Yes! Cue the celebratory music!
What a way to end the game's DLC plan. I am actually surprised and kinda impressed. Shame about mods not working on a certain console. But here it is finally, the last DLC for Fallout 4 on August 30th.
Finally! Fallout 4's road is at an end now.
First off I fianlly get the chance to play Fallout 4 ( without it it keep on bloody crashing on me like it have been for the past few months now.) and just now when i thought i get into playing Fallout 4 again ( without it crashing) and this happen >3<
So, I heard from a friend, not sure if true cuz I haven't looked into it, but apparently someone sent 2k bottle caps to Bethesda and got a pre order of fallout 4 from it. Again, I haven't looked into it, but if it is true, then that guy is a crafty bastard.
I set up a small challenge for myself- to see if I could gather enough commissions to buy Fallout 4 by the release date. Considering that's tonight, looks like it ain't gonna happen :/
Ah well, Christmas is just around the corner- I can wait another few weeks, I guess.
Fight me.
For those of you who don't know. Pickman is a serial killer in Fallout 4 who targets raiders and gives them a grisly death. Then uses their blood to paint.
If you kill my wife and kidnap my child, not even North Korea can protect you from me. Kellogg's death was so satisfying.
I had been working on this review for a long while, and I wanted to make sure I get all my thoughts down on it before I posted, and so here it is. There will be minor spoilers in some aspects, so if you don't want any, just skip this review entirely.
So let's take a look at Fallout 4!
there appears to be a bit of a delay but HERE IS THE TWITCH STREAM OF FALLOUT 4 WHERE I’LL BE DOING FALLOUT 4 THINGS
Fallout 4 things
So it's 17 days before the month ends and you know what that means, it's finally November. You're probably wondering whats so special about that month, well that's the month Fallout 4 releases which is the bad news. I might actually disappear for a while so that sucks but I'm going to try and stay as active as I can in these upcoming days.
Ponies, ponies never chances!
Oh My bloody god, I am so tried. And I don't think there word to tell how tries i am at the moment. It just the past two week, work have getting busy with the holidays coming up and i have been so bloody focus/worry about keeping up on my classes, that my sleep have been off. SO I am planning on taking a break tonight since I am on top of everything at the moment. Planning watching the latest episode of Gravity fall ( since i miss it last night). And maybe play some fallout 4.
The task I have at hand on my job demands all my resources, and I really couldn't formulate a paragraph... but with this trailer, my brain went overdrive - it's already cooking new ideas for Fallout: Equestria Girls!
Now if only my job becomes less hectic, Chapter 14 will be done in five days (I hope).
Falling behind on updates, signifying my failing battle against set scheduling.
Working on next chapter of Magic and Confetti tonight. Introducing an important character, and can't settle on how to do it.
Next chapter of Chrysie's story should be good for Friday.
Scrapped my original set-up for the next chapter of FCC. Settled for something more fun. Whether or not it'll be done by Sunday is up in the air.