bookplayer wrote a very interesting blogpost, Agency and Character Development in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, arguing that "Crusaders of the Lost Marks" does a disservice to Diamond Tiara (DT)'s character, by blaming her having been a bitch on her mother. It's a really good blogpost, and the comments are good, too. Some of these comments became blog posts of their own, at least those
In the realm of cricket betting in India, where the fervour for the sport is unmatched, finding a reliable platform to engage in betting activities is crucial. With a plethora of options available, discerning punters seek a provider that not only offers a seamless betting experience but also prioritises security, transparency, and an extensive array of betting opportunities. Amidst this landscape, Diamond Exch emerges as a beacon of excellence, renowned as the premier destination for cricket
Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. The story I'll be reviewing is a special one because it is in first-person point-of-view. The story is called 'Heart of Diamonds'. In this story, Rarity finds a five-year old orphan human boy name Conor. I enjoy this story because one of the stories that proves that which is broken can be mended only by love. What I don't enjoy is the mention of child abuse. I'm happy to give this story a 9.5 out of 10.
SO I just realized that Diamond Dancer's story got all wrapped up nicely. since EQM isn't really a thing anymore, I think it's safe to close the book on her story.
Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:
Happy Appulween!
There are, at the time of this blog being published, 129,247 stories on FIMFiction?
And of those 129,247 stories... only 446 have the "Diamond Dog" tag?
That's about 0.35%.
this is how I feel like after watching "A Single Pale Rose"
but I got to say... pink diamond is cute
My Patreon:
Steven Universe just dropped the mother of all bombshells, and there are many interpretations on what it means and what it says about Rose Quartz, but I think there's one important things that needs to be said to understand what has happened: Rose Quartz's fatal flaw.
Steven Universe belongs to Cartoon Network and Rebecca Sugar.
Thanks so much for all the views, I didn't know that many others would want to read the crap that I write, but I guess I'm not as ####ty as I think I am.
Hope to write more!
~Paul (Derpysasuke)
For the lounges time I've always used Lock Pick as my personal OC but after looking at it I decided that I'd want how I'm portrayed in the fandom to stand out more. So I made a no pony OC since there aren't too many of them so here he is
Surprise Fanart done to show the moment Diamond Tiara's heart shattered and became a Nightmare.
Be sure to tell the artist what you think!
New Story, how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon first became friends. Set in the pony pov verse.
Soooooooooooo... anyone feel like subbing to me on YouTube? My name is Diamond Noodles. My pic is the one with a pikachu.
Howdy, y'all.
I think it's obligatory that I lead this off with the following warning: if you haven't seen the latest episode, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, and if you intend on seeing it at some point, turn back now. A lot of stuff happens in the episode. Stuff you don't want to be spoiled on. Trust me on this one.
You have been warned.
In a nation like India, where cricket isn't just a sport but a fervent passion uniting millions, the appetite for betting and gaming is insatiable. Diamond247's rise of online platforms has not only provided convenience but also opened up a new realm of possibilities for enthusiasts. Among the plethora of platforms emerging in this domain, Diamond Exchange ID stands out as a pioneer, offering a comprehensive and secure online casino experience tailored for Indian users.
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Edit - turns out I can't read a calendar! Updated with the correct release date.
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So I was looking over all of my stories, and I had recently seen how much the readers and followers (that's all of you reading this blog) have enjoyed certain tales that I have made. So much so that I have made a toll.
1st- 'Cuddles, Please?' w/ 119 votes.
2nd- 'Reunited With Diamonds' w/ 90 votes.
Do we ever see her again? She’s reformed now; it’d be cool to see more of her character