Holy Shit · 2:55am Dec 14th, 2020
Mu’fucka went from cheap $1 voice actor to “Holy fuck my femur’s breaking!!”
Mu’fucka went from cheap $1 voice actor to “Holy fuck my femur’s breaking!!”
Item #: SCP-002
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-002-1 and SCP-002-2 are currently uncontained, and no measure has been theorized to effectively contain either as long as they are together. Containment has been restricted to surveillance of the subject and limiting exposure to civilian populations until suitable containment can be constructed.
Well, it's close to the day that makes people think they are legally allowed to be jackasses. I ignore it and refuse to leave the comforting confines of the concrete basement, but last year I used the time to write a joke SCP. I'd like to do that again for this year. Currently, I have two ideas for a joke SCP, but I'm feeling a little "Meh." on both of them.
SO I am asking you, my readers: can you think of anything in My Little Pony that might make a good joke SCP? All ideas are welcome.