Reviews for Sunset Shipping Contest · 8:36pm Nov 5th, 2018
Time to review the honorable competition!
Time to review the honorable competition!
I'm getting more reading done at this con than I have all year up until now.
Three weeks in and I'm copping out - I had an early driving lesson today and went right to volunteering after, so I've had a full day with no time to read during it and I wanna relax tonight. But I do wanna post something, and the thought occurred in conversation to today that I've faved plenty of stories and left comments, but haven't cataloged them with my reviews.
Been a long time since I’ve done this. Reason is mostly I tend to do one-shots for these since I can digest them easier, longer fics, which I read sparsely anyway, tend to just leave me with general impressions rather than details when looking back. But, hey, I got enough to do one of these and it has been a while, so let’s go.
BTW, random note, the RIL list is where I store my fav clopfics away from public eyes. May work up the guts to do a review blog on them one day, we’ll see.
Haven't done one of these in too long but I feel I should do something at EFN on the Fimfiction front, and I need to keep occupied between events, so I’m gonna knock out some reviews! Come back tomorrow for more, if I can manage it.
We open on a story I felt kinda pressured to read and it was as good as any to begin on.
For today's review we have one singular story of a longer fic, Crusade at Midnight Castle by Carabas
Was bored while out today and amused myself with a pick from my Read Later list, “Twilight’s Bird Feeder”
As promised the week before last, time for some Everfree Northwest stories!
After a multi-chapter fic last week, let's knock out some oneshots.
Well, not really - see I was basing that number on the number of reviewed stories in my folder, but at a look at the GDoc it turns out that the actual number of reviews is 103 - it's just that four of them have been removed from Fimfiction since my reviews.
Let's get some actual new reading done today!
I've been a judge for the Fimfiction Feghoot Festival, and had to read ten stories for it. In the interests of national security, I can't tell you the details of the judging process or else I'd have to kill you. But I have been authorized to do reviews for the ones I read, so here we are.
So let's get the ball rolling by knocking off the short one-shots first!
Over the weekend Filly Fantasy VI and I will be engaged in an all-you-can-code smackdown. Custom events, bugfixing, gameplay coding editing, playing through the final dungeon. One man. One rom. One survivor. No mercy.
But for now it's 8 PM on a Thursday and I'm not up to starting on that mountain tonight. Instead, let's read some ponyfics. Only three tonight because I'm not up for multiparters for casual reading.