Nightmare Moon's Soliloquy · 12:59pm May 5th, 2017
This song reminds me of two of my OCs... the Harkens Twins, Sylus and Clara Belle. (Read "The Sane and the Lost" for more information on them)
This song reminds me of two of my OCs... the Harkens Twins, Sylus and Clara Belle. (Read "The Sane and the Lost" for more information on them)
Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This one will be on a personal favor. It's 'Megatron's Revenge', a crossover between MLP and Transformers Animated. In this story, Megatron and a body-less Starscream end up in close to Equestria space. I got to be honest, this story had me hanging on every word. This could've been a great Crossover episode for the show. I was impressed how Megatron lived up to the word 'Deception'. And the cliff-hanger, truly amazing done.
Which of the minor antagonists from My Little Pony do you think would have this as their theme song?
If there was someone in Equestria who'd want total revenge on the Mane Six, which antagonist (excluding the Legion of Doom) would you see doing this and why?
I have been scorned one too many times!!! This is a FINAL call upon the powers that be that I had no choice but to send out into the realms last night during the Pink Moon:
Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This review will be another special review. I'll be reviewing 'Revenge of Oogie Boogie', a Nightmare Before Christmas fan fiction. This story tells a different story on Oogie's return. What I enjoyed most of this story is how Jack's life, figuratively speaking, changes for the most wonderful turn he couldn't help but enjoy. There are a few elements from the video game, so might want to watch a walkthrough of it to see what they
How could this not bring a smile on your face!?
This is inspiring to me (future story possibly? Hopefully?)
Wow. This was a masterclass in buildup and tension. I knew about Masaki Kobayashi's movie before - a scathing indictment of the samurai and the honor code that they profess to live by - but all the same, watching the movie had me hooked from start to finish.
Usually not a shanty type dude, but damn, I really liked this one.
Tad~ bit on both the long and the dark side, though, so be sure you're in the mood for that. But, hey, less then two weeks from Halloween, right? If it's fitting for any time of year, it should be this one.
My word, he's getting worse...
You are a Sociopath period, and you prove me right of how mentally insane you are.
As I said before, I love vengeance, and it's one of my many muses for writing (The thought of payback)
Had a blast with this one.
And I thought it was a bit more important then usual to point that out, because seems like this one is one of those films that the general audience loves, but critics loath with all their hearts.
Seems it a mix of the fantasy and pirates thing—which I must personally admit find about as meaningful and fair a bit of critique as if somebody would be shocked that Toyota's next project is another car aimed at the main-stream—and the break-neck pace.
Ugh!! Voices in my head, nothing but voices in my head.
No, it's not schizophrenia, that's entirely different. (I have Autism, not schizophrenia,)
The voices I hear in my head are replays of old bad memories as far back as I can remember since I was 3...
-Every adult who ever yelled at me
-Every bully who ever picked on me
-Everyone who ever hit me (Bully/Family alike) Heck my first tooth came loose because a bully pushed me into a stone pillar in the school yard when I was 6.
Greetings and salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. Just when you think Chrysalis can't sink lower, she does. It's 'A Place in Equestria 2: The Revenge of Queen Chrysalis'. Like Toby from 'A New Home', Chrysalis kidnaps Fluttershy's adopted son and makes him into an unwilling pawn/meal in her attempt to conquer Equestria. Only this time, it takes place during the Season 6 finale combined with Thorax's premiere episode. This story shows never to deal with a mother protecting her
Follow-up to MlpHero's blog post, maybe I'll make more of these, who knows. Enjoy the sweet revenge!
"Hey! Princess!"
"General Tempest? What-"
"What's this I heard from Hero about you insulting his songs?"
"Well, I wasn't wrong, his songs are anti-Equestrian and don't even get me started on the lyri-"
Boys, it has now been twelve years since the second installment of the Transformers series was released on June 24th, 2009. I gotta say... I feel very old. It doesn't matter if the movie sucked or if some of us hate it, you gotta admit it did have some very awesome action scenes and cool new characters. Even to this very day, this movie remains unforgotten amongst die-hard TF fans. To celebrate its 12th anniversary, I will allow you all to play this music video from the great Linkin Park
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
This is one of the most satisfying scenes ever in Family Guy. With all the bullying and ridicule Meg experienced throughout her life, I honestly can't blame her for getting revenge on those who treated her like crap.
P.S. The thumbnail is clickbait.