Applejack -vs- Flitter · 11:07pm Apr 17th, 2015
The Applejack -vs- Flitter chapter has now been published.
The Applejack -vs- Flitter chapter has now been published.
As I doodle notes and bits for various projects under construction, I am inspired by the strangest things. It's raining outside. Admittedly it's three days after Christmas, and it's Kansas, so we're used to strange weather, but it made me write a little on Substitute Librarian, and I thought I'd share some of the wet and chill. Enjoy below the break.
Hey everyone!
Been a long time! I have some cool news for you folks, I've been working with my good friend Recon on a very distant prequel to Flurry in Time! It's set a few years after the show (1700 years before FiT) and deals with Nyx as she struggles to become the mare she is destined to be. We've got war, explosions and ponies!
Go check it out!
The only colt on the school's cheerleading team has heard a rumor that Flitter, one of the cutest mare in Ponyville, likes anal sex, something he's quite curious about.
I forgot to post a blog last night when I uploaded it, but the sequel to Rarity Gets Jealous "Flitter gets Jealous" is up! It's only the prologue for now, but fear not, as the main story will be posted likely in the next week.
Enjoy and share!
It's dangerous to go alone, Daring Do. Here, take this. Daring prefers to work alone most of the time, but sometimes she needs some help.
The temple's name is based on a Rush song (as was the story's keyword: #2112).
Wrote some Spike shipping content with the real FamousLastWords. We tackled a cool shipping pairing of Spike and Flitter. If you're interested, you can participate in the scavenger hunt here.
Hope you all are having a good day/night! I'll have updates for the stories on here as soon as we finish the collab. :)
Flitter Gets Jealous was updated with the main body of the story! Check it out! Epilogue will be up tonight, too!
So I was introduced to this story by Hap and someone felt like this read like Full Life Consequences and I was without a doubt inspired and decided to make this video.
Hey everyone!
So, last night, I released my first new story in a year! I'm sorry it took so long, but between, work, stress, and some good old fashioned depression, getting the urge to write had been difficult.
So I woke up in Kyoto at 8am this morning to a literal earthquake of 5.3 magnitude that had it’s epicenter literally miles from my Airbnb.
We were stranded in Kyoto for most of the day because the public transport system was screwed, but made it safely to Osaka. I have Flitter with me and am taking pictures.
I have lots I want to write, and stuff will start to come out after I get back to the states next week.
Let the Fluttershy's sing.
Yes it is going to get finished. That's a promise, I'm just going to The My Little Pony movie and shorting Spike Harem, because I'm lazy, most chapters might take a while to write, but I'm going the A Mate For Spike rule, where chapters might be a little on the short side so I can have a easier time writing them.
Hello, avid fans of Cuddletrash.
In early 2018 I'll be releasing two stories. The first will be a Shining Armor/Twilight Velvet cuddlefic request that is LONG overdue on my part.
The next story, however, I will leave up to my followers! Either:
1. A 3rd person Royal Guard x Celestia Cuddlefic.
2. A 2nd person Human x Luna Cuddlefic.
3. A 3rd person Rumble x Flitter Cuddlefic.
It was pretty good! I had a great time, entered a costume contest, spoke briefly with a fellow fanfiction writer, and bought a whole ton of merchandise (including five plushies, because I have a problem).
Here are some ideas I'm working on as of January 2015. Probably not all of them will reach fruition.
* Cadence x Twilight ship/clop story with a dark side to it.
* Trixie farce. (DONE)
* Lyra x Lyra x Bon Bon x Twilight shipping/clop set in the Equestria Girls universe. (ONGOING)
* Follow-up to Fritter x Flitter
A long, long time ago, in an obscure story known under an overly-long title Way To Go, Minuette, Way To Go!, I wrote that certain ponies in Ponyville may be special agents in Princess Celestia's secret service...
Well, I was wrong about their identity. But hell, apparently there are special agents in Ponyville after all:
9 months and 5 days ago we started writing. 103 Chapters later, and we've finally reached 200 upvotes.
Congrats, writers, and thank you, readers for all your participation, comments, and views.