I Don't Like Cutie Marks · 12:28pm Nov 12th, 2016
First off, it's Veteran's Day, so if like to say thank you to everyone who has served in the armed forces for our country. Seriously, thank you. Now on to why I don't like cutie marks.
First off, it's Veteran's Day, so if like to say thank you to everyone who has served in the armed forces for our country. Seriously, thank you. Now on to why I don't like cutie marks.
Why do I keep making talents with no clear idea of what the Ye Olde mark would look like? Why do I keep doing this to myself?
You might have noticed that I've marked Helping Ponies as Complete. It is. And I'm pretty happy about it. But the story isn't over just yet. I'm working on a sequel. When I've got a decent store of chapters finished I'll start posting them. But for now? For now...
Hello there. Another week, another episode. this week's episode was a little "fun" to track down. Firstly, I wasn't able to find it on my TV. Then I came to learn that it had been taken down from Youtube, and finally It was really glitchy on DailyMotion. Thankfully I was able to find it on kisscartoon.com and the quality was decent. Anyway, This week we met a new griffon Gabby, who was a real hoot to watch (pun intended). it was interesting to see some more of the Griffon culture, if even just
Alright so after days of countless (not really) I finally have it. Here it is Hailstorm's cutie mark:
Did the best I could with the swords, but yup there it is. Meant to do this a little after I posted chapter 10, but hey better late then never.
I spend a lot of time thinking about cutie marks, and I get that that’s a little weird. Something about the concept feels idyllic, yet somehow within grasp. Cutie marks are emblematic of The Thing I feel is missing in our world of squishy humans, and the lack of them somehow feels like it’s at the root of every other important problem. No matter what the problem, it could have been solved if only the right person had found their cutie mark.
I’ve spent some time meditating on cutie marks as specifications, and I’ve learned… too much. My brain is still refactoring. The short version is that there’s a close relationship between sub-specifications and sub-systems. A lot of things follow from that simple statement. Too many things...
We’re all robots, on the inside.
It's like a cutie mark. How do you know till you find it? I've honestly never felt more sympathetic to the cutie mark crusaders, the last one even more so than the two who get theirs first. My two best friends are going into vocal music and neuroscience. I'm the only one left.
I have many majors I'm looking at, but these are my top 3 with explanations.
1. Engineering (general): I love solving problems. Just as simple as that.
Last week I was doing a big public outreach event called Curiosity Carnival (see my Particle Gadgeteering blog if you’re curious). Among all the publicity material we had prepared, some adverts featured the quote from Albert Einstein:
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.
The photo upload option on for blogs sucks ass.
I guess I'll have to describe the image and joke.
You know that one episode where Luna and Celestia get their cutie marked switched? Luna being tired in the first part of that episode is me on Mondays hungover and tired after spending 8-10 hours at a sports bar eating hot wings, drinking beer and watching football on Sundays.
Laugh dammit. Or you'll wake up with a hangover.
Look it up. Like, right now.
We all know that cutie mark appears when ponies make a realization of something about themselves, usually regarding their innate talents and abilities, but that's only part of the equation. There's actually a question regarding them that has yet be addressed, by fans (to my knowledge) and the series proper, one that's been bugging me for some time now.
Ok Discord is a pony but why doesn't he have a Cutie Mark? Cause he is evil or have they said and I missed it. And why are people upset about the CMC and their Cutie Marks. I am glad they got em they worked so freaking hard I just hope they have em in the new Equestria Girls movie and the theatrical movie that releases in 2017 (that is if they even make an appearance)
Philosophers of the late middle ages and early modern era sought what we call the macrocosm within the microcosm - a unity between universe and self.
...even if it would make life simpler since I already have the words to hand, I will not translate "cutie mark" into Eldraeic as trakveth láril (lit. "butt sigil").
...no, not even if it would let me formalize the science of "hindquarter sygaldry", which is probably the best phrase I've coined this week.
Cheese Sandwich’s cutie mark kinda looks like an accordion.
Do you know? Well, it's okay if you don't. Nopony does. It’s not canon yet. That's where a headcanon comes in handy.
After Sweetie Belle discovers the ways of dark magic, she’s about to find out the origin of Snail’s cutie mark in the newest chapter of
This is a genetic disorder whose exact causation is poorly understood, and whose consequence is that the sufferer's Cutie Mark either never appears (Type I Adermosignia, true "Adult Blank Flank Syndrome") or appears late, generally in mid to late adolescence (Type II Adermosignia, or "Adolescent Blank Flank Syndrome"). The initial condition required for Type I Adermosignia is a paired recessive gene (meaning that both parents must have the same recessive); some other genetic requirement seems
decided to dick around,
AND WELL, WE HAVE A NEW CHAPTER MADLADS. Well, sort of. It's still a work in progress. Gonna be real short and sweet. if you care to take a peek, lemme know! Be out within a day or two.
-Scott Grimm
Having re-watched Crusaders of the Lost Mark, what strikes me now (with the benefit of hindsight) isn't what grabbed me the first time. It's not the music, or the symmetry in the storytelling (where the CMC's earn their marks by extending kindness to the very pony whose anti-blank-flank cruelty had brought them together in the first place).