New Story comes out this Sunday! · 11:41pm Feb 28th, 2019
Not a robot one this time, sadly, but I think y'all will still enjoy it. Doubly so if you're a Discworld fan.
Not a robot one this time, sadly, but I think y'all will still enjoy it. Doubly so if you're a Discworld fan.
Attached is an excerpt for my S8 premier-inspired fic, Daydream Warrior. Unless you've read my previous blog post about it...there's no way you're going to be expecting this.
In my homeland, no hippogriff has their head in the clouds. The expression itself doesn’t even exist, and if it does, it’s just one of the many spatterings of pony culture we’ve heard without exploring. It can never become one with us, and so we are never warned of the danger.