
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

So, Bad News · 9:31pm Sep 12th, 2018

In case you missed it, it looks like the infamous internet directives proposed to the European Union has passed its initial vote. What this means, in effect, is that not only will there be a “link tax” forcing sites to pay for licenses to link to news articles (a law already implemented to disastrous results in Germany), but also a mandate that internet hosts put up content filters to automatically check for copyright violations, similar to the infamous ContentID algorithm already in place on

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Signal Boost: The Elephant in the Fandom · 6:26pm Dec 31st, 2017

You may have seen this earlier today, but it bears repeating. Horizon's blog on attempted date rape at a Bronycon room party is a serious matter. While it's good to see that the people there were able to help the sedated women to safety, the fact that it happened is both distressing and unacceptable. We can and should be better than this, and I'm glad to see a lot of us are.

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My Mother's Going Into Hospice · 11:47pm Jun 9th, 2023

Life update. Sharing this sort of thing on here seems strange to me. Not that I haven’t shared this sort of thing before, but I’ve been away from the site and writing for this fandom for so long and generally not writing blogs that it just surprises me. But here I am, drafting it. Whether I post it, I haven’t decided.

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I don’t know how many people are aware... · 11:23pm Feb 27th, 2019

It has come to my attention that there’s this Momo thing going around. From what I’ve heard, it convinces people to kill themselves, and pops up on random YouTube videos even when you’re not seeking it out.

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Identity Crisis · 11:26pm Jul 25th, 2015

I have been very consistent in terms of avatars on this site. I've only changed it once in my nearly four years here, and that was an unsolicited art upgrade explicitly provided to me by the original artist.

And yet...

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Goodbye, Mom · 4:51pm Jun 15th, 2023 happened. My mom finally passed away in hospice today. I said, my relationship with her was complicated. For much of my life, she was not a very good parent, did things that really hurt me. But later in life, there were moments where she was there for me when I needed her the most, loved me when I needed it the most, and that means something, at least, and despite all the bad, I’m still crying at her loss.

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Monsters (the prequel to Night Shift) is COMPLETE! · 3:43pm Oct 24th, 2015

Remember when Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift was a thing? Yeah, it's been a long time. Remember when I wrote a prequel titled Monsters?

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Talking A Tale of Two Suns, A Potential New ATOTS Side Story, and General Life · 9:45pm Jun 13th, 2023

So...A Tale of Two Suns.

I see that a number of people want me to continue the series, and have been waiting for years, and for those that have waited, I apologize. I felt the desire to continue had left me, and I’d pulled away from writing in general for a long time, for that, and other reasons. But now I’m back to writing fanfic, for MLPFIM and other fandoms, so the question of continuing it is on my mind, especially since there is interest in its continuation.

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IMPORTANT: YouTube, COPPA, Petitions, Get Informed and Help Out · 2:57pm Nov 24th, 2019

Hi everybody, and good morning. So, if you haven't heard, there's this thing with YouTube lately and COPPA (Child Online Privacy Protection Act). COPPA is a good law which prevents the collection of data on children under 13 years old. And, well, YouTube broke that law. So they got sued by the FTC. $170 million, a pittance, really.

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results