UtM bonus chapter launches tonight... · 5:08pm Jan 16th, 2017
Be prepared!
Going to be putting a big push on to get the trial finished off by Xmas in one or two chapters starting this weekend. I may go with a single, double-length chapter for the climax. Some questions remain with me, Leo and others offering up different proposals for that climax, but fear not--we'll work it out. We always do.
A huge milestone! Thank you, one and all. I wish I could offer up a reward for that, but with multiple stories in progress and a third beginning renovations, there's nothing I could write that would please everyone. Some people are here for my warfics, while others like my clop. Still others joined up after my Twilight visits Chernobyl one-shot, and more than a few of you, I'm sure, are still waiting
To compensate for a depressing last couple chapters, a much happier one awaits with awards and other honors for all. Expect a surprise appearance by a barely-heard-from pony that may well have what it takes to truly humble Firefly. You will also see how gryphon war preparations are proceeding, including how they're going to counter pony weather control. Be warned that being the weather nerd I am, you might see me geek out on the subject. But hopefully the included graphics will make up for
Hopefully, anyway. It's not quite done yet. I have--I think--about 1-2k words left to write on a chapter that's already approaching 10k words. Major M-rated action ahead, folks, but no teasers or spoilers as to the who or what--it's the kind of chapter where I'd rather people come in cold and be surprised; get it full force. And for those who prefer the story plot to the other kind, don't worry--expect a surprise cameo, a decent amount of worldbuilding and character development,
After working on the new Eros chapter for over a week but never finding it easy or enjoyable, I finally figured out why.
Make that two chapters, since the total length of what I’ve written is 22.5k words, and likely to be closer to 25k when all is said and done. Yep, this chapter just kept growing and growing. In the end, that’s way too big for a single clop chapter, and I have a natural breakpoint in the middle. So it is officially getting broken up, but at least that means you’ll be getting two new chapters in fairly short order.
My job is interfering, as well as worries over a couple troubled friends. The chapter is currently sitting at 11,326 words with at least 2-3k words more to go, meaning I was only able to put around 1800 words on it over the past week.
So the impossible happened and there was a bluepost about a clopfiction contest. That's not something you see every day so I decided, sure why not? It's been ages since I've written anything and I need fresh inspiration. So I'm going to be entering a story with lesbian futanari centered around a pony I haven't really talked about before that I'd built concepts around way back in 2016 for my work on Foolers Rush In. No
The three Call of Duty: Equestrian Warfare chapters I promised Raven Regios are complete and should be posted shortly. If you're at all interested to see how Call of Duty would play out in Equestria, give it a look. Next up, as promised... The Lawyer and The Unicorn, Chapter 15. Working title: "Client Compatibility." At least two major adult scenes, and one major surprise planned. 800 words written
Started it on a whim last Sunday and going to try to release it this weekend. It's the first of a series of bonus chapters describing what happened during UtM through the eyes of other Mane 6 members, written by them as addendum to Sunset's text. And first at bat... is Applejack! Be afraid, folks...
I updated the two Order of Battle bonus chapters with additional information about the Office of Owls, Ravens, Red Talons and even a blurb on Princess Celestia herself. Minor changes only, all in the auxiliary units sections. Also modified the fight
Been a wild ride, but it has to end... for now. In suitably appropriate manner, of course... In celebration of the 300th like, making it easily my most popular story to date, the epilogue goes live on Thursday morning.
A long road to get there, lasting nearly two years but I've finally cracked the Mendoza line. And as the story is also now boasting well over 300 tracks, I have an announcement to make:
Really depends on a few factors- first I need to finish up most of my homework today.
Then I might want to watch AKA Jessica Jones on Netflix cause I've heard good things and I own her two series that she really debuted in.
Then Thanksgiving- Happy Thanksgiving BTW.
Hit 250 likes! Thank you, one and all!!!
But before that, I've decided that the last chapter was in fact too long and I'll thus be splitting it in half. Unfortunately, I can't do that without posting a new chapter even though it's not new content, so you will see that happen within the next few days. There'll be some tweaks, perhaps, but nothing too major will be changed with it as for the most part, I was quite happy with it. In hindsight, I should have broken it in two at the start and released the two chapters a week apart. 16k is
It had been my intention to shift over to Firefly after the last chapter, but I'm going to continue with Nightmare Night for two reasons: first and foremost, I find myself with momentum and a desire to continue it. And second? I got a lot more comments this time around. Thank you, one and all--it was appreciated and receiving so much favorable feedback gives me additional impetus to carry on with it.
So, now that I seem to have acquired a few more followers since "A Matter of Credit" was featured, I figure this is a good time to put up a blog post.
First off, upcoming stories and status updates on existing stories.
Well, having knocked all but one writing to-do item off my list for November, we move into December with yet another ambitious schedule. We're finishing off the TAS revamp, doing at least two new chapters for Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night, and hopefully at least one for Flight of Firefly, as well as work on my anthro novel. In between all that, I also have a bunch of stuff to preread for several different people; I believe that list is now four authors and eleven chapters