
Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results

Well, here's another question... · 7:19pm Sep 14th, 2021

Seeing as my recent Question of the Week, has only recieved 2 comments, I concluded that it might possibly be linked to it be EqG related or it lacking tentacles. Thus I decided to ask another question, one that is related to my Dream series and while still lacking tentacles is still as uncomfortable/confusing.:rainbowlaugh:

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To buy a Succubus contest · 6:03pm Aug 23rd, 2020

I thought this would be a fun little contest where you guy's my fan For those who are good with art, you'll be able to have a chance to show off your skills, though also willing to let you guy's commission someone if you just don't feel like drawing.

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How Twilight Book form looks · 5:33am Jul 29th, 2020

Well guy's had a few commissions done and here's what they look like None nude but super sexy, these are what Twilight would look somewhat like as her Alternate form Lucy. please tell me what you think.
The Succubus


Succubus Spike is Back! · 3:20am Apr 16th, 2019


I know, it's been totes forever. But I'm okay and I'm totally back! And to celebrate, I've updated the Succubus Spike story with a nice long chapter just for you!

[Adult story embed hidden]

I've got lots of ideas for quick little shorts with all sorts of fun TFs and TGs. And I'm even thinking about opening up COMMISSIONS! GASP! Heck, maybe even a Patreon. Those are a really big deal, right~?

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Question of the Week#5 · 3:13am Apr 20th, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to Question of the Week#5, can you believe we've gotten this far?

Well, it's time for the question. That's what you came here for... right?

If you were to go on a vacation with a succubus mare, to a tropical island, what would you do? :rainbowderp:

What type of succubus you might be asking, why the kind that feeds on dream energy of course. :raritywink:

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I hope you all have a good day. :twilightsmile:


To buy a succubus on Amazon · 1:06am Jan 5th, 2021 the kindle release of to buy a succubus the paper backs still in review though when it's released I'll send a note out also check it out guys


The Sequel for To Buy A Succubus · 2:07pm Aug 20th, 2020

So Who would be interested in, a Sequel, for To buy a Succubus- Or as I would call it. To Marry A Succubus. this would take place a year or so after the First book when all is said and done, and the two of them Decide to get marry, Where they deal with the Stress of getting Married, you know meeting the parents, dealing with getting it all together, Murderous Fallen Angels Here's an excerpt that popped into mind for a chapter of this theoretical sequel.

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Question of the Week#6 · 1:00pm Apr 26th, 2021

Well, here is another week and with it another question, today I decided to release the blog early(ier) since I was up and thinking about it. As mentioned in yesterday's blog, some of the questions in the near future will be related to succubi.

So the question is: Out of all the background mares (female) in the show, who do you think is secretly a succubus?

And that's the question for the week.

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Are you ready for a vacation? · 1:15am Jun 18th, 2021

If you are, then you have better pack your bags because this next Tuesday, Dream Vacation will be coming out. So pack yourself a nice swimsuit and some sunscreen (it's hot where I'm at so I'd really advise getting some if you're going to be out in the sun for long) because this story is going to be a splash... yeah, I know it's a lame joke, but I thought you guys might like it. :derpytongue2:

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To Buy A Succubus completed and what comes next · 11:55pm Sep 20th, 2020

Wow, so, wow. I just managed to finish up The novel To Buy A Succubus. I placed down The End. Now I think its time to see what's going to happen next. I know I have in mind a sequel I've told you about, Called To Marry A Succubus. But what will I do after that or during that. I don't know. I'm figuring out things more, though I was hoping to work on and fix the story add some stuff. You know my Grammer kind of sucks. I'm thinking of finding a professional Editor, and hire them. Maybe get

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Dream Reversal (Is this idea TOO controversial) · 12:55pm Apr 28th, 2021

Well, here's another early blog, before I leave to go to work. :rainbowlaugh:

So in a previous blog, I had mentioned writing a story based off of Dream Date with the genders swapped. So as I was working yesterday, I was contemplating the idea and I did come up with something... though it might be a bit... controversial.

Allow me to explain.

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Looking For Succubus Story Prompts... · 7:31am May 29th, 2021

Well, I am thinking of writing more Succubus mare based stories, however I'm kind of having a hard time thinking of some ideas or it. So I figured I would go ahead and ask and see if any of you could come up with some interesting/fun/unique story prompts involving Succubus ponies.

Suggestive themes/elements are fine, just don't post anything NSFW in this blog. Aside from that, feel free to go as crazy as you want with your prompts. The more prompts offered the better.

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Paperback for To buy a succubus · 5:37pm Jan 6th, 2021

Well I would tell you, when to buy a succubus was on paperback well it's up, and i honestly am thinking you're tired of my blogs lol, So this will hopefully be the last blog i do for a while, I am working on the bordello (Ok, I've been in pure chaos, shit in rl happening but im about to start the new chapter) But the point is. I'll be back to writing chapters again soon. Just hopefully not dealing with 2020: 2 electric boogaloo


Alright let's talk vacation time! · 11:05pm Mar 21st, 2020

For those of you who didn't see my previous blog post, the corona virus and literally cancelled my trip to Hawaii. As disappointing as that is, I have decided to work on the sequel for my story, Dream Date. One because you all have been asking it, two I had fun writing it and have been wanting to write one, and three because I need a vacation and this is a great way to fuel those fantasies.

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Question of the Week#24 · 7:07pm Sep 20th, 2021

Well, hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week and this week I have a rather intriguing (at least I think so) question for you all.

Now this is one of those weird descriptive questions, so please make sure you read it thoroughly before you answer.

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Question of the Week#11 · 12:09am Jun 3rd, 2021

Well, I feel better today, so now I can start the Question of the Week! Da da duh! :derpyderp1:

So the question is as follows: What sort of mythical creature do you think might hunt succubi and why?

Feel free to explore the reason behind it, like does it hunt them for food, the dream energy they harvest or perhaps out of distaste.

I look forward to seeing your answers. I hope you all have a good day. :twilightsmile:


Spooktober: The Season of Love (Dream Date) · 6:18pm Oct 29th, 2019

Halloween is drawing near and with it, some spooky Nightmare Night tales. This thread presents such a tale, though it might be less frightening and more on the comedic side. Still I hope you will all enjoy it.

TDream Date
You are a unicorn stallion, who serves as a teacher in Canterlot's Magical Academy. As your students celebrate Nightmare Night, some of them try to perform a ritual and in an effort to clean up their mess you accidentally summon a succubus.
Robipony · 11k words  ·  400  12 · 6.2k views

Have a creepy Nightmare Night. :pinkiecrazy:


Dream Vacation · 2:29am Jun 23rd, 2021

I hope you're all ready for a vacation, because your Dream Vacation awaits...

Join Silken Soul back in the realm of sleep and dreams and have a wonderful (all be it an imaginary) vacation. I'm sure the two of you will have a lot of fun together. :raritywink:

TDream Vacation
It's summer break and your students are off having a wonderful vacation. Unfortunately, in your diligence to help your students, you didn't make any plans. Fortunately you remember an old ritual and decide to summon one of your friends.
Robipony · 12k words  ·  86  6 · 1.7k views

And whatever you do, don't forget your sunscreen. Trust me, my body still burns from last weekend.:twilightblush:

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Is Dream Date Getting a Sequel? · 11:47pm Apr 25th, 2021

So this has probably been a question that some of you have been asking, which is will Dream Date get a sequel. In the past I have answered yes and... the answer is still yes. However, I thought I should explain why it's taken so long.

I had actually started writing the sequel, Dream Vacation, a little over a year ago before the rise of the dreaded virus we now call, the Rona.

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Spikey-Wikey Fun! · 9:03pm Jan 28th, 2018


Thx so much for everyone's huge likes and comments for "Spike the... Succubus?"! Since I'm pretty new with writing this kinda thing, it's super encouraging to get SO MUCH HAPPY POSITIVE VIBES! I totally can't even deal with it! Except I did!

I decided you all deserved EVEN MORE! Time for Spike to stretch her new muscles! In more ways than one... plus, my FAVORITE part... the big TF! . This was sooo much fun to write!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results