Royal Lyricist · 2:08am Jan 20th, 2019
Firstly, context:
I bring this to your attention not only because it jives with my whole schtick, but also because it got me coming up with additional verses.
Firstly, context:
I bring this to your attention not only because it jives with my whole schtick, but also because it got me coming up with additional verses.
Commissions are currently open for Bevin Brand, former Equestria Girls storyboarder and half of the incredible team behind Empathy for the Devil and its related, equally great stories.
You can probably guess why I'm bringing her up...
You may be familiar with Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student, one of the longest-running stories on the site. Well, one of the authors has a spinoff where the eternally frustrated (in every sense of the word) Twilight Sparkle of that setting gets transposed into other stories
It's always a delight when someone reads one of my stories. All the more so when they let me know beforehand. Many thanks to Skijarama for this one.
Story Shuffle was one of the more fun experiments I've done with ponyfic over the years: thirty-one oneshots, each based on a random Magic card. The Oversaturated World came from its portrayals of Sonata Dusk and the human Maud and Rainbow Dash. I really should do it again some time. But that's not why I'm bringing it up now
I'm split here. On the one hand, I'm always flattered to see a reading for one of my stories. On the other...
Did it have to be the fart joke?
You may have noticed a sizable influx of stories in the past few days, including my own Heir A-pear-ent. The due date for Tumbleweed's Springtime Sequel-Slash-Sandbox Switcheroo arrived, and we all agreed to post everything at roughly the same time so everyone could find out who was assigned whom together. But I didn't write this blog solely for self-promotion.
Long ago, in the distant days of 2015, I wrote a reaction fic to "The Cutie Map" wherein Discord delivered an ultimatum to a freshly deposed Starlight: Abandon your quest for vengeance or face the consequences.
"The Cutie Re-Mark" aired. I followed through on his promise, taking Starlight to a world of true equine equality, where the only legacy ponies left were the mass-produced love batteries that powered the changeling nation of Omnifaria. And that would've been the end of it.
Almost two years ago, I let you all know about a not-so-little story called Songs of the Spheres. Well, as of yesterday, it's come to a close, and...
So. Since IDW interprets “Available December 2020” as “Available one or more seconds before January 2021,” we’re going to cycle back to the Flash Sentry Papers and cover the back half of Tumbleweed’s compiled archive.
We return to Trailblazer’s adventures in Midgard for another round of excitement, adventure, and shameless flirtation. (Ah, the perils of crowdsourced characterization…)
This week, we return to Hoofington for more of the adventures of Trailblazer. Last time, she met and—through audience participation—wooed a wide-eyed bat pony who’s just as eager to explore the world. Let’s see where her road takes us next.
This week, we continue our journey through Minty Root’s backlog with two different takes on my favorite ponies. Remember, I’ve never claimed to be free of bias.
This week, we return to Trailblazer’s adventures, and this leg of the journey of the saga has so much going on, I’m taking it in halves.
This week, it’s back to the Moon for more play-by-post fun with Woona.
Now that I’m more or less up to date with d20 Pony, let’s look at a different pony webcomic. Indeed, let’s look at one of the first.
Given the continually erratic rate of Tell Your Tale releases, we return to Trailblazer and company, and just in time for the Autumn Festival!
Well, it works for the Southern Hemisphere.
It’s that time again. Let’s cap off the latest addition to the dynasty with collectable cardboard representations of each entry, as per tradition.