Hey look! I actually updated! · 6:43pm Nov 11th, 2015
Latest chapter of What She Wanted is now live!
Latest chapter of What She Wanted is now live!
I love writing stories about this genre.
In fact, I could write a whole entire song about it!!!
(But the real question here of course is if I should.)
Posted originally as a comment to alarajrogers' blog post about the season finale.
To me, the most interesting detail is Zecora's reaction in the Chrysalis timeline.
I have officially started a new project! The Wings of Time.
This one is in yet another universe, having no relation to my Rising Universe. (Unless Someday I decide to do a crossover) The main character is not Sunset Shimmer, but instead, her daughter, Starlight Glimmer, as known by some in the fandom, "Knockoff-Sunset" or "Twilight Sparkle Lite." Well. now she's their daughter! Who knew?
Wait, there's another universe with another Sunset?
Enough said. With any luck, there won't be a dry eye in the house.
As promised in the most recent chapter of YAHES 2, I give to you my Time Travel Classification System.
Mode of Time Travel:
Physical: You and/or objects travel to the future or past. Most commonly seen form of time travel. Messages from the future count for this type as long as it isn't a psychic message.
Mental: Only your mind travels in time either to your own body or another person's. Type of time travel seen in time loops.
Reading about the late Mr. Dorr and the subject of his FBI file as a kid being a potential spy because he wrote to aircraft makers asking for glossy photos of new experimental planes, as any nerdy future aviation nut would.
Then saw a reference to a book he wrote much later in his life in the comments. Not saying it is one but that shape and those apertures on the shell???
Okay Folks,
What would you like to read? I want to work on a story about a secret love child
, or one about time travel
and an epic pony war
Tell me your thoughts, please.
Kind Regards
Just submitted a new story, which is an extended version of something I wrote for the last writeoff: Temporal Irregu-Rarity. In which Twilight thinks a bit deeper about what she was trying to achieve in It's About Time, and Rarity gives a fashion designer's perspective on the Trousers of Time.
Well looks like the villains all got there victories... Though it was Erased out of existence. Or is it?
Well to be fair I had thought they where going too Retcon something with time travel or at the very least show us a timeline of events for the last five seasons.
Oh well what do anyone else think?
It's been what? A fucking day sense it was announced, not released, announced, and there's already songs from Mandopony and one in the making from TLT?!
Jokes aside, it was a good song, but my God! This soon?
This isn't really a Reddit repost, but it may be the best series kickoff. Why? It also doubles as my history with the fandom, as this project has been ruminating on and off the back burner since shortly after I joined the herd. Besides, it is relevant as a Reddit crosspost because I have talked about it extensively over there in the various /r/mylittlepony Thursday threads. Why not blog about it here? I get responses on Reddit and crickets here. Why'd it take two days to write?
Following last week's post about the lesson on special relativity which we received in It's About Time, I started to think about what this episode tells us about time travel in Equestria?
What do we know about time travel in our own universe?
I recently watched Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and to be honest, I like it... while it won't top The Last Crusade, I thought the movie wasn't bad compared to what those youtubers said about the film. (All of them are anti-SJWs people)
Happened today when I was working, which I hate because I'm supposed to be working, but a random idea pops into my head, distracting me. Happens more often than you think. But I've got one I'm sure someone will want to do, or be at least interested in. No real title is made, but this is the general idea:
Here I shall speak about a new story that I'm getting around to posting after the page break.
Yesterday I wrote about the impressive attention to scientific accuracy in the film The Martian. Today is the day to celebrate the other end of the science-themed cinema spectrum, being Back to the Future Day – 21 October 2015, the date visited by time travellers Marty McFly and Doc Brown in the second instalment of that series.
So yeah, in this altered history it seems Spike joined the Royal Guard. And he's the one that's been assigned to be Trixie's bodyguard for the day.
Needless to say, neither Trixie nor Spike is happy about this.