Tips · 8:56pm Nov 11th, 2015
If anyone can lend me tips for story telling, I'd be grateful.
If anyone can lend me tips for story telling, I'd be grateful.
Having a bit of a hard time writing out the next chapter.
Not because of a writer's block mind you. Quite the opposite. I got my storyboard prepped and I know exactly what I want to write about.
The Power of Instrumental Music
I have found that in order for me to write the best quality first-drafts, I have to put myself in the most appropriate mood. To accomplish this, I have one simple strategy that often works more than not.
It’s actually a three step process, and it consists of the following required tasks:
1) Identify the genre in which I am trying to write
2) Find appropriate instrumental music that relates to what I’m trying to write
There are a lot of half-baked authors who seem to think that "feeling" your way through pacing, structure, and storytelling is the way to go. They are flat out wrong. Practice form and get good at it before you think about breaking form.
My girl was immortalized today. And by such fantastic work from a wonderful artist. Brings a tear to my eye. Honestly couldn't have forseen it would turn out even better than I initially envisioned, quite literally too! That's the great work of an artist. As a person only good with writing words (questionably at that), my envy is sky high. But my appreciation is up there too. Now available for chapter 3 readers, here's the work of art of Mutter_Butter
The problem with a new job at Night Shift...It messes with your shedule like hell!!!!
Drawn by, you guessed it, the fantastic Mutter_Butter. We call it... Chrysabus!
Seems like I've been all business lately with my blogs, but because my artists are working wonders lately! And quite quickly. Here's the illustration Skyey made for me for the latest chapter of A Kindled End. It was a simple drawing this time around, but an opportunity to make it beautiful. Skyey absolutely delivered. What do you think?
I commissioned this absolutely stunning piece by an outside artist known as Skyeypony on DeviantArt. Illustrious work, is it not?
Today I had my first day off that I’ll see in a 17-day period (right in the middle of it) but because I’m working two jobs right now. And I’m glad to say I’ve made great progress on the story. I’ve just about finished A Kindled Beginning now. Need to go back and edit it further which will probably eat at more of my free time, to make sure it comes out perfect come publication.
We call it... Proof of Love. Illustration for chapter 1.
It shows a smol Chrys receiving the heartfelt gift of Queen Chrysalis, during a life-defining moment. Skyey's art is truly, truly fantastic. And she made my lonely Christmas so much brighter by getting it out to me on the day of. Hope you like it too!
And I’ve JUST finished the first act of the chapter. I still have like 2/3rds left to write about. I think I might’ve shot myself in the foot with my limerick chapter name gimmick. With only two chapters left, I have to do some serious condensing... Oh I hope this chapter is not less impactful than the others because of this.
Hello and welcome once again to the corner of my mind where all the cool stuff sits rent-free. In keeping with the last post, today I'll be showcasing the Anime that have been particularly impactful to me. As usual, a lot of what I show here has been an almost direct inspiration for most if not all of my work, and you'll no doubt see the parallels in it. First up is...
Nearing the final few pictures left to illustrate for Beginning, I figured I had only big ones to show left. Here's one that pulls at the heartstrings. Chrys' remorse. When she accidentally blasts the Diamond Dogs unconscious thinking she seriously harmed them (but didn't).