...of the hottest heat since I started doing these polls! I was wondering when I'd see some actual action between the Swarm and the Fission fans, but when I pitted the Swarm against itself, whoah, momma!
Seriously, LLW edged out Hive of Queens by one vote! That's what I call a close race!
With poll results that didn't really change in the slightest over the last 24 hours, A Hive of Queens takes this week's FF poll. As this will be my first chapter produced from start to finish while at my current job, I'm not sure exactly when it will be posted, but I'm aiming for posting it before Septem...no! No, I'm not going to do an overused meme! By September 31st.
Lost Little Wolf is back on the poll, but now the swarm must choose between TWO changeling fics, maybe this will give my other works a chance more than once every three polls?
What do my fans want me to work on next?
Serious question, actually. I've got three fics I really want to finish, and the most recent request regarding what I should work on next is for my Ranma 1/2/I My Me Strawberry Eggs crossover.
My horse-fiction fans will need to weigh in if they want to see Double Trixie Trouble updated first. ;)
The poll last week worked wonderfully, and here's this week's:
So we're nearly done. I had been hoping to wrap everything up in time for a Thursday release and do the first-time-in-over-two-years Fanfiction Friday, but my day job had people calling out sick (at least a few diagnosed with COVID-19 in one variant or another) in increasing numbers all week with no appreciable decrease in the workload, so by the time Friday rolled around, I hadn't had any of the extra time I usually would have at work to do the non-writing tasks associated with being an author
There's no good way to embed it, but here you go:
So once again it's time to do some votin' for what fic you want to see me chunk out a chapter of next.
A reminder to the Swarm: Little Lost Wolf is not on today's poll because it won two polls in a row. Place your vote for a different fic to get LLW back in the running.
A couple of notes:
I need to get a bit more organized (and handle a few other things) before I do another Fanfiction Friday. I'll definitely post one next week, though.
If you're new to my works, you can see what this poll will look like here. (That link also points you to my other works, if you're only familiar with my horsefiction and want to get an idea what else you might want to vote for)
I'm taking care of my daughter at the moment, but expect a new Fanfiction "Friday" poll before the end of Sunday.
Those who've been paying attention may have noticed that even though I've finished work on Lost Little Wolf ch. 8 I didn't do a Fanfiction Friday poll this weekend. This was on purpose, though the lack of post explaining it was not.
So the first part of Lost Little Wolf is done. I'm not planning on naming it "part 1" or anything, just that it happens to be the first major story arc is now complete. This also marks the point at which I wanted to be at so I could start doing actual votes/polls for Fanfiction Friday, so huzzah! Fanfiction Friday shall commence!
Here's how it will work:
I'm not quite to the point with Lost Little Wolf where I feel I've gotten out all the major foundational ideas yet, so this week's FFF will be dedicated to finishing up that particular work.
Polls will be opening up soon to vote on what I'll be working on for FFF, so if you haven't already, take a little time and read my other works so you know what you do and don't want to vote for:
Lost Little Wolf earned a new chapter thanks to the four people who voted for it. Second up was Double Trixie Trouble with two votes. A surprising last minute vote came in for Destiny with a Capital D, so at least one of you is an Ever After High fan.
(AppleDarling forever! I'll fight you on this...)
So look forward to a new chapter of LLW this coming Thursday.
So while the votes are in (Double Trixie Trouble with 100%...again) work on the fanfic is delayed until tomorrow at the earliest. I had some car trouble that totally screwed my schedule for today.
So today I took some time out of my lunch hour at work to hammer out some text for Double Trixie Trouble, and I'm happy to report that a fresh chapter is almost complete! I'll add the last bits before the weekend is out and post ASAP.
It does not, unfortunately, have any focus whatsoever on the eponymous mare or her human counterpart. Yes, it's yet more background and flavor.
It starts out funny enough that I'm hoping you won't care.
(click the above image to go to the poll)
So here we go! Time to get down and dirty, this is where the fandom shows their true loyalties!
(Also, where I wax hyperbolic to try and gin up more attention, but pay no attention to the princess behind the curtain!)
For those who need a refresher on the choices:
My job has finally decided that they're "caught up" and have reduced the general workload from 60-hr. work weeks starting at "KILL ME NOW' o'clock to a much more reasonable 40-hr. work week starting at 5:00 AM. This means that I'm not going to be stumbling home at 2:30 PM after a 10 hour work day and taking 3-4 hour naps followed by an hour of fueling up and getting ready for the next day, then following that up with another 3-4 hour nap before starting the process all over again. This means I