Live Stream · 8:53pm Dec 13th, 2017
Doing a YouTube Live Stream for anyone who wants to ask questions:
Doing a YouTube Live Stream for anyone who wants to ask questions:
Once more I'm doing a little live stream of me playing some games on here! For all fans of my stories that want a little Q@A simply come here all questions will be answered but no spoilers what so ever! Come watch me rage and suck...or a little of both
doing pokefusions so for you guys who read fearful way. come join over here
i will be doing some pony too
offline now
feel free to come and join me for my Twitch Stream. I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2
only on for around 3 hours
Edit: Now closed. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
Hey there, peoples.
Some of you may know or recoginze the artist Celebi-Yoshi, who's responsible for a lot of really awesome art about ponies. Like this one:
Hello everyone! As the title says, I will be (potentially) live streaming today at noon CST so if you want I'll be streaming from YouTube so that will get everyone involved.
Oh I never mentioned what I was streaming. I'm going to playing The Walking Dead seasons 1 and 2. I'll start the stream at 11:30 and begin playing at noon so look for SCP Pinkamena on YouTube and i'll look forword to seeing you all.
~Run with me,
SCP Pinkamena
So I know I don't post on here as often as I should, and I am trying to actually get some writing done. But for now I've started Live Streaming video games on the weekend to alleviate some boredom, and I'm probably going to start streaming my writing as well. Come check me out if you want.
Markiplier is streaming Toys for Tots charity live stream! I'm not forcing anyone the donate even though it would be nice, but please do watch. Its funny as hell! Murry Curssmurs eeryone!
And my pal Greenfinger's drawing me a free commission on his Twitch stream after 4 pm Central today. It'll be Gadget cosplaying as something... appropriate. Come and hang out... or just think of me and raise a toast with your afternoon/evening drink of choice. 🥂 Edit: Stream's over, but you can watch the recording!
As some of you may or may not know, I am playing a live stream series of me playing X-Com with my soldiers named after bronies I know, some of them famous authors and artists. The stream will be starting tomorrow at 7PM Eastern time and will go to 9PM Eastern time.
Here we have it folks!
Whose ready to ask me questions? Go nutz? nothing is off the table so go in and ask away or tear me apart.
I hope to see you there Friday on barcast or my own twitch:
My Twitch:
Barcast's Twitch:
Also yes I will be talking about publishing my book coming out in Feb.
Quickie bloggen just to say I'm live on as I try to make new images for Fullmetal. Come join, chill with Strong Bad tunes, and see how I can make Flash Sentry's cutie mark seem important.
Edit: Yes, I can.
This is just lines, people. Simplicity is best!
Drop by if you're bored.
Just a reminder that Greenfinger will be drawing the new cover of The Iron Horse live on Twitch today @ 4 pm Central US Time, and I'll be co-commentating! Hope to see you there!
So to make sure you get email updates from your authors, I've been asked to show this.
Under your bookshelves you can set them to send email reminders, I've done this to my tracking and favorites shelf, I suggest yall do the same and make sure your email is up to date.
Hello people who follow me!
This is your friendly neighborhood Neon here with an announcement!
Dat Silver Spoon
So some updates! I'm currently working on a new story for you all, kinda in the planning stages for it right now but I hope to have it out by next week or the week after. I'm not gonna spoil what it's about but I hope you all enjoy it.