
Viewing 1 - 20 of 285 results

Hey! I think I'm done. · 12:51am Nov 30th, 2017

I haven't posted anything since August so it's pretty obvious I'm dead. I wanted to place a gravestone here though, and sort allow myself to let go. The purpose of this post is to allow closure on my unfinished projects and explain a few things about myself and my goals here on this site.

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All because I wanted to write clop · 8:22pm Apr 12th, 2018

That was how I wanted to start this blog, with that one little thought. It all started because I wanted to write a clop fic with hard vore in it. Also, the new chapters are up


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Errant Doomsaying · 11:55pm Nov 13th, 2019

For context, today we got an announcement regarding a new round of pony animation. We have the G4 voice cast, and well...

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Tumblr has become 20% less cooler now · 9:27pm Dec 3rd, 2018

Just found out that Tumblr has banned all things NSFW.

My sympathies and condolences to the Bronies and Pegasisters who used Tumblr for their SFM works and animations. At least this explains why at one point I was viewing a link to an NSFW work from Derpibooru and I got a message saying that linked site doesn't exist.

Tumblr, you have gone from awesome to STUPID. I bid you forever farewell.

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Hi I need help · 7:25am Dec 27th, 2021

This is about MLP bloopers stuff.

I think I’ve mentioned this in the past, but I have an extremely hard time watching movies/shows on my own in their entirety. It’s just not something I can accomplish on my own. This is a problem, since I’m stuck on episode 5 (I think?) of the first season, and I’ve been putting off watching it.

So, I am hoping I can find someone willing to watch the episodes with me.

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Won't Be Long Now · 8:20pm Nov 20th, 2022

A new chapter will be published sometime next week.

EDIT: To rephrase: the chapter will be published within the week. I may have found a tiny bit of inspiration to finish it. It's somewhat short. Like over one-thousand words short. Thankfully there'll be a part three to conclude 'The Date'! Hope you all look forward to its publishment.


Hey all! · 2:23am Nov 30th, 2016

Hello! It's been a good long while since I've posted here, lest any of you seen any activity from me. To put it as you may know, I am in the military. And on top of that - submarines. Not much time to do things when you go out for months at a time without any sort of internet connection. So, how have ya'll been? Any questions about anything or want to strike up a conversation?


So close! · 3:33pm Aug 9th, 2015

I almost got Pen Stroke to sign my copy of Past Sins. I was told that he would be in Quills and Sofas, but apparently he was feeling sick and never showed up. Professor Plum was kind enough to attempt to track him down for me, but he couldn't find him. Oh well. Maybe next time.

The con was great, though. I met a few people from Fimfiction and ran into a few YouTubers.

I'm too exhausted to go into detail. :derpytongue2:

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Ya'll cucks got pranked · 12:08pm Apr 2nd, 2017


I'm Starbound! · 9:19pm Mar 3rd, 2018

Yep, ever since I deleted TESV, I've been needing something new to devote my time to.

So I scraped together enough cash to buy Starbound. I haven't installed it yet, but I will soon. I might just play it all night once I do have it on my PC.

So, yeah.


Also, the new Event Horizon chapter is almost done. And just FYI, Ash and Serena are characters in the story now. E-Horizon takes place in a merged Game/Anime verse. It's not done yet, but it will be soon.


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom WORST MOVIE EVER!!! GO SEE IT!!! · 3:35pm Jun 17th, 2018

omfg this movie was the most fabulous piece of unironical comedy I've ever seen!
I was laughing my ass off the entire time with how fucking goofy it was!
Funniest shit I've ever seen!
10/10, go see it!


See ya Friday or Saturday · 8:15am Jul 20th, 2021

This is officially the last time I’ll be online till Friday or Saturday so if I don’t respond or seem active It’s only for a few days.

And I have not gone inactive in fact to prove that I’m planning on dropping the next It’s not easy chapter close to when I return.


Accelerated Release Schedule for The Cadenza Prophecies · 11:25pm Aug 1st, 2024

I mean... It's done, so why should I drag it out?

So, next Tuesday I'll release the next three chapters, and the following Tuesday the last two plus the epilog. Two big chunks of around 10k words each.


I didn't know I needed this. · 12:04am Oct 15th, 2016

Please tell me a picture exists somewhere of Celestia as Professor van Helsing.


Part of the Journey is the End · 8:26am Jul 30th, 2019

I never thought I would write something like this but...

Hey, guys, long time no see.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything for Fimfic, and I am so sorry it’s been so long. It sucks that you guys haven’t been able to read anything thanks to me, and it sucks that I’ve been so busy that it’s been impossible for me to write anything and put it up. There’s just a lot of stuff going on and, well...

And it’ll be another few years before I can do anything else more.

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Holy crap, I get a blog? · 12:28am Aug 22nd, 2015

All I'm saying is, the man who trusted ME with a blog must be on his 16th shot of tequila by now. No, scratch that. 16th BOTTLE.

So yes, this is apparently a blog for me. Huzzah. I figure I shall use this entry to explain the filler chapter.

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People, readers, and the rest of you..... · 6:58pm Sep 15th, 2021

I seem to be suffering a little bit of writers-block, and the stress from my new job isn't making it any easier.

So if it's alright, I'll be taking a little vacation. By which I mean, a long break from Fimfiction; I probably won't be back until after Halloween. Also, my friend Merc_with_the_Mouth will be joining me, so we can brainstorm ideas for his Deadpool story.

Before I go, I just want to say, you were all fantastic.... and do you know what, so was I.


ember · 6:56pm Aug 19th, 2017


she speaks truth about Twi and Starlight yo


whiteboards are remarkable · 6:24pm Jul 29th, 2015

EDIT: It's a pun you see. Also if you look down in the comments for help... well that won't be as much fun right? :pinkiehappy:

EDIT2: A couple people said I drew the things on the whiteboard (although I may have misinterpreted those words), but here to say nah this was a pic i found on google.


Long time no see... · 5:04pm Aug 6th, 2023

Hello people. It's been a while.

Just recently, I came back to this site, have started to re-familiarize myself with the series, and have gained a little bit of motivation to work on my story 'Shimmering Guardian'. I forgot that it was rated 'M', and thought that I deleted it, but then I remembered that the site has the mature filter setting to 'off', by default.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 285 results