
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Pokémon GO is Amazing and Disturbing! · 3:59pm Jul 11th, 2016

Micro-update: Working on two fics still outside of my Ahuizotl fic, which only updates when I need to take a break from other works. Those two projects are going slow, but steady, but I'm still not ready to roll out. Gonna try to write them 100% first and then post them up here once all the chapters are written and edited. Helps me not write myself into a corner, so please be patient!

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Report Rego · 289 views · #PokemonGO

Why I'm not getting into Pokemon Go · 11:56pm Jul 15th, 2016

For everyone that's on the internet (i.e. Everybody), the craze of Pokemon Go has been flooding social media, where even big name companies like the NBA are getting behind the craze.

And why not? It's practically every pokemon fan's dream come true, right? Where you go out into the world, and use your skills to find pokemon out in the wild and to build your own battle team!

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Dear Pokemon GO Players · 12:31am Aug 13th, 2016

As many of you all know, I am polytheistic AND Wicca and as such I practice the arts from the Arcana to Thaumatic practices. I respect here and all religions so long as no other shoves it down my throat like a throbbing cock ready to blow as soon as I say I'm not of their theism. But one day I was working at my UU church here in Greenville SC, a Pokemon GO player was found in a sacred site, a Human Ash Ground. We soon found out that not only the main hall was a pokestop, but this Ash Ground

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MYSTIC FTW (Pokemon Go) · 11:18pm Aug 8th, 2016

What team are you guyz in?

Instinct,Mystic,or Valor?

Also, I don't want people giving me reasons on why they don't play Pokemon Go, or why it's bad. (any comment with that will be deleted.)


My Pokeman GO adventures have reached peak Watch Dogs. I took down a gym by myself, on foot, while hiding from patrolling trainers in vehicles. · 4:06am Jul 11th, 2016

(Exhibit A: Me as a Pokemon Trainer and not at all Aiden Pearce from Watch Dogs)

So today to reward myself for finishing my newest chapter of "The World Inside Aurora Ray," I decided to take a walk and look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO. I thought "the school is close by. Let me see if they have Pokemon."

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results