been in more of a mood for drawing lately. However, I do still touch on my stories once in a while. I have a few of them in the works; some of them are laid out completely in my head but not put to words, others are seeds of ideas that I haven't planted and watered quite yet.
Somewhere, in a frozen snow-covered landscape where snowflakes were falling and cold winds are blowing, a small little creature appears out of nowhere and started leaping across the area. The animal was revealed to be a small rabbit with gray splotches, a long snout, two long canine teeth, and a big bushy tail holding a carrot in his hands. The Long-toothed Rabbit leaps over to a patch of tall grass with only his bushy tail showing and started scratching the ground. The Rabbit then lifted his
I have a bad feeling about a story, and the last time I did, you all convinced me that it needed to be taken back to the drawing board. Well, once again, I'm asking for your input. Bear in mind that this one is rather darker than my usual. We're talking "cusp of Teen and Mature" dark. Just the title should be a tipoff. It's also based on a prompt, so I don't have as much wiggle room as I might. It's also still pretty unpolished; I don't want to finalize it in a low-quality configuration.
Me- Mom I want a brother.
My Mom- If you had to chose between a new video game or a brother for this Christmas, what you want?
Me- A brother.
My Mom-
Me- So is that a yes?
Coming soon to Fimfiction, DeviantArt, Fanfiction, and AO3...
[The sound of rain falling and thunder booming in the sky was heard, followed by heavy panting and the sound of hooves squishing in the mud.]
Twilight (voice-over): I thought I knew to expect the unexpected...
[A bolt of lightning flashes, showing the Castle of Friendship in all its glory.]
Twilight (voice-over): But I never knew I'd expect this...
what if my mlp take on fractures is an eqg fic?
i don't think I've ever actually written a fic that primarily features the equestria girls world. like, yeah I've done cameos and such here and there but at least personally without going back to check I don't remember any story where there's much emphasis placed on that parallel world.
i think I've got a bit of an idea on how I could spin things 🤔🤔🤔
Hurray!! Pony Dragon Riders and Night Mare's Guard are done!!! You know that this calls for? A party!!
*Whoosh sound followed by a small cloud of dust* You called?
Yipe!! *Shakes fist at pink party pony from precarious perch in rafters* Pinkie!! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?!
It's real short, like 1300 words at most, but I had an idea that I personally found appealing and wanted to get it typed up before I lost it to the winds.
Expect Starlight, Trixie, and latex
So first time using this, YAY!!
Now first off I want to say sorry for the sporadic updates on my current story, Followers of the Night, my job has been really been working me over and I have little time to devote to writing sadly :(
But fear not for I currently have the next 2 chapters in rough draft form.
Also I'm working on a few other story ideas that I'll try to release soon, here are a few:
A Octavia+Vinyl fic (inspired by "let the music flow")
First up I want to say thank you to all those who read and like my stories, second i'm get the fourth chapter of Jail House clean up so I'll have it out when it ready stay in touch. Finally Im also proud to announce that i have three stories waiting in the wing so I wish to try and give everyone a chance to know and vote for there stories.
A fair disclaimer these stories are not clopfic so no XXX act with applejack and pinky pie that's on a later date, so here are the stores I'm writing.