XV – The BOOK of RAINBOS... COMEING SOON · 9:04pm Feb 20th, 2023
Part 1 of chapter 8 is fully complete! It has been edited, edited, edited, and edited again. This is how long it is:
Part 1 of chapter 8 is fully complete! It has been edited, edited, edited, and edited again. This is how long it is:
Yes, I know I missed March, I'm sorry. So, I'll be covering two months this time.
First, my numbers for March:
8721 words for Friendship Rising
1023 words for The Sunset Also Rises: Holiday Specials
1016 words for The Love for Family, A oneshot set in Rose Quill's Homecoming Universe.
And that's all, totaling and 10760 words for March. A little over 10k words. So, less than half of February's count.
Now, this month, April:
3827 for Friendship Rising
I decided to write another microfic for the RariJack prompt tag contest this morning.
3,000 words later, I realized it didn't actually count as a piece of microfiction at that point. And that's not including all the alternate endings that I wrote because I couldn't quite decide how to end it.
So the good news is I have a new story now.
That's what you're probably asking me right now.
Rest assured, I'm still alive. I've just been performing some housekeeping: I finally can get rid of Windows 8 everywhere--now I'm just working on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. Even so, I've still had to reinstall all my apps (still needed to do that last week), as I got a great Google Drive client on the Windows Store with "native" Google Docs integration--sure, it's just the embedded Google Docs editor page, but it's good enough for me.
Words so far: 322
Paragraphs finished: 4
Chapter Completion: About 10 to 15%
Projected finish date: Late June to Early August
Hello all.
I spent some time today looking through the archive of my past blogs and marveling at how, once upon a time, I updated this thing somewhat regularly. (Also marveling at how foolish of a person I was ten years ago, but that's a story for another time.) Presently, I hold to the idea that I should only make a post here when there is something significant to say, but given the enthusiasm of the last post I thought it appropriate to provide an update on it.
Progress on next chapter of HMHS: ~38%
New oneshot I may or may not post: 40%
That's all I wanted to say, Captain signing off.
Hi all! Happy new year!!
Wow, another year already? And I’m only at 300k words? I really need to pick up the pace! I feel like such a sloth.
New Year’s Resolutions…
Publish original book(s)…
Write more in Rites in this year than I have to date…
Lose weight…
Keep my sleep schedule mostly stable…
Treat writing like my job…
Get a kitty…
Move into a new place with just me and my wife living there...
Yeah, aiming high with lots to do!
Progress on next chapter of HMHS: 42%, give or take. Sorry it's going so slow, I know what I want to happen but I don't know how to write my way there. It's very frustrating
Porno writefaggorty oneshot : ~50%
Chucked two Fallout crossovers into the works. I'm going to force myself to publish them later, after the next chapter of HMHS is done. Captain signing off.
Hey, look, it's the semi-monthly reminder that I still exist!
Sorry for the continued disappearing act; I think I can speak for everyone when I say the year so far has been absurd beyond our wildest expectations. Long story short, I got swept up in the wave and all my plans started eroding.
Regular accountability posts, I mean.
I haven't gotten nearly enough writing done these past... oh, couple years or so. And that's on me. I'm not going to get into excuses, since I don't feel that I really have any valid ones. No medical problems, no dire circumstances, no my-world-is-imploding crises.
The big thing on my plate making me start this:
Figured I'd mention I've got a Pillowfort account that I post writing and occasionally drawings on. Ain't got too much up right now, but I've got more than here and I figure it'd be better to post snippets of the stories I write there than here. There are two short posts up about a griffon and a raider right now as well as a few horrid scribbles.
It’s here!
Despite the majority wanting me to finish all the chapters first before posting, it was taking a lot of time and I wasn’t really using all of my time as effectively as I could have been. Some readers were getting impatient (I understand, of course) and so I followed my editor’s advice and decided to just go for it.
That's right, I'm actually doing one of these. This month: February. The month that for no good reason has only 28 days.
Tell us how you really feel.
Not a whole lot to report, other than that chapter 15 of Sunrise got another 1000 words or so, and more importantly, got finished and has been off to the pre-readers for a few days now. The editing process is now moving along, so that's good.
On to chapter 16, then? Well, yeah, when I have time to write it. That's gonna be tough to find this week - mid-terms are coming, and I'm not looking forward to them, TBH.
Hello readers
Just popping in for a little update
I wasn't going to do updates like this because I never expected people to like my story
Knowing that there are some people who are invested in my story is definitely a huge motivation for me, and definitely a reason to update.
So without further ado, the update:
Chapter 4 is at least 40% done
June is the start of my busy period at work.
So I been pretty busy with shifts, including overtime.
Shotgun Wedding is a new story I started as a result of the RariJack forum prompt game. It is supposed to be a game where everyone writes a short bit of microfiction (100-500 words) based on a single word prompt... and I may have let things get a little out of hand and wrote something nearly three times longer than it was supposed to
Hi all!
No new chapter today, sad to say. Next week is looking more likely by far.
Getting off the wellbutrin is proving rough on my mood. Anxiety is up, depression is worse. Better than getting liver damage, but it still sucks.
Still writing, and I’m two chapters in on mission seven. I’m really hoping you all enjoy this one.