Why did you show the cat Dune?
Why did you show the cat Dune?
What the title says, basically. The new Dune movie is seriously good, and if you like Dune, or sweeping SF epics in general, you should go see it, preferably on the biggest screen you can. It's gorgeous! The movie follows the book much better than the Lynch film did, and lets the environment play a big role, as is fitting.
Yesterday, as part of Veteran’s Day (since a buddy had the day off) I went and saw the new Dune flick.
Dune by Frank Herbert
In the distant future, everything is different. Computers have been outlawed, replaced by human-computers known as mentats. Interstellar travel is possible, thanks to the Guild, which uses prescient navigators and space-folding ships to travel faster than light. Humans live longer than ever. All this is thanks to a substance known as Melange, the spice that can only be found on a single, inhospitable desert planet known as Dune.
Hello everyone! Although I have been largely inactive for the past eight billion years, I did manage to do some good. Dune Goddess, a short adventure story about a magical mentor, Princess Celestia, and her not-so-faithful student Sunset Shimmer, has been reworked and updated to match certain standards.
Hello all. I've had this thought rattling around the old noggin for a while, and thought I'd dash it off while I'm still waiting to depart on my trip.
I've seen a share of movies in the past several months, and while I've wanted to write up my thoughts on them for a while, I've not found it in me to sit down and do an in-depth writeup of them... so I thought I'd just compress the whole thing and do each movie as its own paragraph or two. Keep it simple and to the point.
To most of Equestria, the Bene Sediment are just one more eccentricity in the culture of rock farmers, a peculiar priesthood that propitiates the spirits of metals and minerals to provide bountiful harvests. And for most ponies, their knowledge of them, if they’ve even heard of them, ends there.