STATE OF THE AUTHOR: I Know I Said No More Surprises, But... · 4:56am Jul 19th, 2020
...I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one.
...I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one.
Saying you're going to retire is easy. Actual retirement is hard. There's a lot more to this blog post than just that, but that's basically the gist of it. I felt that I couldn't balance my novel and my FiMFiction life, but some things over the course of the last few months made me realize that I could give it one more run.
I’ve just been busy working on finishing up my novel which is set to go live later this summer if all goes well.
For those of you interested, have a tiny little sneak peak:
So, I'd like to talk to you guys a little here.
Hello there!
So, let's cut to the chase, because I'll make this short, and I'm not one for needless fluff.
Okay, let's drop the silly talk for a minute, and let me be real with you guys.
This evening, Feb 27, I was sitting and watching shows with my mother and sister when my father was shot and killed on our street. The man was arrested this same evening, so he can't hurt anyone else-- though a part of me sinfully thinks, "A little late, that."
I was supposed to post the next chapter of Cyberpony today, as I do have it written, but I feel sick as s@#t. I came down with a nasty cold last night and have gotten roughly four hours sleep over the past two days. So while the next chapter is written, I really couldn't do my last-minute proof-reading like I usually do. Sorry for the inconvenience. If I'm feeling better, I'll see about posting it in the next few days (how much sleep I get is a big part of that, though).
Well, my pony friends, it's that time of year again... by which I mean the end of the old year and the start of a new one.
So, this hiatus for Cyberpony: Y2k was not planned as such; more of, it just happened. There was a one-shot I felt like writing, so I've been putting some effort into that (Lord willing, I'll post it on the 17th). Also, these past two 1/2 days I've been sick with a cold, and any physicist can tell you what that'll do to your energy levels (actually, anyone could tell you that, but for the sake of the pun, please, let it lie). Thankfully, I'm recovering by now, as colds suck(citation needed).
Warning: Long ranty explanation of why I've been "busy" ahead.
A lot of people have been reacting to the MLP finale and how much the show has meant to them, but as I'm behind on the show, I'll leave those discussions for later. What's more important, in my view, is to let you know where I stand right now. I will not be actively creating stories on this site for another month or so, and I want you to know that this is not because of the series finale.
2023. What a year. I keep getting this feeling... this thought that, "Okay, once I get through this, then I can settle down. I just need to make it to the weekend. I just need to finish this busy end-of-the-month. Once I get through this quarter. Oh, it's 2024 already..? Fuck."
Well, turns out that the final year of college involves lots of hard work. Who'da thought?
Yeah, I've been snowed under with work lately. But the good news is, I should have much more free time from Thursday onwards. I've got another fic in the works, and hopefully I'll be able to get it done by Christmas day. Until then, thanks for bearing with me, and happy holidays to all!
Hi, everyone. This is just a very quick entry to let you guys know about what's going to come up vis-à-vis my fanfic writing and general activity in the future.'s a mess okay?
It doesn't take a good eye to notice how entirely fucked my upload schedule is...if you could even call it a schedule. Chapters come out whenever I feel like writing, and to be frank, I haven't been feeling the writing mood lately. CURSE YOU WRITER'S BLOCK!
Well... Honestly nothing to say here really except just Happy Holidays to you all and I hope you have a great new year!
Only 94,648 written in an entire year... I need to step up my game.
Anyway, for anyone that still cares or remembers this story, I am working on the next chapter and hope to release it sometime this month.
More details and sorry excuses after the break.