
Viewing 1 - 20 of 382 results

Little update · 4:53pm Jan 16th, 2016

So hi there! :twilightsheepish:

I've been thinking and in order to improve I should probably not stick to a weekly release schedule giving me more time to make sure the chapter is better, and that I actually improve, by being able to spend more time on the work. That being said I'm shifting to a bi weekly release for Their Most Faithful Student.

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Things coming in the following weeks. · 10:24am Aug 18th, 2016

Much as the title says this is a little blog post to show off what's coming in the next few weeks.

- Starsong's New Life Chapter 2 Part 1
This is currently being edited. and should hopefully be ready to release by Monday or Tuesday next week. I split the chapter into 2 parts because I don't think reading 20,000 words in one sitting would be convenient.

- Dreams Well Kept

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There will be a one day delay... · 11:31pm Jul 13th, 2022

In the new Harmonic Resonance chapter as the commissioner has requested one final set of enhancements and I’m still missing prereads. With apologies to all, look for it tomorrow night.


Make that 8 side story chapters + Teaser · 1:29pm May 16th, 2021

Though the latest two are a bit of a cheat as I realized it would be better to break up a couple earlier chapters. In one case, I did it to bookend it around an important and very adult three-chapter arc regarding our surprise first human/griffon pairing. That involved fleshing out the broken-off chapter a bit more, as I'm trying to keep individual chapters to no more than around 5k-6k words. I then also decided to break up an early chapter that was well over 8000 words, putting some

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Part 35 of The Lawyer and The Unicorn is well underway... · 4:10pm Sep 12th, 2017

And I expect it to be ready by this weekend. As is my tradition with adult fiction, the story is going out with major fireworks in a two-part finale followed by an epilogue. Some of those fireworks I've hinted at already, but some...

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TLaTU chapter release this weekend... · 6:27pm Jun 9th, 2017

Hopefully, anyway. It's not quite done yet. I have--I think--about 1-2k words left to write on a chapter that's already approaching 10k words. Major M-rated action ahead, folks, but no teasers or spoilers as to the who or what--it's the kind of chapter where I'd rather people come in cold and be surprised; get it full force. :rainbowwild: And for those who prefer the story plot to the other kind, don't worry--expect a surprise cameo, a decent amount of worldbuilding and character development,

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Looking to publish next Nightmare Night chapter this weekend · 2:29pm Jun 9th, 2020

It's about half-done at 4000 words right now. To perhaps little surprise, I've had trouble getting back into the mood to write clop with all the crap happening in the world around us, but to that I tell myself that escapes are just made all the more important. So the work goes on.

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Feathered Hearts - Eros chapter 14 launches tonight · 3:27pm May 5th, 2022

Get hyped for the first chapter of the Midway movie viewing, folks. If you need some help getting psyched, have some Sabaton:


Finally getting close to a full chapter draft on Eros... · 8:57pm Jul 7th, 2023

Make that two chapters, since the total length of what I’ve written is 22.5k words, and likely to be closer to 25k when all is said and done. Yep, this chapter just kept growing and growing. In the end, that’s way too big for a single clop chapter, and I have a natural breakpoint in the middle. So it is officially getting broken up, but at least that means you’ll be getting two new chapters in fairly short order.

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Flight of Firefly Part 11 at 7000 words and climbing... · 8:35pm Sep 24th, 2018

Tentatively titled "Retribution", it's on track for a September 30 release as only the trailing section of 2-3k words remains to be written. No teaser this time, as reading through it now, it feels like anything I could offer would be giving too much away. It's time for a parley and it's also time for Firefly and her entire command to decide as one what they're going to do in the face of an ultimatum and overwhelming gryphon force.

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Nightmare Night Chapter 13 launches this weekend · 4:53pm Dec 14th, 2018

it will launch no later than Sunday, or sooner if I get prereads back in time.

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Firefly Chapter on the way · 3:09pm Mar 10th, 2020

I guess I missed writing it because it's coming quickly; I've already got 5600 words of the next chapter written and may well have a completed draft by Thursday. If so, I will aim for a weekend release. And since you've waited a few months for new content, have a teaser. The following is told from the viewpoint of then-Commander Tailwind:

EAS Loyalty
Just north of Lake Luna on Thestralslovakian border
September 4th, 1139 AC
0002 hours

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Midnight Rising chapter 23 launch delayed until Sunday · 12:22am September 20th

With apologies, I've only got one preread in, and as I require two before publishing something, I'm going to give the rest of my team the chance to hit it. So I thank AJ_Aficionado for going through it first, and at his recommendation, I'm shunting the last 4,000 words or so to the next chapter since he said they seemed anticlimactic. I thought about it and decided he was right. So you'll get 12k words in the new chapter instead of 16.

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TLaTU Milestone!!!! · 6:36pm Mar 1st, 2017

Hit 250 likes! Thank you, one and all!!! :heart:

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Firefly Update · 2:47pm Aug 16th, 2019

Fans of Into the Storm will be happy to know that there are not one but two new chapters underway, each with major sections guest-written (one by Leo Archon and another by AJ_Aficionado--thanks, guys!). At least one will be slated to launch on the story's two-year anniversary of September 1st.

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Sorry for the delay on Firefly · 2:06pm May 20th, 2020

As it happens, there are multiple pieces of good news and bad news on it.

  • Bad news #1 is that the new Firefly chapter got so big--a whopping 22k+ words--that I've had no choice but to break it in two.
  • Good news #1 is that means you'll be getting two big and juicy chapters in quick succession, with the first setting the scene for the epic clash in the second.

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Addendum to previous post - Firefly chapter will now release on Sunday · 12:35am Jan 24th, 2021

You know what? Forget next week. I got on a roll, worked all day today and thus completed the next Firefly chapter, which will have undergone all its prereads by Sunday. And that means the chapter can launch tomorrow!

A teaser? Sure, why not. Here's a preview of one of Rock Biter's sections:

Equestrian Army Encampment
Rear Gate
Twelve miles southwest of Maresk, astride the road to Detrot
September 4th, 1139 AC

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Feathered Hearts: Eros chapter 11 launches tonight · 4:11pm Aug 17th, 2021

It’s weighing in at 7300 words of nearly nonstop human/griffon M-rated action. Nothing else to say, except get ready for a doozie of a chapter, folks. Speaking for myself, this might be my favorite chapter thus far!


One day delay for new Midnight Rising chapter · 11:43pm Oct 26th, 2022

So I can get more prereads completed and get another editing pass in. Sorry to make you wait, folks. But trust me—it’ll be worth it. Chapter will now launch on Thursday evening after I’m back from work.


Into the Storm - Part 9 Chapter Draft Complete · 3:48pm Apr 24th, 2018

It's going to prereaders, but even once they're finished, I'm not going to release it right away. I'm behind on making graphics, so I'm going to catch up on those first. That way, you'll have some battle maps to go with the new chapter and follow what's going to be a rapidly shifting battle visually. I'm even devising Equestrian and Gryphon unit symbols loosely based on NATO military standards, which you can get a sense of here:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 382 results