Another SF5 Survival Mode Video (Chun-Li & Laura) · 7:33pm Sep 6th, 2018
Chun-Li: "Professional" costume, color 10 (premium DLC)
Laura: Story Mode costume, color 2
Warning: Gratuitous underboob. Lots of gratuitous underboob.
Chun-Li: "Professional" costume, color 10 (premium DLC)
Laura: Story Mode costume, color 2
Warning: Gratuitous underboob. Lots of gratuitous underboob.
This should thoroughly disabuse anyone of the notion I'm any good at fighting games.
Forgot to post this here last night...
This is me using Menat for the first time, learning how to handle her in an Easy mode Survival run. I like Menat. Apart from the very obvious things to enjoy about her, she has a very unique play style, and I can see how mastering her would make a player damn near invincible.
Karin sizzles through the Survival circuit! In either an elegant cocktail dress or a sexy bikini, there's no stopping this femme fatale! But wait...who's that over there fighting Sakura?
EDIT: By the way, if you don't have time/don't feel like sitting through the entire video, just skip to 40:10 (approximately) for the part I'm most proud of, the Stage 29 fight against Akuma.
Here's how you can tell if a Russian wrestler has been raiding Tony Stark's closet:
(Disclaimer: I barely know how to use Zangief, haven't mastered his specials, and don't really care about him enough to figure out how to do his bullshit double-circle CA.)
I ran Survival on Easy with Ibuki (in her Story Mode party dress) and Normal on Cammy.
I'm not very good with either of them yet, and I can't get Ibuki's air kunai to work at all. Cammy...I'm having trouble with the timing on her CA. It either doesn't want to work at all or it triggers all by itself when I don't want it to. Ugh.
WARNING: Gratuitous fanservice.
I splurged for the 2016 summer costumes pack, which had swimsuits (and full alternate color palettes) for pretty much every stock, S1, and S2 female character. No S3 character costumes, so nothing for Sakura yet, and I can't afford any more DLC right now--I'll probably wait until all the S3 DLC gets a deep discount next month or in October and spring for it then.
A massive update dropped for Street Fighter V today, and brought with it some choice new DLC, including Darkstalkers cosplay outfits! I checked the set and decided I only wanted these two, and since I just redeemed Rewards points for a $10 code yesterday I actually had enough to "buy" them, so...yay!
Hello, everyone!
Having now played through the entirety of Street Fighter V's story mode, I have painstakingly recorded the entire three hour epic cinematic story and edited out load times and one or two short, unnecessary scenes that add nothing to the plot (these were strictly cuts for time, mind).
40 stages of kicking ass.
Incidentally, I picked up the Nostalgia costume a little bit ago for Sakura. I figured it was worth the four bucks since Sakura's going to be my main and I prefer classic Sakura. Well, classic but a different color set.
Anyhoo, I've got another video coming up later (I'll just edit this blog post when it goes up) of me attempting Hard Survival. I only made it 21 stages on my best attempt. >.>;;
So I managed to obtain the three costumes from the Quick & Immovable event which ends tonight. You have NO idea what a pain in the ass it was to get Bison's Astaroth costume. X_X;;
Here's a little showcase.
But for me, it was Tuesday:
Guess what's back? Back again.
Plot dragging's back, tell a friend!
Well, I was joking on the plot dragging part. I promise you the story will be going somewhere! Little Big Trouble is coming to an end, and what does that mean? It means I get to put it in my ass continue on with "Wub" Me Like You Do and that ultra secret project I've been working on that I shouldn't be telling right now because of reasons.
I've locked down this blog because another episode will be dropping tomorrow with possibly the final blog for choosing ladies. THank you for helping me with these choices.
Change Rules/New Details
Okay, I'm starting to think posting new stories is going to be rather hard in general at the university. Yeah, just like last time, there was horrible connection that kept crashing. So Episode 4: Emile Challenge will go up tomorrow or when I get home. For now, here is the final blog of the choices. No more choosing women, this blog is about refining the details of Spike's journey... and choosing some bonuses.
[Edit] Yes, there are some choices missing. I'll explain why with Monday's blog which will go into basic details about each arc, without spoilers. For now, understand a few of these choices are too far from the main goal of those arcs.
Unique - Arestyr!
Arestyr - So, the wielder of the Blue Aura enters the stage, eager to hear a symphony of agony
Unique - The only sound I'll be hearing is going to be your bones snapping beneath my hooves!