LEGO Jurassic World · 3:24am Jun 22nd, 2015
You get to the play as the dinosaurs.
Would love to know how happy I am towards this. :).
You get to the play as the dinosaurs.
Would love to know how happy I am towards this. :).
This is my final blog you guys have given me a great two years on this site... but do to my personal life, work and other things I will no longer be on this site I've made many friends who I've called brother and sister and I've also made many loves that ended with heartbreak on here.
It's over. It's finally over. After five years of dealing with anxiety depression and suffering mental stress, I'm here to announce that I have finally moved on with my life. That means I can now put my past behind and start focusing more into the future of my career and life. But does this mean that I'l leave the fandom and stop watching MLP? Guess what- I won't. And do you want to know why? Because I can see what I did wrong. Everything that I've been told of being a faliure and a nobody made
Hey guys, been a while huh? So, I realize that I’ve drifted away from the whole “monthly update” premise and have kinda gone quiet. Well, to start things off, progress on the latest chapter of Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined has been, slower than usual. I’m finding myself in a bit of a slump. I can’t say for sure what the reason is. Could be my ADHD kicking my butt, could be my irregular work schedule, could be the endless amounts of distractions that seem to grab my
Okay so school has been stressing me out quite a bit and is giving me no rest at all, and I can't write more stories and try to write like 2 essays at once. I love you all hons, and ya'll should take care of yourselves. I may or may not come on every once in a while to write a little bit here and there, but other than that, I think we're good.
Take care my lovelies! <3<3
Hi all! It's 1am here, so I'll be brief.
Change of Heart: Ch. 4 is in progress, about halfway written. Should be out in a week or two, editors willing.
A Change in the Wind: Ch 10 is also in progress. Completely planned out, working on writing it, should be out in the next few days.
My dad once posed a riddle to me. You and your family wash up on an island. You're the first to wake up. You decide to go to try and find food because you know everyone is going to be hungry when they wake up, and after some looking, you find some food.
Do you eat first or start taking the food back to the shore?
Thank you all!!! I never expected to get even 10 followers. Thank you so much for supporting me. I love you all I checked my stats and my top story is still my very first one on this website, despite how inexperienced I was when writing it.
P.S. Sorry I haven't been active in a while. Like, a long while. This school year has been crazy. Hopefully this summer I'll be more active
Thanks again!
Life's going to reach those points where things are going to seem bleak and pointless, your mind's going to delve into dark territory and you're going to start thinking about what all you've done and if it's worth anything... if your life is worth anything. Emotions take control, what little you've done might be targeted and you'll end up feeling like everything you've done, no matter how small, doesn't make your life worth it...
Worth living.
Likes and faves are going fast, and I'm really happy this story is finding an audience. I've been wanting to write a comedy series for a while, so thanks! (It will probably only update once a month due to my If You Give a Little Love schedule.)
The cop procedural will star Scootaloo, on her scooter, with one of those police sirens you can win from Chuck E Cheese's. I've had this idea for years now, actually, but if the medical drama goes well enough, who knows.
Been very busy the past few months with a new puppy and job hunting. But Fallen Twilight will be getting an update in the next few weeks. Thank you all who are keeping up with the story for waiting! I love you all.
- The Sign Painter
To celebrate, I'll ask you a question. A question I've actually been looking forward to! And here it is:
This could include canon characters, OCs, or even real people. Absolutely anyone. Also... since it's my 200th...
Stache points for the first guesser of that reference... Also...
Bad News is, OP is not a faggot, despite all the rumours to the contrary. You can all go home now.
Good news:
Happy turkey day, people who celebrate turkey day! And for people who don't, too, for the record. I guess you don't need to get in on the stuffing-full-of-stuffing to enjoy the general atmosphere of family togetherness (which, hopefully, is a good one for y'all.) For folks who aren't that closely knit, i hope the day's a day of free-floating good feelings; for the folks who are closely knit with your kin, then i hope you have an absolute Norman Rockwell of a time.
Last year, our decision to go to BronyCon '16 was somewhat spur-of-the-moment in that we made few plans and had just as few social "obligations" for lack of a better word. There were some friends that wanted to meet up with us and that was about it. We had a great time, of course!
I just didn't know then what an absolutely amazing and thoroughly wonderful time it could have been… and was this year.
Holy crap you guys are awesome and I love you all
Thanks for following my horse stories and horse words and stuff and never stop being you okay
Hello, everyone! I know that not many people read the blogs, but I just wanted to talk to you all for a minute.
Haha! Since I am such a loving and awesome King, I have decided to award you all, with a double update! This is also for helping me reach 100 watchers, for sticking by my side, and generally being awesome people!
I hope you enjoy!
Hey, everyone! If you don't live under a dang rock on this site, you more likely than not have heard of An Intricate Disguise and what he's been going through lately. If you haven't, you can read it Here and an update on the situation