Illya Leonov NEEDS help · 7:37am Mar 28th, 2019
Illya Leonov is a fanfic reading brony who’s been given the nickname Morgan Freepony due to his surprising similar voice and he needs help.
This is his story here;
Illya Leonov is a fanfic reading brony who’s been given the nickname Morgan Freepony due to his surprising similar voice and he needs help.
This is his story here;
This story just got an audiobook reading by Illya Leonov and friends, and I have to say, it sounds wonderful.
Illya Leonov has done me another kindness and lent his deep rich voice to the reading of my story, Space, Intentionally Left Blank. I am approximately twice as pleased as punch. Please have a listen! You can also listen to it, or download it, at Soundcloud.
I've made a new module for my profile page, below the eBooks module. This new one as you might suspect, features Audiobooks. It was done in part to help Illya Leonov get his own started (if he does decide to do so), and part because I will, eventually, someday, have completed the reading I've started for A Voice Among the Strangers. I doubt I'll finish that this year. I barely started, and that was as of last
Illya Leonov, as I'm sure you're all aware, does absolutely fantastic fanfic readings. I'm so happy and thankful that he's read the second of my little stories about dragons. He breathes so much life into the words, it's amazing.
Give it a listen!
If you're here on FiMFiction, it almost certainly means you like to read stories. But what about listening to stories? Ponyfiction has a deep and talented body of fanfic readers, and if you enjoy audiobooks, you no doubt know at least a few of their names.
Enormous thanks to Illya Leonov for this absolutely lovely reading of one of my less well-known stories. Gave me legitimate goosebumps.
I returned from the wilderness this weekend, having managed to avoid falling down scary glacial cliffsides, to discover that fanfic audio reader Illya Leonov has once again paid me the honor of creating a marvelous audiobook from one of my works!
I just got a surprise PM from Illya Leonov that he and "some friends" had recorded an audiobook of my Equestrian origin fable, The Dragon's Riddle. What Illya didn't mention is that those friends are a rogue's gallery of other top-tier fanfic audioreaders (DeftFunk, Goombasa, and Scribbler), and the result is a 10-minute collaboration that both nails the
While I was going crazy putting together an entry for this weekend's Writeoff Association competition (check out the 36 submitted stories here! There's currently a preliminary round, and voting on the finalists will be open to the public next week), another brony was out there doing something y'all should appreciate!
We have passed through the dark night of the... *hrmhrm* never mind.
In any case, I've got internet back!
No more trips to Starbucks for poorly disguised bids for wifi...
Anyway, this will make uploading new chapters much easier. Don't forget to check Illya's channel on Sundays for chapter updates!
Again, I will start updating the Bandcamp page as soon as Youtube is caught up.
First - I've been reading everyone's comments on the audio version of Pirene. You guys are amazing.
Thank you so much for supporting this enormous endeavour.
I'm incredibly lucky to be working with Ether Echoes, the mastermind behind Pirene and its universes, on this, and Illya Leonov (aka Morgan Freepony), who has brought so many fics here to life with his beautiful voice and warm narrative style.
On to the audiobook -
Welcome to the nineteenth episode of our podcast investigating the world of pony fanfics! Them's Writin' Words brings together a group of dramatic readers, voice actors and artists from the MLP fandom to discuss and review a fanfiction chosen by one of us to discuss for your listening pleasure.
Sorry for my relative silence lately — I've been getting sucked into family and housecleaning thanks to the recent holiday, plus things have gotten crazy in the best possible way at work. Later this week is the vote for a $16 million grant application my employer has been coaxing through the wheels of bureaucracy for the past three years, and all the signs point to yes. We've been working sort of in startup mode for the past few years, and this is when everything suddenly starts to pay off.
So, yeah. Apparently some dude going by the name of Illya Leonov did a reading of one of the short stories in my Magic: The Gathering-themed collection. Specifically, I Have No Ears, And I Must Hear.
If you're following me, you may already know about the minific collection I curate titled Never The Final Word: stories — both my own and others' — which were originally posted as comments to other fanfics, designed to reinterpret or extend the source story. If you've been curious about the collection, but have been waiting for a good starting point to jump in at, then yesterday it just got doubly easier!
Y'all remember how I wrote a tribute to Cold in Gardez's "Lost Cities" a couple weeks back[1]? And if you follow Illya Leonov's fanfic readings on YouTube, you may be aware that he also did a series of readings for the original.
I had meant to write a blog post that tortuously wound around to the tagged story, but while I was typing, I got a PM:
Over the years, several fandom YouTubers have created audio productions of stories from the Horse Voice bibliography. These are now very numerous, and so for the convenience of listeners, I have compiled them here.
Many thanks to those who liked my stories enough to create these great renditions.
Illya Leonov: