
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Fantasia is a fever dream. · 10:39pm Jul 20th, 2020

Rewatching it, I felt like I was watching Remy from Ratatouille taste cheese as the colors go off behind him. Fantasia is basically two hours of Remy tasting cheese. And the music is him listening to the sound of the bread crust.

But what kind of cheese do you have to eat to see demons?

Report BradyBunch · 233 views · #fantasia

The Disney Chronicles bookshelf · 11:07pm Mar 24th, 2019

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles

To Dinodisneylover1, i made a bookshelf about your Disney Chronicles series. Why? Because i love your stories about our favorite MLP cast going into famous Disney movies and others

Report ToonPup55 · 337 views · #mlp #disney #fantasia

Late Night Small Pretty Important Update Blog Post · 5:43am Jan 28th, 2016


Fantasia (1940) gives me the heebie jeebies · 12:25pm Oct 8th, 2019

While I do have an appreciation for classical music, I can't help having unpleasant and disturbing chills at the very end of the segments, The Rite of Spring and Ave Maria. As silence takes place in the remainder of the film, I had this thought that after it ends, something evil would pop up in the TV screen that would scare me to death.


About my Fo:E sidefic · 2:13am Jan 31st, 2016

Okay, I've been wanting to bring this up for those who favorite and liked my story. As of right now, I have the chapter in development but at the moment, I'm thinking of putting the story on hold. Now there's a reason as to why I'm doing this...

First, I have two stories I want to write up besides the Fo:E sidefic, those being the Lost Memories and the newly published Arise the Six Heroes of Grand Gaia.

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Announcement · 1:37am Feb 23rd, 2016

Both the first and third book of the The Known World series are available to read. They are both still on going however. To those who haven't read it, here's the link:

The Known World

The Known World - The Fall of the Parliament

Note: A few significant changes have been made to all the chapters.


Fantasia 2000 proposed script for Dinodisneylover1 · 8:03pm May 8th, 2019

The ponies and the cricket were shocked at how fast duke was going, then they saw the newspaper and when they read it, they knew what time period they were in.

Rome, Italy

The Young Six, Terramar and Merlin were teleported to a town and they slowly got up on their feet.

“Ow,” Groaned Yona. “That’s gonna hurt.”

“Is everyone alright?” Sandbar asked.

“We’re fine.” Smolder answered.

Silverstream looked around. “Where are we?” She asked.

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Back Where You Began · 10:12pm Oct 10th, 2020

In 2010, I was a melancholic basement child with no future and no aspirations.

In 2020, I'm a melancholic basement child with no future and no aspirations, but 6,000+ marsupials know that I exist.

So that's something.

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results