Finished chapter 4 of the upcoming story! · 8:39am Apr 23rd, 2020
Chapter 5 is gonna be where the real fun begins...
Chapter 5 is gonna be where the real fun begins...
I made changes to the Last Chapter:: Coming Together
In case Pull Me Closer was enough of a mess already
The former ending was a last minute change that I quickly regretted
So I have Altered The Last Chapter to be Much Better than before
It's only about the last 500 words of it
So if you've already read it
Please at least give that part a reread for the canon ending
Hey, guys!
A quick TL;DR for those that haven't seen Forgotten Friendship: a new Compati chapter is out! Go read it!
For those that have seen Forgotten Friendship (or those that don't mind a few light spoilers), below the break are a few things I felt like touching on just because.
I'm going to Bronycon
If anyone else here is going and wants to meet up let me know
Leave a comment
I'd love to meet some of you
Also, if you do manage to find me in person
I'm planning on doing a couple of Free Commissions
For anyone who wants to hang out at the con
So if you're interested in that also let me know
it's for a project I'm working on
If you're not going to Bronycon and just waiting for me to post another story
My bad on taking a long time
I may have made a mistake last night, posting four songs, but I'm sure that I can think of four more car songs!
1978 Pontiac Firebird, with one of the awesomest paint jobs I've ever seen. (The old Ford next to it is pretty nice, too.) I was gonna post a pic of a GTO, with the song "GTO," but that song wasn't as good as I thought. Instead, here's a lovely song about a Firebird:
The New chapter is about ready, I just need to do some final editing
If you read Pull Me Closer back when it first came out then my bad on the long wait
Writing this chapter was just a bit of a mess, so let me explain what's gonna happen
The new chapter ended up being split into 3 Different Pieces::